
  1. 企业年金理事会业务运作的风险控制

    Council on Annuity of Enterprise : Operation & Risk Control

  2. 得到四川省电力公司企业年金理事会的认可。

    The system is approved by the enterprise annuity board of Sichuan Electric Power Corporation .

  3. 对我国信托模式架构下的企业年金理事会的运作及年金基金运营流程中的风险管理和控制进行探讨。

    Operation of council on annuity of enterprise risk control under running of annuity fund by the way of trust model .

  4. 建立将年金资产信托给企业年金理事会,由其委托专门的机构进行运作,并由相应的机构对企业年金运行过程进行监管的机制是我国企业年金规范化运行的发展方向。

    The development direction of standard operation of occupational pension in China is constructing an operating mechanism , in which pension assets are trusted to a artificial person , and the artificial person can choose the special institution to operate , then operating process should be supervised by relative parties .