
  • 网络Anthropocene
  1. 在这次投票中,29名AWG成员不仅支持新的人类世命名,而且还支持以20世纪中期作为人类世的开始。

    The vote saw 29 members of the AWG support not only the new Anthropocene designation but also a favored start date - the mid-twentieth century .

  2. 据自然杂志网站报道,人类世工作组(AWG)确定,人类对地球产生了如此深远的影响,这一说法是有理有据的。人类世工作组由英国莱斯特大学的简·扎拉塞维奇担任主席,共有34名成员。

    But the 34-member Anthropocene Working Group ( AWG ) chaired by Jan Zalasiewicz , of the University of Leicester in the UK , decided that humans are having such a profound impact on our planet that the term is a valid one , Nature.com reported .

  3. 大多数支持人类世命名的科学家更倾向于以1945年为起点。由于20世纪中叶人口的快速增长及工业化消耗了更多的自然资源并产生了更多的温室气体,标志着人类对地球物种的影响“大加速”,AWG支持这一起始时间。

    Most scientists who support the Anthropocene designation favor the later start date , and the AWG panel agreed based on the fact that rapid population growth and industrialization in the mid-twentieth century - which led to greater natural resource use and greenhouse gas emissions - mark a " Great Acceleration "

  4. 纪元变更的投票结束后,工作组在未来几年会利用现场勘测数据计算出最佳的全球标准低层年龄(GSSA),并确定“人类世”的开始日期,届时会把研究结果呈递国际地层委员会。

    Now that the vote has been done , we 'll see a few years of site sampling to figure out the best Global Standard Stratigraphic Age ( GSSA ) to date the start of the Anthropocene , which will then be presented to the International Commission on Stratigraphy .

  5. “人类世地质学”即是这种科学走向的最好概括。

    " Anthropocene geology " is the best science to the general .

  6. 我们如今正生活在“人类世”纪元。

    We 're now living in the Anthropocene epoch .

  7. 我们进入人类世的这种说法第一次是在2002年提出。

    This idea that we 've entered a new Anthropocene epic was first proposed in 2002 .

  8. 这实际上是在争论人类世(人类地质年代)的性质。

    This is , at bottom , an argument about the nature of the anthropocene-the age of man .

  9. 降尘与人类世沉积&Ⅰ:北京2006年4月16~17日降尘初步分析

    Falling dust and deposits in anthropogene & ⅰ: preliminary analyses of the dust fall in Beijing on April 16 ~ 17,2006

  10. 但是将来的研究人员会有更好的视角并能将全新世与人类世划分开来。

    It 'll be future researchers who have better perspective and will be able to really draw a line between the Holocene and the Anthropocene epics .

  11. 该小组列出了十个金钉候选地点,它们可以用来区分全新世和人类世,包括意大利北部的一个洞穴和中国的一个湖泊。

    The panel outlined ten golden spike candidates , which could be used to differentiate the Holocene from the Anthropocene , including a cave in northern Italy and a lake in China .

  12. 如今,地质学界打算用地质术语来确认这些影响。科学家表示,长达11700年的全新世已结束,我们现在正生活在“人类世”:即人类活动对地球施加影响的时代。

    The 11700-year-old geological Holocene epoch has ended , scientists say , and we 're now living in the Anthropocene : an era defined by humanity 's influence on the world around us .

  13. 上周,一组科学家在审阅了现有证据之后,投票赞成将我们所处的时代划分为一个新的地质时代——人类世。

    Last week , a panel of scientists voted in favor of classifying the age we are living in as a new geological epoch - the " Anthropocene " - after reviewing available evidence on the issue .

  14. 扎拉塞维奇告诉自然杂志网站说:“人类世是时间、过程和地层的地质单位。它是可辨别的,也是独特的。”

    on our species ' impact on the planet . " The Anthropocene works as a geological unit of time , process and strata , " Zalasiewicz told Nature.com . " It is distinguishable . It is distinctive . "

  15. 所以,都说人类是世上的万物之灵。

    That is why man is often called the wisest of all creatures .

  16. 这种新病毒与以往不同,它正在感染人类,世卫组织官员正密切关注其发展。

    But it is infecting humans , and that has world health officials keeping a close eye on it .

  17. 在有人类前,世上许多地方就有森林大火。

    In many parts of the world , there were extensive forest fires long before humans came .

  18. 同时这座校园里的许多知识分子捍卫了人类的普世价值

    In the meantime , a lot of intellectuals at this campus had stood up for universal human values

  19. 诸如“仁慈”与“正直”这类传统的中国伦理规范应当超越时空,构成人类的普世价值。

    Chinese traditional ethics like benevolence and moral integrity should go beyond time and space to serve as universal values .

  20. 动物题材电影通过展现与人类共存于世的另类生命状态,为人类提供了一种审视自然和生命的全新视角。

    Animal Movies and human coexist by showing an alternative state of life , human nature provides a look at life and new perspective .

  21. 其他研究人员则质疑人类企图治疗世上的伤残和疾病去扮演上帝的角色是否正确。

    Others question whether it is right to " Play God " in an attempt to cure the disabilities and diseases of this world .

  22. 在人生的旅途中,要对生活充满激情,并不断提高自我,这就是我们作为人类存在于世的意义。

    It 's being able to walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve , because that 's really why we 're here , to evolve as human beings .

  23. 人类是迄今为止世上最足智多谋的造物。

    Humans are by far the most populous intelligent creatures in the world .

  24. 社会公正作为一种人类追求的普世性价值,一直是国内外学者关注的重点问题之一。

    As a kind of universal value , social fairness has been being pursued by human being and focused by scholars civil and abroad all the time .

  25. 每到一处,我总是会因为遇到了一些人,看到了一些事,而变得更能接受新思想,更富有同情心,于是我对大多数人类共享的普世关切便有了更深切的理解。

    In each place , I met someone or saw something that caused me to open my mind and my heart and deepen my understanding of the universal concerns that most of humanity shares .

  26. 许多科学家感到人类对地球的影响巨大,全新世已经成为过去,一个真正独立的地质年代人类世已经开始。

    Many scientists feel that human interference in the way the earth works is now so great that the Holocene is history and a truly separate Anthropocene has dawned .

  27. 现在有越来越多的证据显示人类的存在已经很大程度上的改变了地球,以至于开始了地质历史的一个新纪元-人类世,一个全新的人类主导的时期。

    Now there is growing evidence that the presence of humans has altered the earth so much that a new epic of geologic history has begun-the Anthropocene epic , a new human-influenced epic .