
luó mǎ jūn duì
  • Roman army
  1. 公元前217年在汉尼拔伏击Flaminius领导的一支罗马军队的一次战斗。

    A battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius .

  2. 为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,Claudius下令,凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须进入罗马军队,以生命为国家效劳。

    In order to supplement the troops will be war in the end , Claudius ordered that all within the scope of a certain age men , have to enter the Roman army , to take the country to serve .

  3. 同样,罗马军队在西方世界也难遇敌手;

    the Roman Army , which similarly corralled the Western world ;

  4. 罗马军队入侵大不列颠的时候,风笛传入苏格兰。

    Rome 's military invasion of Great Britain , Scottish pipers introduced .

  5. 这么远罗马军队的军官来做什么?

    What would Roman centurions doing out this far ?

  6. 罗马军队的总部设在凯撒利亚,一个海港。

    The head quarters for Roman army was at Caesarea , a sea port .

  7. 在城市化运动中,罗马军队发挥了重要作用。

    The roman army also played a very important role in the movement of urbanization .

  8. 罗马军队一位退伍司令曾经要求奥古斯都皇帝为他出庭作证,奥古斯都提议派遣代表。

    A retired Roman commander once pleaded with Augustus to testify in court on his behalf .

  9. 罗马人非常畏惧,国王尼罗甚至考虑把所有罗马军队从不列颠撤退回国。

    The Romans were so terrified that the emperor Nero considered withdrawing all Roman forces from Britain .

  10. 在罗马军队中,最小的战术编队是由120人组成的独立战团。

    The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple .

  11. 古罗马军队将接吻行为带到了许多没有这种传统的文化中;后来欧洲的探险家们又将它带到了新大陆。

    The Roman military introduced kissing to many non-kissing cultures ; later it was European explorers who carried the torch .

  12. 从奥古斯都到君士坦丁,罗马军队与帝位擅递之间的关系,是研究罗马帝国历史的重要内容。

    The relation between Roman army and emperors ' succession plays an important role from Augustus to Constantine in Roman history .

  13. 不仅耶路撒冷被罗马军队包围,而且还被击败倒在剑下。

    Not only do you have Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army , but you have them defeated , fall by the sword .

  14. 行省中的罗马军队:以罗马不列颠为中心印第安人常常袭击马车队后,迅速逃离。

    Roman Army in Provinces as seen mainly from Roman Britain ; The Indians often made hit and run attacks on wagon trains .

  15. 人们认为他身材魁梧,力能扛鼎,因此他自然能在罗马军队中平步青云。

    Being thought a giant with superhuman strength , it was no surprise when he began working his way up through the Roman military .

  16. 米努西乌斯是费边的骑兵长官,即罗马军队的二把手,他最终与费边合作无间。

    Marcus Minucius his " Master of Horse " or second in command of all Roman forces , was eventually entrusted with dual-command with Fabius .

  17. 他可能驻扎在这个省级贸易港口,这里于公元前46年建立,是罗马军队老兵的殖民地。

    He was probably stationed in this provincial trading port , founded in 46 B. C. as a colony for veterans of the Roman army .

  18. 还有一种理论说,长剑的采用与罗马军队民族构成和当时的风气更有关系,这解释了长剑在公元200年以后流行的原因。

    Another theory has more to do with ethnic makeup and current fashions trends as to why a longer sword becomes favored in the200 's AD onwards .

  19. 埃克塞特是早期的重要性,特别是罗马军队,由于它是最低点在该河的执行档可以交叉。

    Exeter was of early importance , particularly to the Roman Army , due to it being the lowest point at which the River Exe could be crossed .

  20. 罗马军队是传播罗马文明的重要载体,对推动行省和边界地区的罗马化起到了直接或间接的作用。

    The Roman army acted as a media of spreading the Roman civilization , and played direct or indirect roles during the process of romanization in the provinces and frontier areas .

  21. 所以每当罗马军队去到另一个国家,他们都会给当地的神献祭,因为他们相信当地的神保佑他们,让他们繁荣发展。

    This is why whenever the Roman army went to another country they would always sacrifice to the local gods , because they believed the local gods protected them and caused growth .

  22. 埃克塞特有一个凯尔特基础的迹象,但它在该城市的埃克塞特是由罗马军队谁建立了第二奥古斯都军团据点达到50AD了。

    Exeter had signs of a Celtic foundation , but it was in50AD that the city of Exeter was reached by the Roman Army who established a stronghold for its Second Augustan Legion .

  23. 军队为城市化的发展提供了人力和技术支持。另外,罗马军队与西部行省城镇的产生和发展也有着密切的关系。

    The Roman army provided the technical and personnel support for the development of the urbanization , and it was also closely related with the emergence and development of the cities and towns in the western provinces .

  24. 郭台铭更多的把自己视为一支军队里的将军,是罗马军队,一位台湾商人表示,他现在经营这家公司的方式,就跟他三四十年前作为一个创业企业家时一样。

    Terry Gou very much treats himself more like a general of a troop , a Roman troop , said one Taiwanese businessman . He drives the company just like as an entrepreneur when 30-40 years ago he started up the company .

  25. 处在古代世界的十字路口,土耳其吸引了西方的罗马军队和东方的波斯征服者,土耳其,尤其是安那托利亚地区,长期以来被人们视为知识繁荣文物丰富的宝地。

    At the crossroads of the ancient world , drawing Roman armies from the west and Persian conquerors from the east , Turkey - especially the region of Anatolia - has long been a rich seam of knowledge and treasure from antiquity .

  26. 罗马军队在行省和边界地区的驻防,不但为当地的经济与文化的发展提供了和平、稳定的环境,而且军队修筑的桥梁、道路等设施也为罗马文明的扩张奠定了基础。

    The garrison of the Roman army in the provinces and the frontiers provided a peaceful and stable environment for the development of local economy , and the infrastructures that the army constructed laid a foundation for the expansion of the Roman civilization .

  27. 古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。

    The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns .

  28. 罗马帝国军队与皇帝悖论关系刍议奥古斯都的形象塑造与皇帝权威

    My Humble Opinion on the Paradox Relation between Army of Roman Empire and Emperors

  29. 1526年,他被远送法国。1527年又到了意大利,在此被神圣罗马帝国军队俘获。

    He was sent away from court to France in 1526 and to Italy in 1527 , where he was captured by troops of the Holy Roman Empire .

  30. 据说,很久以前,来自英国东部诺福克的勇士博阿迪西亚女王在与入侵其王国的罗马帝国军队打仗时,就随身带着一只野兔来确保逢战必胜。

    In the olden days , it was said that the warrior Queen Boadicea of Norfolk , East Britain , brought a hare with her to ensure luck in battle against the Roman Empire who had invaded her kingdom .