
  1. 从传统意义上来说,这并不是一个旅馆,而是变成了旅馆的整个村庄。

    It 's not a hotel , in the conventional sense , but rather a whole village turned into a hotel .

  2. 从传统职业转向商贸领域的巨大转变已然发生了。

    There 's been a dramatic shift away from traditional careers towards business and commerce .

  3. 从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。

    Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think , the mind responds with new solutions

  4. 从传统教育者的观点来看,这一结果表明,学校教育未能帮助学生思考生态系统和生物灭绝这些主要科学思想。

    From the standpoint of a traditional educator , this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about ecosystems and extinction , major scientific ideas .

  5. 我们要创新发展理念,从传统的要素驱动、出口驱动转变为创新驱动、改革驱动,通过结构调整释放内生动力。

    We need to be creative with our development approaches , to shift from the traditional export and factor-driven economy , to one based on innovation and reform , and to project a new impetus reform .

  6. 从传统事务到Web服务原子事务的映射

    Mapping from classical transactions to Web Services Atomic Transactions

  7. 从传统PID的原理出发,分析了它的优缺点。

    In this paper , advantages and disadvantages of classical PID are investigated from its basic principles .

  8. 冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后的止血方法经历了从传统到现代,从徒手止血到生物医学止血方法的演变。

    From tradition to modern , Hemostasis following PCI evolved from compression to biomedicine .

  9. P2P是一种新兴的对等网络架构,是计算机系统的结构从传统的集中式发展为分布式计算的新模式。

    P2P is a new peer-to-peer network architecture , it is a distributed computing mode which evolves from the traditional centralized system .

  10. 为解决这个问题,本文在matlab操作界面下,设计了大理石花纹的计算机自动识别系统,使大理石花纹从传统的感官评定人员的评分制转化为计算机识别,定性分析转化为定量分析。

    To solve this question , we design computer-identifying system of marbling at matlab . The paper change sensory estimate in computer identifying and change qualitative analysis in quantitative analysis .

  11. 使现代图书馆服务领域得以扩宽,从传统查询服务扩展到基于WEB信息空间或自动化管理系统的知识服务。

    According to this technology , it hopes to improve the service quality of library , add up to its service field , makes the service from conventional query to knowledge service on web information space or automatic management system .

  12. 从传统的Windows平台向Linux平台的迁移,这不仅是一个技术话题,在信息安全、产业自主等因素的影响下,它甚至越来越具有浓厚的政治色彩。

    The transition from Windows platform to Linux is not only a technical issue , given the factor of information security and the industry independence of a nation , it even bears much political meaning .

  13. 其中示教性的ENL语言使CAD开发工作从传统的跨学科作业转变为单学科作业,进而使CAD开发与应用结为一体。

    The ENL teach-by-show computer language may change CAD development work from multi-discipline task to single-discipline one and remove the gap between CAD software development and application .

  14. 将消息中间件嵌入ORB,完成从传统中间件到面向对象中间件的核心迁移,可有效保证消息传输可靠性、高效性、实时性和支持消息的存储&转发,并兼容传统消息中间件的应用。

    High-effectiveness ; security ; and real-time quality in the message transmission and supports the " stop-and-forward " of the message , and compatible of the traditional applications .

  15. 然后对传统行政体制下的政务流程弊端进行分析,接着从传统政府的组织结构、组织目标、工作流程及需求导向4个方面分析提出GPR给官僚理论带来的挑战。

    It construes the disadvantages of government process in traditional administration system and bring forward some challenges to bureaucratic theory from 4 aspects , which are organization framework and objective , work process and demand orientation .

  16. 从传统的文件共享到各种各样的OA、ERP系统,再到VoIP、远程视频会议、分布式VPN系统等高端应用,完善的网络系统逐步成为了企业正常运作必不可少的条件。

    From the traditional file-sharing to a variety of OA , ERP systems , to VoIP , remote video conferencing , distributed high-end applications such as VPN system , perfect network system has become a necessary condition of normal operation of the enterprise .

  17. 对如何充分考虑分布式系统的特点和IDL语言本身的特点,从传统的分析模型和系统设计模型导出融入IDL接口的对象设计模型进行了探讨。

    The issues of engineering CORBA system were discussed : how to derive the Object Design Model including IDL interfaces from the traditional Analytic Model , how to design system model with fully consideration of the features of distributed system and IDL .

  18. 从传统的利用极点配置选取观测器增益的方法入手,针对工程应用提出了基于定子磁链U-N模型的速度自适应辨识方法,并分析了其与传统基于观测器的速度辨识方法异同。

    Starting from traditional method of select the observer gain by using pole placement , a method of model based on the stator flux speed of U-N adaptive identification is proposed for engineering application , and similarities and differences from traditional observer-based speed estimation method are analyzed .

  19. 从传统工程走向生态工程:案例与建议

    From Traditional Engineering to Ecological Engineering : Cases and Suggestions

  20. 从传统民居看文化思想对建筑艺术的影响

    The Impact of Cultural Ideas on Architecture in Terms of Traditional Dwellings

  21. 从传统工业的快速增长到现代工业的科学发展&苏南加快工业化进程的成功实践

    From Fast Growth of Traditional Industry to Scientific Development of Modern Industry

  22. 从传统节日看中英文化的差异

    On the Difference of Culture between China and English from Traditional Festival

  23. 从传统到现代&戴望舒诗歌观察

    From the Traditional to Modern & Daiwangshu Poetry Observation

  24. 信息服务&从传统型走向数字化

    Information Service : From the Traditional to the Digital

  25. 程序正义与中国&从传统的视角观察

    Process Justice and China & Observed from Traditional Angle

  26. 现代化是指人类从传统的农业社会向现代工业社会转变的历史过程。

    Modernization is a process of transition from agricultural society to industrial society .

  27. 从传统参考咨询服务到信息咨询服务的转型

    The Transformation from the Traditional Reference Consultancy Service to the Informational Consultancy Service

  28. 对反向策略的经济学解释,又从传统金融框架和行为金融框架两个方面进行阐述。

    The economic explanation is spread in traditional framework and financial framework respectively .

  29. 从传统经济型政府向流程型政府转变的探讨

    Transformation from Traditional Economic Government to Procedure Type Government

  30. 从传统到现代&论白描的线

    From the Tradition to the Modern & The Line of Chinese Baimiao Painting