
  • 网络Underwriter;Lead Underwriter;dealers
  1. 如果市场上没有人买这些股票,承销商就会买下来。

    If the market will not buy the shares , the underwriter buys them

  2. 主承销商声誉与IPO抑价关系的实证研究二板市场上的主承销商

    The Relationship Test between Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underprice in Chinese Securities Market

  3. P与公司特质因素、公众信息因素之间的相关关系,检验了承销商在定价过程中是如何对待公众信息的。

    Relations are found among the price update and public information .

  4. 基于收益率分布分析的IPO承销商托市行为研究

    An Investigation of IPO Underwriters ' Stabilization Based on Analysis of Return Distribution

  5. 这篇论文建立了承销商如何确定最优IPO价格的模型。

    This paper presents a model of how underwriters determine the optimal IPO price .

  6. 承销商声誉与IPO企业质量关系的实证分析&基于我国A股市场的数据

    Empirical Research on the Relation of Underwriter Reputation and the Quality of IPO Firms

  7. 这说明中国IPO市场不存在明显的承销商托市,目前高抑价的原因不能用承销商托市行为来解释。

    This suggests that no aftermarket price support exist in China 's IPO markets .

  8. IPO市场上承销商托市的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Price Stabilization in IPO Market

  9. 承销商声誉与IPO企业质量的实证分析。

    Analyze the underwriters ' reputation and IPO enterprises quality by Positive Study method .

  10. 媒体报道称,投资者垂涎于这次IPO,承销商已被订单淹没。

    Investors have been described by the media as salivating and flooding underwriters with orders .

  11. 和大多数IPO不同,Cynk的IPO没有一个固定的承销商或代理商。

    Unlike most IPOs , it had no underwriter or brokerage tied to the offering .

  12. 本文认为,考虑到中国IPO市场的特殊背景,承销商声誉的形成高度依赖于证券监管力量。

    Reputation of underwriters at China IPO market depends highly on the strength of securities regulation .

  13. 薛琦表示,大约56家离岸公司计划在台IPO,并已经聘请了承销商。

    Some 56 offshore companies are set for an IPO in Taiwan , having hired underwriters .

  14. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)担任主要承销商,占市场份额的21.9%。

    Goldman Sachs is the leading underwriter , with 21.9 % of the market .

  15. 若按预期账面价值来计,承销商们为这家近在2007年还深陷负资产的银行赢得了相对于中国银行(bankofchina)的小幅溢价。

    Underwriters had won a small premium to Bank of China , on a forward book value basis , on behalf of a bank that was deep in negative equity as recently as 2007 .

  16. 主承销商声誉是影响IPO抑价率的重要因素之一,但在我国这一现象并不显著。

    It is no exception that IPO underpricing is a widespread phenomenon in the stock market of China .

  17. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与高盛(GoldmanSachs)将作为该公司的承销商。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) and Goldman Sachs ( GS ) served as co-lead underwriters .

  18. 摩根士丹利公司(MorganStanley)和高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)是Groupon首次公开募股的联合主要承销商,瑞士信贷银行(CreditSuisse)也将参与此次IPO的承销。

    Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are listed as co-lead underwriters , with Credit Suisse also participating .

  19. 举例来说,在阿里巴巴创纪录的IPO过程中,承销商同意收取1%的佣金。

    For example , underwriters on the record-breaking Alibaba deal agreed to a 1 % cut of the proceeds .

  20. 影响IPO抑价的因素是非常多的,承销商声誉是其中非常重要的影响因素。

    The influence factor of IPO underpricing is so much , and underwriter reputation is one of important factors .

  21. 百丽已选定摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和瑞信(CreditSuisse)为上市承销商,但两者昨日均拒绝置评。

    Belle has chosen Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse for banking advice , although both yesterday declined to comment .

  22. 新股发行分配中的承销商作用、机构利益和股权结构影响了中国股票市场的IPO抑价;

    Underwriters ' functions , institutional interests and equity structure in the IPO allocation influenced the IPO underpricing of China ;

  23. 通过实证研究发现,承销商的声誉与IPO抑价率成负相关关系。

    Just as previous research , I find that IPO underpricing has a negative relationship with the reputation of underwriters .

  24. 不过现在Zynga仍然面临着一个大问题&承销商和投资者会为它IPO给出一个怎样的估值。

    The big remaining question for Zynga is how underwriters and investors value its IPO .

  25. Facebook公司IPO的承销商投资银行摩根史丹利(MorganStanley)同意向马萨诸塞州的监管机构支付500万美元。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , a Facebook IPO underwriter , agreed to pay Massachusetts regulators $ 5 million .

  26. 第三部分阐述IPO决策机制,包括外部融资时机、定价、承销商的选择和IPO发行程序。

    The third section expounds the IPO decision mechanism including exterior financing opportunities , pricing , underwriter selection and IPO issuing procedure .

  27. 以此为衡量标准,今年前六名承销商均为外资,其中德银、高盛和瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)包揽了前三名。

    By this measure , the top six underwriters this year are all foreign , with Deutsche , Goldman and Credit Suisse heading the list .

  28. 证券监管效率和承销商声誉基于南方证券麦科特事件的案例研究主承销商声誉与IPO抑价率基于中国A股市场的证据

    The Efficiency of Securities Supervision , and Underwriters ' Reputation Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underpricing as Evidenced from Chinese A Shares Stock Market

  29. 为了应对内幕交易,金融厅也要求日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealers'Association)考虑采取一些手段,确保发行新股的企业及其承销商更严格地遵守规定。

    To tackle insider dealing , the FSA is also asking the Japan Securities Dealers ' Association to consider ways to ensure stricter compliance by companies issuing new shares and their underwriters .

  30. 绝大部分都是国有企业,他们获准ipo源于政治命令而不是来自独立的承销商。

    All but a handful are state enterprises , which are approved for an IPO by a political committee rather than by independent underwriters .