
rén ɡé yì chánɡ
  • personality disorders
  1. 消极攻击型人格异常景色显得异乎寻常的美。

    Passive aggressive personality disorder The scene had an extraordinary charm .

  2. 目的了解在押罪犯中人格异常的情况以,利于针对性地实施管理和改造。

    Objective : To investigate the personality problems of criminals in prison .

  3. 明尼苏达多项个性测查表T分高于70为人格异常。

    T score of MMPI was higher than 70 points as abnormal personality .

  4. 人际学习(获取和付出)、自我了解、宣泄、存在意识、团体凝聚力是团体治疗中相对比较重要的疗效因子3.强迫症患者存在多个方面的人格异常。

    The more important therapeutic factor in Group Psychotherapy was interpersonal gain , interpersonal pay-out , self-realization , catharsis , existential factors , group cohesiveness . 3 . OCD patients may have personality abnormalities in many aspects .

  5. 资料综合:2型糖尿病患者中存在多种与抑郁症发生有关的危险因素,包括高血糖、社会经济地位低下、教育程度低、妇女、年龄<65岁、人格异常、肥胖等。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : There were a variety of dangerous factors that might cause depression in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus such as hyperglycemia , low socioeconomic status , low educational level , female , less than 65 years , abnormal personality , obesity and so on .

  6. 结论对人格障碍的异常行为应及早进行综合系统干预、普及精神卫生知识、提高家庭社会支持网络的功能。

    Conclusion Some comprehensive system intervention is needed , and ought to give family more knowledge about mental health and to improve the family social support network 's function when children 's behavior disorder is appeared .

  7. 结论青少年犯群体的人格特征有明显异常。

    Conclusion Personality character of juvenile male offenders has significantly difference .

  8. 结果非溃疡性消化不良患者明尼苏达多相人格测查问卷异常率(72.5%)显著高于健康对照组(4.8%),差异有极显著性(P<0.001);

    Results The abnormal rate of MMPI in patients with NUD was 72.5 % , which had significant difference with the control group .

  9. 同时,心理学的词汇研究尽管为数很多,成绩斐然,但主要局限于人格尤其是正常人格的研究,很少涉及人格异常或心理异常领域。

    Meanwhile , lexical study of psychology has been applied widely and the achievement is elegant , but such study is mainly limited in researches of personality , especially of normal personality , rarely involving personal disorders or mental disorders .

  10. 文章应用弗洛伊德精神分析理论,从人格动力的角度深入剖析主人公布朗自我理想崩溃、人格异常及因此经历的焦虑和痛苦。

    Based on Freudian psychoanalytical theories , the paper examines Brown 's collapse of ego-ideal , his personality disorder , and his anxiety and agony from the perspective of personality drive .