
rén shì xínɡ zhènɡ
  • personnel administration
  1. 人事行政是国家行政管理的重要组成部分。

    Personnel administration is one of the important parts of the state administration .

  2. 论政风建设与人事行政

    On Building the Administrative Working Style & Personnel Administration

  3. 我在公司的人事行政任职两年,对HR的工作有的认识。

    First , I 've worked in Personnel for two years , so I 'm familiar with our HR operations .

  4. 二是强调政治体制的改革,而以前只提人事行政机构的改革;

    Reform and I Second , to emphasize the political reform .

  5. 目前我们正在为客户搜寻一位人事行政经理。

    Now we are searching a HR & Administration Manager for the client .

  6. 道德本位与人事行政制度改革

    Personnel Management System : Moral Core & Reform

  7. 人事行政管理,包括内部调动程序、职和离职等。

    Work on the personnel administration : internal transfer process , recruitment and termination process .

  8. 配合人事行政经理编制管辖范围内的预算,控制行政管理费用。

    To support the HR manager to prepare budgets with responsibilities and to control administrative costs .

  9. 人事行政和监测处;

    Staff administration and monitoring service ;

  10. 公务员制度作为一种科学的人事行政制度被世界各国广泛采用。

    Civil service as a scientific system of personnel administration is widely used around the world .

  11. 公务员制度的实施是我国人事行政规范化、法制化、科学化的标志。

    The implementation of the civil service is the progress of the personnel administration in standardization and rule-by-law in China .

  12. 本文对中韩两国公立中学教师人事行政制度进行比较研究。

    The purpose of this study was to compare the personnel administration system for public high school teachers between China and .

  13. 本文论述之人事行政行为是指在行政机关的内部行政行为中基于行政机关与其工作人员的身份关系而产生的各种人事管理性质的行为。

    Personnel administrative acts studied in this essay refer to internal personnel management issues occur between administrative organ and its staff members .

  14. 领导干部政绩考核是人事行政的重要环节,也是政府绩效评估的重要组成部分。

    Leader achievement appraisal is the important part of personnel administration , and also is the important part of government performance appraisal .

  15. 我国人事行政公开制度探讨&兼谈公务员知情权的构建与完善

    On the System of Publishing Personnel Administration in Our Country & Additionally Designing and Perfecting Civil Servant 's Right to Learn the Truth

  16. 批准后的岗位说明书交于人事行政部,作为人员选择和安排的主要依据。

    The approved position requirements description shall be sent to administration department to be used as the standards of employee recruiting and arrangement .

  17. 随着社会实践的不断发展,传统人事行政管理体制下政府权力运作过于集中的弊端日益暴露出来。

    Along with the development of social practice , the traditional system of personnel administration are revealing increasingly the abuse of over-centralized government power .

  18. 目前,我国在人事行政法制建设方面已取得一定成效,但也存在着一些亟待解决的问题。

    While China has made certain achievement in the construction of the legal system of personnel administration at the present , some problems still exist that call for instant solution .

  19. 因此,他在转变政府职能、人事行政、财政管理、法制行政和行政沟通监督等方面进行了大刀阔斧的改革,取得了瞩目的成就。

    Therefore , he made great efforts on transformation of the governmental functions , personnel administration , financial management , administrative legislation and administrative supervision , and finally , he acquired great achievements .

  20. 其中,人事行政管理是整个政府管理体系的核心,而只有科学、高效、灵活、完善的人事管理才能为公共行政活动提供有力的人才保障。

    Personnel administration is the right core of the whole government management system , and only with the scientific human resource management can the government provide high-qualified human resources for the administration activities .

  21. 分析公务员法律关系,有利于我们深入认识公务员法律规范的本质和核心,促进我国公务员法制的完善,实现人事行政法治化。

    An analysis of it will help to deepen our understanding about the nature and core of the official servant legal norms , further the development of the official servant system and legalize the personnel administration .

  22. 人力资源管理的发展使人力资源管理的职能发生了重大变化,突出表现在:正在由传统的人事行政管理职能转变为战略性的人力资源管理职能。

    The development of HRM induces the great change in its function , which is mainly embodied by the transformation from the function of tradition personnel administration to that of strategical human resource management ( SHRM ) .

  23. 本文将从行政管理思想的理论基础、行政权力论、行政实施理论、人事行政理论、宏观经济管理思想等几个方面对董仲舒行政管理思想作以简要论述。

    The article gave brief discussion on DONG Zhongshu 's thoughts of administration from theoretical basis , administrative power , the theory of administrative implementation , the theory of personnel administration and the thoughts of macroeconomic management .

  24. 公务员制度是体现代人事行政规律性的管理体制,是促进现代政府和现代行政体制发展的组织设计,它的完善与创新,关系到政府行政质量与效率的提升。

    Civil servant represents management system of modern personnel administration regularity , which improves organization and designee modern government and administration mechanism . Its perfection and innovation has relation with enhance of governmental administration quality and efficiency .

  25. 建立和完善中国公务员管理机制,对于革除原有人事行政体制的弊端、保证国家公务员制度根本目的的实现、完成新世纪的历史任务具有重要的意义。

    To the establish and perfect Chinese civil servant administrant mechanism is important significance for abolishing the abuse in executive personnel system , ensuring to realize the aim of civil servant system and completing the task of new century .

  26. 公务员制度是从资本主义社会生长出来的,它是资本主义经济和政治发展的必然结果,是人事行政制度走向现代化的标志。

    The civil service system comes from the capitalist society . The civil service system is the inevitable result of the capitalist economic and political development . It is the symbol of the modernization of civil service personnel administration system .

  27. 他推崇以德治国,提出了第二好的国家的法制观,对现代行政文化、现代人事行政思想、以法治国概念、国家管理理论等都有启示和影响。

    Plato advocated ruling by morality , subaltern good country . Platonism has been enlightening modern administrative culture , modern thought of personnel administration , and the concept of ruling by law , the theory on state administration , and what not .

  28. 同时,探讨将司法救济引入公务员权利保障领域,拟建人事行政诉讼程序,并着重明确司法审查的范围及确立司法最终原则和司法审查有限原则。

    And proposed to explore the introduction of the legal relief to civil rights protection areas , and set up personnel administrative proceedings , especially emphasize on the scope of judicial review and to establish principles and the final limited principles of justice and judicial review .

  29. 其以民为本的行政原则、独具特色的行政组织思想,以及可操作性极强的行政法制、行政领导和人事行政管理方略,定会为当代的行政管理者们提供诸多有益的启示。

    Among his theories are the principles of taking people as the basis the unique ideas on administrative organization as well as the operational strategies on administrative legislation leadership and personnel management which are certainly the instructive inspiration for the administrative personnel in the modern society .

  30. 为了帮助企业做好培训工作,笔者常常与人事行政部门进行交流,希望利于自身所学知识为企业量身设计一套切实可行的培训体系,这便是撰写这篇论文的主要动机。

    In order to help enterprises to do the work of training well , 1 often exchange with the administrative department of the personnel , wishing to use what I got to design a feasible training system , this is a main spring of writing this thesis .