
cónɡ nán jué
  • baronet
  1. “我正在读《农业化学》,”这位风度翩翩的从男爵说。

    " I am reading the " agricultural chemistry "," said this excellent baronet .

  2. 他的祖父是位从男爵,积聚了万贯家财。

    His grandfather , who became a baronet , had amassed a great fortune .

  3. 我是说,如果骑士是从男爵的话&它们本来就是一样的呀。

    That is if knights were baronets-which they be .

  4. 从男爵说:我真想和你一道去伦敦。

    " I have a good mind to go to London with you . " said the baronet .

  5. 他在戎马生涯中始终不断犯错误,然而这些错误总是使他荣膺爵士、从男爵、勋爵或是别的什么称号。

    He has filled his whole military life with mistakes . Every one of them brought him another honorary title .

  6. 这样看来,从男爵和他弟弟在各方面都有理由成为冤家对头。

    So that the baronet and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears .

  7. 《德布雷特氏贵族名鉴》和《从男爵爵位》的编辑查尔斯季德说,乔治是个非常棒的名字,而亚历山大则可能是父母的私人选择。

    Charles Kidd , editor of Debrett 's Peerage and Baronetage , said George was a ' very fine name ' while Alexander would have been a personal choice of the new parents .

  8. 呐喊自由&从查泰莱男爵的残疾来看查泰莱夫人婚外恋的合理性

    Cry out for Freedom & Analyzing the Reasonable Love Affair of Lady Chatterley through the Baronet , sir Clifford 's Disability