
  1. 企业资产保值增值的计量反映与考核评价

    The measurement and evaluation of VALUE-MAINTAINING and value-adding for enterprise capital

  2. 浅谈施工企业设备资产保值增值管理

    Briefly talking of keeping and increasing value to construction enterprises equipment

  3. 军队企业国有资产保值增值审计探讨

    Auditing value maintenance and increment of state-owned assets in army-run Enterprises

  4. 浅析企业资产如何保值增值

    Analysis on preserving value and increasing value of business assets

  5. 积极推行资产经营责任制确保企业国有资产保值增值

    Actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets , ensure value maintained or added of state-owned assets of enterprise

  6. 作者认为,积极推行资产经营责任制,是实现企业国有资产保值增值的有效途径。

    The author considers that it is effective way for realizing value maintained or added of state-owned assets to actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets ( RSMA ) .

  7. 铁路运输企业国有资产的保值增值探讨

    Studying the Value Preservation & Increment of State Owned Property in Railway Transport Enterprises

  8. 国有企业所有者追求资产保值增值,追求国有资产效益最大化,企业经营者也希望自身效益最大化;

    The owner of state-owned enterprise pursues value preservation and appreciation and pursues maximization of benefit of state-run assets . Operators of the enterprises hope that their own benefit is maximized .

  9. 坚持资本保全观,是正确确定企业收益,确保资产保值增值的一项重要财务、会计政策。

    Adhere capital preserve intact outlook is an important policy of finance and accounting which correctly ascertain the income of enterprise , ensure value and increase value of assets .

  10. 企业建立科学有效的长期股权投资管理模式和风险控制体系,对加强企业长期股权投资管理与风险控制,企业资产保值、增值具有重要的战略意义,是现如今众多国有企业采用的普遍投资方式。

    Establishing a scientific and effective long-term equity investment management model and risk control system help enterprises strengthen the long-term equity investment management and risk control , corporate assets , increase the value , which is full of strategic importance .