
  • 网络Never give in;Invictus;never surrender
  1. 无论你想要的是稳定的经济,诗歌的收藏,还是幸福的婚姻,都请采纳温斯顿·丘吉尔的建议并永不屈服。

    Whether it 's financial stability , a collection of poetry , or a happy marriage , take Winston Churchill 's advice and never give in .

  2. 永不放弃!永不屈服!永不言败!永不后悔!绝不怀疑自己!决不失去希望!决不说不可能!决不害怕挑战!

    Never give up ! Never give in ! Never say die ! Never regret ! Never doubt yourself ! Never lose hope ! Never say impossible ! Never fear challenges !

  3. 这件喜事公布以后,哈里王子周一在澳大利亚ABC电视台的《澳洲故事》节目首次接受了电视采访,但他不愿透露更多细节,而是专注于讨论下周在悉尼开幕的“永不屈服运动会”(国际伤残军人运动会)的重要性。

    Harry gave his first TV interview Monday since the news went public with ABC 's Australian Story , but could not be tempted to disclose any new details . Instead , he focused on the importance of the Invictus Games , which starts in Sydney next week .

  4. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出永不屈服的性格并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed unrelenting character while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls ' history .

  5. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出“永不屈服的性格”并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed " unrelenting character " while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls " history .

  6. 永不屈服、不可征服的中国!华服,是指具有中华民族传统服饰特征的服饰。

    Unyielding and unconquerable ! Chinese Clothing is the traditional apparel of Chinese characteristics .

  7. 以及永不屈服、永不退让的勇气,

    And courage never to submit or yield :

  8. 斯佳丽是一个在与命运作斗争时永不屈服的女子。

    Scarlett is a woman who will never go to Canossa in fighting against her destiny .

  9. 我要学习马蹄莲顽强的精神,我要学习它永不屈服的品质。

    I want to learn Calla indomitable spirit , I want to learn it never yield quality .

  10. 时间和命运使它衰弱,但坚强意志仍在,去拼搏,去探索,去发现,永不屈服。

    Maybe weak by time and fate , but strong is will , to strive , to seek , to find , and not to yield .

  11. 近期梅根表示会和丈夫一起参加10月20日至10月27日在悉尼参加“永不屈服运动会”。

    Meghan recently revealed that she will be joining her new husband at the Invictus Games , which take place in Sydney from October 20 to 2 .

  12. 现年34岁的皇室成员明年春天将会迎来自己的第一个孩子,在上周日悉尼的永不屈服运动会”上,一位观众祝贺了其妻怀孕的喜讯后,他表明了最好是女儿的希望。

    The royal , 34 , who is expecting his first child next Spring , shared his wish after a spectator congratulated him on the pregnancy at an Invictus Games event in Sydney on Sunday .

  13. 今天早上,37岁的梅根没有出席悉尼永不屈服运动会的自行车比赛。34岁的哈里告诉参赛者,因为怀孕。她要在家里休息。

    This morning pregnant Meghan , 37 , chose to skip a scheduled appearance at an Invictus Games cycling race in Sydney , with Harry , 34 , telling competitors that she was ' resting at home [ as ] being pregnant takes its toll ' .

  14. 冬天,它的叶子虽然枯萎了,但它依然笔直地站在那,就像一个战士,永不向寒冷屈服。

    In winter , its leaves wither though , but it still stood straight , like a soldier , and never succumb to the cold .

  15. 这样的精神,即便我们受伤,也永不放弃--永不屈服--永远不失去希望。

    A spirit , that even when wounded , never gives up - never gives in - never loses hope .