
rén cái chǔ bèi
  • Talent reserve;reserve of talents
  1. 人才储备丰富,资金力量雄厚,通过ISO9001质量体系认证,具有进出口权。

    With rich reserve of talents and solid funds and right of handling import and export , it has acquired ISO9001 Quality System Certification .

  2. 在酒店人才储备上又有哪些举措呢?

    What measures do you have in reserve of talents ?

  3. 人才储备为ABC公司的进一步发展奠定了基础。

    While talent reserve has laid the foundation for further development of ABC company .

  4. 该组织的年度全球性别差距指数(GlobalGenderGapIndex)采用经济、教育、健康和政治等方面指标,对145个经济体进行排名,以评估它们利用女性人才储备的情况。

    The body 's annual GlobalGender Gap Index uses economic , educational , health and political indicators torank 145 economies on how well they are using their female talent pool .

  5. 美国电脑制造商戴尔(Dell)设在大连的客户服务中心也在同一个人才储备库中挖掘人才。

    The US computer maker Dell 's local customer service centre is fishing in the same talent pool .

  6. 最后应设立专门的管理人员和技术人员,使其具备EPC型工程公司的人才储备和技术力量。

    Finally , it should be set specialized management and technical personnel in order to have the talent and technical reserve forces .

  7. 大学是未来创业者的重要人才储备库,要促进大学生参与创业活动,首先要使大学生拥有创业意向,因为创业行为的背后是创业意向(Krueger,2007)。

    College is an important talent pool for future entrepreneurs . To promote college students to participate in entrepreneurial activities , we should first get the students with the entrepreneurial intention because of entrepreneurial behavior behind the entrepreneurial intention ( Krueger , 2007 ) .

  8. 论工会职工高校的人才储备

    On the Talented People Reserve in the Labor Colleges of China

  9. 这两家公司的财力雄厚,工程技术人才储备充裕。

    Both are financially strong with deep reserves of engineering talent .

  10. 第三,建立信息化的人才储备体系。

    Third , establish a system of information technology talent pool .

  11. 几年前,厦门市启动了人才储备项目。

    Xiamen Years ago , Xiamen launched its talent reservoir project .

  12. 世界大公司的人才储备库

    Talented person 's ware-house of large compa-nies in the world

  13. 大学是公司的人才储备库。

    Colleges are a reservoir of talents for companies .

  14. 他能够调用大量的人才储备和蕴藏的积极性。

    He was able to draw on vast reserves of talent and enthasiasm .

  15. 加快专业师资的引进,做好人才储备。

    To accelerate the introduction of professional teachers , good talent pool . 6 .

  16. 其运作机制之间的关系为:投资机制是基础,没有合格的人才储备,企业的发展就无从谈起;

    Because none qualified reserve of the talents could not bring the enterprise development .

  17. 而且,可利用的人才储备也要比未经训练的人要少得多。

    Moreover , the available talent pool is much smaller than the raw numbers suggest .

  18. 地勘单位需加强人才储备和人才开发

    The reserve and exploit of the human resources must be strengthened in the geological unit

  19. 去年六月,我以实习生的身份加入了上海希尔顿的人才储备生项目。

    I joined Hilton Shanghai last June as an intern in the Graduate Intake Program .

  20. 典当业内部严格的管理,培养了一批通晓农村社会实际的职员,这些职员事实上成了现代农业公司的人才储备。

    In fact , the pawnshop staffer was a kind of talent repertory of modern rural company .

  21. 该公司与当地的大专院校合作为未来打造人才储备库。

    It is working with local colleges and universities to create a labour pool for the future .

  22. 依我们看来,雇主正在借此机会升级他们人才储备。

    What we are seeing is that employers are taking this time to upgrade their talent roster .

  23. 在人才储备、技术设备、网点设置等方面的劣势也比较突出。

    In the talent pool , technical equipment , network settings , etc. are also more prominent disadvantage .

  24. 对于重要的岗位,公司有人员接替计划,以确保充足的人才储备。

    To ensure enough HR provision for vital post , it is necessary to eatablish HR replacement system .

  25. 只有拥有雄厚的篮球后备人才储备,才能在激烈的篮球竞争中处于不败之地。

    Only have strong basketball talent pool can a country be in an invincible position in the fierce competition .

  26. 正如抢夺精英的竞争日益激烈,现成可用的人才储备也在变化。

    Just as competition for the best of the bunch is growing , the pool of available talent is changing .

  27. 4体育系统短跑人才储备河南省体育运动学校在校短跑专业学生312名。广东省短跑运动项目从事短跑训练的有456人。

    There are 312 sprint talent students in the sports system schools in the Henan school and Guangdong Province has 456 .

  28. 因此建立针对于管理干部的胜任力模型也理应成为保险企业人才储备和发展计划的重点。

    Thus , it is vital to establish the manager Competency models for insurance companies talent pool and development plan priorities .

  29. 需要强调的是,高校毕业生作为重要的人才储备,作为地方政府有责任帮助其解决就业问题。

    Emphatically , as the important talent store , the educates need the helps from local governments to solve the employment problem .

  30. 投资者将考察团队人才储备的深度、忠诚度和投入度、优缺点、团队合作和管理风格。

    Investors are looking for your depth of talent , loyalty and commitment , strengths and weaknesses , teamwork and management style .