
Information Resource Accounting : a New Approach to Measurement and Assessment of the Benefit of Enterprise Informationization
This paper analyzes the evaluation indexs on enterprise informationization economic benefits , and it evaluates and predicates its benefits according to investigation data by using BP neural network method .
Application of Option on evaluation of enterprise information system project
The Economic Benefits Evaluation of Enterprise 's Informationization
Meanwhile , it has become a public concern of how to objectively evaluate the benefits of enterprise informatization .
The author analyses the economic benefit of business informatization by using the method of Cobb-Douglas Produce Function , schemes out the format of questionnaire and evaluation form and builds the evaluation index system , and carries out a comprehensive analysis of business informatization effect by exemplification .
NPV method is generally used on evaluation of enterprise information economic benefits . But this method neglects the opportunity value of projects .
It can guide the enterprise informationization to the direction of benefit , competitiveness and sustainable development .
Analyzing on option properties of the opportunity value of projects , the text constructs one model of the opportunity value of projects and puts forward one new analyzing tool for the evaluation of enterprise information system project .
Then , conducts the economical analysis of the enterprise informatization based on the volume flexibility , studies the value of enterprise informatization under the different volume flexibility levels , determines the most appropriate investment of enterprise information under certain volume flexibility .
This model can be used for directing modern enterprises to select talents , or appraising interior employee . Because the difference of individual informatization among the enterprises stuff is found out by this model , the level of EI and the whole profits is improved at last .