
  • 网络intra-product trade;Intra-Production Trade
  1. 这些变化是产品内贸易带来的假象。

    These changes are the feint brought by intra-product trade .

  2. 产品内贸易对中国劳动力就业的影响

    The Impact of Intra-Product Trade on the China 's Employment

  3. 在章末,用WTO的统计数据,说明产品内贸易并非是我国贸易摩擦的根源。

    At the end of this chapter , it uses statistics of WTO , illustrates that intra-product trade is not the principal reason for Chinese trade friction .

  4. 随后实证检验了产品内贸易进出口、一般贸易进出口与GDP之间的关系,发现产品内贸易出口比一般贸易出口更能促进经济增长。

    Subsequently , it checks up the relationship between intra-product trade , common trade and GDP , and finds that intra-product export trade could stimulate economic growth further than common export trade .

  5. 详细阐述了Deardorff对产品内贸易条件下比较优势的界定。

    It elaborates the comparative advantage in intra-product trade which was defined by Deardorff .

  6. 其中,产品内贸易这一新兴贸易模式的出现和发展尤为突出。

    One of them is the generation and development of intra-product trade .

  7. 产品内贸易对我国制造业工资水平影响的分析

    The Analysis of the Impact of Products Trade on China 's Manufacturing Wage

  8. 产品内贸易是近几年来理论界与实务界争论的热点。

    Intra-product trade is the hot topic both theoretically and practically in recent years .

  9. 产品内贸易与外商直接投资的关系&理论模型与基于中国数据的经验分析

    Relations between Intra-product Specialization and FDI

  10. 产品内贸易分工理论的发展则是国际贸易分工新实践的内在诉求。

    Develo ment of Within Product Trade Division Theory is the inner request of international trade division .

  11. 正是这三种机制保证了东亚产品内贸易模式的有效运行。

    It is three kinds of mechanisms to ensure the East Asian intra-production trade patterns effectively run .

  12. 然后分析了产品内贸易的理论基础&比较优势与规模经济。

    Afterwards , it makes analysis of comparative advantage and scale economy which are the theoretical foundation of intra-product trade .

  13. 由于产品内贸易自身的特点,很难通过汇率调整削减顺差。

    Due to the characteristics of intra-product trade itself , it is hard to reduce surplus through exchange rate adjustment .

  14. 20世纪90年代中期以来,中国与东亚各经济体产品内贸易快速发展。

    (ⅱ) Since the mid-1990s , the intra-product trade between China and the rest of East Asian economics has developed rapidly .

  15. 最后,还对国际贸易的新趋势&产品内贸易作了大概介绍。产品内贸易是以产品内分工为基础的,是由在国际范围内的产品内分工带来的零部件与组件等中间产品贸易。

    This chapter also introduces the new trend of international trade-intra product trade which is based on international division of labor .

  16. 中西部地区贸易模式偏向于传统产业的产业间贸易模式,而东部地区贸易模式偏向于高新技术产业的产业内贸易模式和产品内贸易模式。

    Mid-western trade pattern tends to the Inter-Industry trade . Eastern trade pattern tends to the Intra-Industry trade and Intra-products trade .

  17. 各方对产品内贸易的正面作用、负面效应以及中国是否适合继续做产品内贸易等问题存在很多分歧。

    Each party has many divergences about the positive and negative effects of intra-product trade and whether China is adapt to develop it .

  18. 运用二维平面图,说明比较优势与规模经济对产品内贸易的作用。

    It makes use of two dimension map , illustrates the effects on intra-product trade which were made by comparative advantage and scale economy .

  19. 产品内贸易的不断发展和进步改变了制造业集聚经济形成的外部环境,因此,其内在形成机制也必然发生变化。

    The continuously expanding of intra-product trade makes the economic environment of manufacturing industry undergone great changes therefore will change the internal mechanisms for its being .

  20. 在该章的三、四两节,分别研究了产品内贸易对我国收入分配、就业的影响。

    In the third and fourth sector of this chapter , it makes research on the effects of intra-product trade on Chinese income distribution and employment respectively .

  21. 通过理论分析与实证检验,对产品内贸易做出客观的评价,并就进一步开展产品内贸易提供对策建议。

    Through theoretical analysis and empirical analysis , it makes objective judgment on intra-product trade , and provides suggestions on how to further carry on intra-product trade .

  22. 基于贸易差额上的分析表明中国在中美产品内贸易中获得量的优势,无论宏观层面还是微观层面上看,中国都获得了大量的贸易利益。

    The balance of trade indicates that China has gained quantitative advantage in Sino-US intra-product trade and China has obtained a lot of trading interest both at macro-level and at micro-level .

  23. 此外,我国制造业的升级与我国产品内贸易互为格兰杰原因,产品内贸易的变化会直接影响我国制造业升级。

    Besides , the intra-product trade and our manufacturing industry upgrading are Granger Causes for each other , which means the intra-product trade affects the our manufacturing industry upgrading of directly .

  24. 如何应对不断上升的劳动力成本趋势,维持并提升中国在东亚分工体系中的重要地位,实现产品内贸易的优化和升级,是之后很长一段时间摆在我们面前的重要难题之一。

    It is an important long-term problem to cope with the rising labor cost trends , maintain and enhance the important position in East Asia and upgrade the intra-product trade of China .

  25. 随着国际分工体系的不断完善,我国的产品内贸易也在不断扩大,并形成了以制造业为主的加工贸易模式。

    With the global labor specialization system constantly improving , the intra-product trade of our country also has enlarged , and has formed the processing trade model which focused on manufacturing industry .

  26. 第五节研究了产品内贸易的国际收支效应。发现产品内贸易是我国外贸顺差的主要来源,它的发展也带来我国外汇储备激增的问题。

    The fifth sector analyzes the effects of intra-product trade on international balance , finds that intra-product trade is the main source of Chinese trade surplus , its development brings sharp increase of Chinese foreign exchange reserve .

  27. 无论产业间贸易理论(含古典、新古典贸易理论)、产业内贸易理论(新贸易理论)还是产品内贸易理论,都是比较成本优势理论在不同分工形态下的具体体现。

    No matter whether the inter-industry trade theory ( including classical , neoclassical trade theory ), the intra-industry trade theory ( the new trade theory ), or the intra-product trade theory embodies specifically comparative cost advantage in different patterns of division .

  28. 接着,对产品内贸易等相关概念进行界定,对1997、2000、2002年我国各部门垂直专业化比率进行测算,发现通讯、机械制造业垂直专业化比率较高。

    Then , it makes the concept of intra-product trade clear , calculates the vertical specialization of each industry sector in China in the year 1997 , 2000 and 2002 . It founds that the vertical specialization in communication industry and manufacturing industry is very high .

  29. 中国高技术产品产业内贸易指数分析

    An Analysis of Intra-industry Trade in China 's High-tech Industries

  30. 中国木质林产品产业内贸易的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Intra-industry Trade of Woody Forest Products of China