
cónɡ zhònɡ xínɡ wéi
  • Herd behavior;the behavior of blindly conforming to the norm
  1. 金融市场中的羊群行为(HerdBehavior)是一种从众行为。

    Herd behavior in financial market is a kind of collective behavior .

  2. 基于元胞自动机的群决策从众行为仿真

    Simulation of the group decision conformity based on cellular automata model

  3. 从众行为与投机性泡沫的关系研究

    The Study on the Relationship between Herd Behavior and Speculative Bubbles

  4. 我国证券市场从众行为的实证分析

    A Real Diagnosis Study About Conformity on the Stock Market

  5. 对从众行为的再认识

    More on the realization of conformity

  6. 大型公共场所人员疏散模型研究&考虑个体特性和从众行为

    Study on occupant evacuation model in large public place : to consider individual character and following behavior

  7. 管理者支付结构变化是改变管理者从众行为的重要因素。

    The change of manager 's payoff structure is an important factor that changes his herd behavior .

  8. 羊群行为是证券市场中的一种从众行为。

    Herding behavior is a special behavior in security market that many investors tend to perform the same .

  9. 结果发现,有两点可以极大地减少一个群体里的从众行为:

    See , it turns out there are two things that can dramatically reduce conformity in a group setting .

  10. 从社会心理学的角度探讨了从众行为的分类、影响因素。

    From the perspective of social psychology , the research discussed the classification and influencing factors of conformity behavior .

  11. 然而,随着研究揭示了更多从众行为中的微妙性,地理模拟现在也正在经历某种变革。

    But geosimulation is undergoing something of a change , as research reveals more about the intricacies of herd behaviour .

  12. 本文侧重于其中一种行为,即管理者从众行为的分析。

    This thesis puts a particular emphasis on one of these activities , namely the herd behavior of the manager .

  13. 本研究旨在检视国内上市股票市场投资是否存在从众行为之现象。

    In this study the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden is examined for Herd Behavior with a market wide approach .

  14. 投资者的主要行为特征有从众行为和操纵行为,对股票价格具有不同的影响。

    The main behavioral characteristics of investors , there are herding behavior and manipulation of stock prices has different effects .

  15. 采用让被试选择玩具图片的方法,考察儿童在自己的喜好与群体发生冲突时的选择情况,试图从文化角度重新解释儿童从众行为发展的趋势。

    We examined how children made choices between two categories of pictures when their own preference conflicted with that of the group .

  16. 但对于你们这代人来说,这个问题尤其严重,因为你们的大量的从众行为大多带上了不走寻常路的伪装。

    But your generation has an especially bad case , because your mass conformism is masked by the appearance of mass nonconformism .

  17. 该模型考虑了人员的个体差异和从众行为,并重点分析了各种情况下从众行为对疏散行为和疏散时间的影响。

    The emphasis is put on analyzing the influence of the following movement on the occupant behavior and evacuation time in several cases .

  18. 本文通过梳理文献,确定了我国个体投资者表现突出的过度自信、从众行为、损失厌恶等行为偏差。

    By reviewing the documents , determined the individual investors in China of the outstanding overconfidence , conformity behavior , such as loss aversion behavior bias .

  19. 社会行为的模拟则通过个体行为模行及个体间的交互实现,其中包括竞争行为、排队行为、从众行为与跟随引领者行为等。

    Social behavior , such as Competitive , queuing , herding , and leader-following behaviors , is simulated through modeling of individual behavior and interactions among individuals .

  20. 主要结论是,管理者从众行为实际上是信息追随,目的是建立自身的信誉。

    The main conclusion is that the herd behavior of the manager is essentially informational cascade , the aim of which is to build up his reputation .

  21. 羊群行为是一种从众行为,我国证券市场羊群行为如此明显,主要是制度缺陷所导致的,是投资者在现实的特定市场环境下的行为选择。

    The obvious herding behavior in our securities market results from the institutional defects , and it is the behavior choice of investors in the specific market environment .

  22. 考虑到时间和成本的限制以及从众行为的影响,提出一种大群体一致性分析的自动算法。

    Taking into account the time and cost constraints as well as the impact of herd behavior , complex-Large group decision making consistency correction automatic algorithm is proposed .

  23. 接着将从众行为与市场操纵结合起来,建立了市场操纵者和市场追随者之间的不完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了市场操纵与博弈行为对股票市场泡沫的影响。ll、内容提要

    By combining herd behavior and market manipulation or game behavior , we establish a dynamic game model of incomplete information between market rigger and market follower and analyze

  24. 最近的研究显示,无论是现实群体还是虚拟群体,只要具有集体意识,在共同目标和利益的驱使下,就都可能出现相似的从众行为。

    Research now shows that similar behaviour can occur in both real and virtual crowds where they share a sense of collectivity , driven by common goals and interests .

  25. 此外,本文还发现,网购市场上存在从众行为,且大多数网购者具有较强的价格敏感度。

    In addition , we also found the presence of herd behavior on the online shopping market , and the majority of online shoppers with a strong price sensitivity .

  26. 机构投资者助长了这一局面,他们每个季度(或频率更高)都要评估基金经理相对于市场的业绩,而市场在很大程度上受到其他基金经理和交易员的从众行为的影响。

    Institutional investors connive in this by measuring fund managers ' performance quarterly ( or less ) against markets that are heavily influenced by the herd behaviour of other fund managers and traders .

  27. 提出了一个从众行为与投机性泡沫的关系模型,并借助于计算机对从众行为与投机性泡沫的关系进行了动态模拟。

    This paper presents a model about the relationship between herd behavior and speculative bubbles . With the help of the computer , the relationship between herd behavior and speculative bubbles is dynamically simulated .

  28. 通过综合分析人群行为特征及其影响因素,研究发现人群的从众行为、过度聚集和竞争行为是促发紧急状态并导致拥挤踩踏事故的主要原因。

    Through systemic analysis of crowd behavior features and related factors , research find out that the triggering of emergency state and crowded stampede accident are attributed to crowd comformity behavior , overcrowding and competition behaviors .

  29. 而有关投资者从众行为的理论因为其可能导致股市泡沫,使市场效率受损,增大市场的系统风险,便成为行为金融学最重要的研究内容之一。

    Herd behavior of investors could cause stock market forth , reduce the efficiency of stock market and increase the system risk of stock market . Recently , theory related to herd behavior of investors has become one of the most important parts in behavioral finance .

  30. 为了能够诱发个体的社会认同或者从众行为,本研究选择群体压力(有压力、无压力)作为诱发认同或者从众的因素,并以此设置了群体评分和个体评分两种外显评价任务。

    To encourage social identity of individual or herd behavior , I plan to choose group pressure ( with pressure or without ) as the reason which results in induced agreement or herd behavior and set both group score and individual score as two explicit evaluation tasks .