
  1. 企业信息化绩效多维动态评价指标体系的设计

    Multi-Dimension Dynamic Evaluation Index System Designing of Enterprises ' Information Performance

  2. 物流企业信息化绩效模糊综合评价模型与应用

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and its application to logistics enterprise informationization performance

  3. 第三部分是对制造业企业信息化绩效评价体系的界定。

    The third part is the definition of manufacturing enterprise information performance evaluation .

  4. 企业信息化绩效评估方法研究及实例分析

    Enterprise Information Performance Evaluation Method and Case Study

  5. 企业信息化绩效评估体系及其评价方法

    Enterprise Informatization Evaluation System and Method

  6. 第六部分为例证分析。运用本文提出的评价体系对某制造业企业信息化绩效进行评价,以此来验证所建立的企业信息化绩效综合评价模型的有效性和可操作性。

    In the part VI is exemplified analyzed . The use of the evaluation system in paper presented evaluate a manufacturing enterprise information performance .

  7. 根据评价体系特点划分评价标准并运用灰色模糊综合评价模型进行制造业企业信息化绩效的评价。

    The evaluation criteria is divided based on the characteristics of evaluation system and the use of gray fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model evaluates manufacturing enterprises information performance .

  8. 因此,本文将探讨如何对企业信息化绩效进行综合全面的评价。本文首先阐述了研究的背景、意义和创新之处以及主要内容和思路框架。

    Therefore , this paper will discuss how to evaluate the enterprise informatization performance comprehensively . Firstly , the research background , significance and innovative points and main content and the framework are elaborated .

  9. 根据公式得出企业信息化绩效指数,判断企业信息化绩效处于哪个等级,从而可以知道企业信息化建设水平以及需要改进的地方。

    According to the formula of performance index of enterprise informatization , enterprise informatization performance in which grade judgment , thus can know the level of enterprise informatization construction and areas in need of improvement .

  10. 分析企业信息化绩效评价中存在的问题,提出借鉴平衡记分卡的绩效评价思路,从产出角度对企业信息化绩效进行综合评价,并设计一套定性与定量指标相结合的企业信息化绩效评价指标体系。

    Analyzes the problems of the performance evaluation of enterprise informatization and evaluates the performance of enterprise informatization from the view of output based on the method of performance evaluation of balanced scorecard . Also designs a qualitative and quantitative index system .

  11. 本文在平衡记分卡与模糊理论的基础上,针对企业信息化绩效评价问题的特点,提出企业信息化绩效评价指标体系,建立模糊综合评价模型。

    This paper , based on the Balanced Scorecard and fuzzy theory , attempts to demonstrate the characteristics of performance evaluation of enterprise informatization , propose the evaluation indexes system of performance of enterprise informatization , set up comprehensive fuzzy appraisal model .

  12. 实践证明,在很大程度上项目管理能力的高低直接影响了项目的成败,但目前有关企业信息化绩效评价的研究尚还没有成熟的研究成果。

    The practice proved that , the project management ability has directly affected the project success or failure in the very great degree , but at present the research on the evaluation of enterprise informatization performance still did not have the mature research results .

  13. 笔者认为,将平衡计分卡这种科学的测评方法应用到企业信息化绩效测评中,无疑会在相当程度上提高我国企业信息化绩效测评的水平与精确度,最终促进我国企业的健康发展。

    The author thinks that the application of the scientific evaluation method of balanced scorecard to the performance evaluation of enterprise informationization will undoubtedly improve the standard and accuracy of the national performance evaluation in this field , and finally it will bring about a healthy development in enterprises .

  14. 目前已有的信息化指标体系难以同时兼顾处于不同信息化层次企业的信息化绩效评价的需要,针对此问题提出了制造业企业ERP系统实施中绩效评价的分阶段模式。

    Current enterprises ' informatization index systems can hardly evaluate the performance of information technology in different informatization levels .

  15. 企业会计信息化绩效评价的基本思路

    The Basic Thinking on Performance Evaluation of Accountancy Information Technology in Enterprises

  16. 认知视角的企业文化影响企业信息化绩效的实证研究

    Research on Impact of Organizational Culture on Enterprise Informationization Performance from a Cognitive Perspective

  17. 通过实证研究明确认识企业信息化投资与企业绩效的关联性是利用信息技术创造价值的基础。

    The use of information technology for value creation is based on Understanding link of information technology investment and enterprise performance by empirical studies .

  18. 因而,我国企业目前急需的是一套科学、系统、有效的企业信息化绩效评价模型和指标体系。

    At present what Chinese enterprises urgently need is a set of scientific , systematical , standard , and effective enterprise informatization achievements appraisal model and target system .

  19. 基于KPI的考核思想,结合企业信息化项目管理的关键成功因素,从企业的角度出发,构建了企业信息化项目管理绩效评价指标体系,从过程和总体两个角度来分别进行衡量。

    Based on the thought of KPI inspection , the union critical success factor of enterprise informatization project management , constructs index system of the enterprise informatization project management performance evaluation , separately carries on the weight from the process and the overall two angles .

  20. 企业信息化是一个企业的重要投资决策行为,涉及到各种资源的投入,而企业信息化的绩效如何,信息化的目标实现与否,却需要用客观的评价来说明的。

    Enterprise informatization is a very important investment . It is relative with the devotion of kinds of resources . The judgment of its performance depends on the results of assessment .