
rén wén xué kē
  • humanities
人文学科[rén wén xué kē]
  1. 8月份,学术交流研究所(ScholarlyCommunicationInstitute)发布了一份题为《脱离束缚的人文学科:支持终身教职之外的职业生涯和学术研究》的报告。

    In August , the Scholarly Communication Institute released a report titled Humanities Unbound : Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track .

  2. 新形势下我国高校人文学科课程比重研究

    The Study of the Proportion in Humanities Curriculum in the University

  3. 历史、文学和语言学属于人文学科。

    History , literature and linguistics are among the arts .

  4. 2006年,斯坦福开办了“创业能力暑期学院”(summerinstituteforentrepreneurship),专门面向理科、工科和人文学科的研究生。

    In 2006 , Stanford launched the Summer Institute for entrepreneurship , specifically for graduate students in sciences , engineering and humanities .

  5. 根据美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)2011年的一项调查,35%的博士学位获得者——43%的人文学科博士——在完成学业时没有签下就业意向书。

    According to a 2011 National Science Foundation survey , 35 percent of doctorate recipients - and 43 percent of those in the humanities - had no commitment for employment at the time of completion .

  6. 虽然纽约大学理工学院(PolytechnicInstituteofNewYorkUniversity)无需应对与人文学科博士项目同样惨烈的存亡问题,但他们也开始尝试拓宽其博士候选人的职业选择。

    While not grappling with the same existential questions as humanities programs , the Polytechnic Institute of New York University is trying to expand career options for its Ph.D. candidates .

  7. Dresler博士增选出6名自称人文学科的被试参与实验。

    Dr Dresler co-opted six self-professed practitioners of the art for his experiment .

  8. 我看了一眼和他同龄的马特奥(matteo)的每周课程表,结果发现那里一片空白,仿佛他正在攻读某个人文学科的学位。

    I glimpsed the weekly timetable belonging to his contemporary , Matteo . It was as full of empty spaces as if he were doing a liberal arts degree .

  9. 而我对NACE单列的人文学科就业需求排行榜尤为感兴趣。政治学/公共事务管理学位居榜首,紧随其后的是哲学、英语、社会学,最后是历史&这让我有点难过。

    Political science / government ranked at the top , followed by psychology , English , sociology and finally , and to me somewhat sadly , history .

  10. 学习人文学科会使你学到大量的比喻。

    Studying the humanities will give you a wealth of analogies .

  11. 当代生态学已从纯粹的生物学领域扩展到了人文学科的研究范畴。

    Ecology has extended from the field of biology to humanities .

  12. 借助人文学科的辐射力,打造合理的知识结构;

    It relies on literature to make the rational knowledge structure .

  13. 迎接医学人文学科发展的春天

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Meeting Spring of the Development of Chinese Medical Humanities

  14. 人文学科教育是高职院校人文教育的基础。

    Humanities education is the Vocational College humanities education foundation .

  15. 纽约大学医学院的医学人文学科课程

    Medical Humanities Education at New York University School of Medicine

  16. 二是历史层面的人文学科与人文主义的甄别;

    The second the difference between human science and humanism ;

  17. 众多的人文学科从根本上就有一种对权力的屈服。

    All kinds of humanities submit to the power radically .

  18. 人文学科的教育使命与教育模式

    The Educational Mission and Pattern of the Subject of Humanism

  19. 人文学科的教育功能及实施途径

    Educational Function of Literae Humaniores and Way for Its Practice

  20. 人文学科和社会科学的典范转移:历史学家的观点

    On Paradigm Transformation of Humanities and Social Science : Historian 's Viewpoint

  21. 语文是人文学科,语文教育的真谛是育人,育人的核心是塑造人格。

    The true essence of Chinese education is to sculpture human dignities .

  22. 三是教育层面的人文学科教育和人文主义教育的差异。

    The third the contrast between human science education and humanism education .

  23. 她学过人文学科和现代语言。

    She has a background in humanities and modern languages .

  24. 很少感觉到人文学科是按时间顺序前进的。

    In the humanities , there is little sense of chronological progress .

  25. 教育本质与教育学的人文学科属性及其关联

    Essence of Education Property of Pedagogy and their Relationship

  26. 语言与文化的关系是现代人文学科共同关心的话题。

    The relationship between language and culture is a common concern in humanities .

  27. 在最近的专栏中,我为人文学科奉上了一曲赞歌。

    In a recent column , I offered a paean to the humanities .

  28. 人文学科教育改革探论

    Discuss on reform of human disciplines education in universities

  29. 论新时期医学院校人文学科建设

    Study on Medical Humanities Construction of Universities or Colleges in the New Times

  30. 在人文学科中,作者可以通过多种写作方式告知读者信息。

    In the humanities , authors write to inform you in many ways .