
  • 网络Product quality characteristics;PQC
  1. 车身曲面造型产品质量特性目标规划模型的研究

    Study of product quality characteristic objective programming model in car body surface styling

  2. 计量抽样检查是对产品质量特性进行检查,以确定一批产品是否接收的统计方法。

    The Sampling inspection by variables is a statistical method for the quality inspection of products .

  3. 本文简单介绍了产品质量特性重要度的分级,重点阐述产品质量特性重要度分级在质量链中的重要作用。

    This paper introduces grading essentiality of product quality character , mainly elaborates its important effect in quality chain .

  4. 在大部分的实际工程优化问题中,产品质量特性与不确定性因素的关系是未知的或复杂的。

    For most practical engineering optimal problems , the relationships between quality characteristics and uncertain factors are unknown or complicated .

  5. 为满足GB/T19000-2000族标准所要求的产品质量特性之一(可靠性)提出了重要建议。

    An important suggestion to satisfy the product quality characteristics ( reliability ) given in GB / T19000-2000 series standard is advanced .

  6. 比较不同斩拌条件、添加成分对产品质量特性的影响,确定最佳工艺参数及最适原辅料选择。

    Compare the effects of quality characteristics of different chopping conditions and additive , to determine the optimum process parameters and the optimal selection of raw materials .

  7. 在工序质量控制中,找出哪些因素对产品质量特性分布起关键性的作用,无论对工序质量预防、控制和诊断都有十分重要的意义。

    In process quality control , finding out the factors that play key roles on product quality performance distribution presents a significant meaning to the process quality control and precautious diagnosis .

  8. 由于复杂机电产品质量特性是产品质量的主要表现形式,所以控制质量特性的符合性有利于保证产品质量的适用性。

    Because Quality Characteristic of Complex Electromechnical Products is the main manifestation of product quality , therefore the coincidence control of Quality Characteristic is beneficial to assure the applicability of product quality .

  9. 该方法采用响应面和支持向量机来逼近产品质量特性与其影响因素的关系模型,保证了在有限样本条件下的建模效率和精度。

    Response surface and support vector machines are adopted to approximate the actual models in view of the quality characteristics of a product and the related design parameters , which ensures the accuracy and efficiency of constructing the surrogate models in the case of limited samples .

  10. 根据DLG产品的质量特性及相应的权值,采用模糊数学的方法进行评价。

    According to the quality characteristics of DLG product and corresponding weight value , DLG product quality is evaluated by the method of fuzzy mathematics .

  11. GB/T16260-1996信息技术软件产品评价质量特性及其使用指南

    Information technology Software product evaluation Quality characteristics and guidelines for their use

  12. 产品关键质量特性识别研究得到越来越多学者的青睐,成为当下产品质量控制研究领域的一个热点问题。

    The research of product key quality characteristics recognition becomes more and more popular , and is a hot issue of product quality control .

  13. 各种波动源(干扰)的存在,致使产品输出质量特性值发生变异或者漂移。

    Due to the existence of uncertainty sources ( disturbance ), there is a variation or excursion for the quality characteristic value from the target value .

  14. 以往对于产品的质量特性的识别研究,并没有对产品的不同生产过程进行区分,没有具体的分析多级生产过程中上下游生产过程之间质量特性的传递关系。

    Previous studies for the identification of the key quality characteristics , They do not have a specific analysis of the transfer relationship between multi-stage production process quality characteristics .

  15. 将该理论方法应用于轴承质量的映射分析,结果表明能够很好地反映产品质量与过程特性参数的关系。

    And the theory and methods of quantitative metrics , extension analysis and priority calculation of the mapping between product quality and process quality were put forward .

  16. 实践早期,由于技术手段的限制人们只能对少数几个显著影响产品质量的质量特性进行监控。

    In early practice , as a result of the limitation of technology , people can only monitored a few quality characteristic which obviously influence the quality of product .

  17. 随着顾客需求的变化,产品由单个质量特性向多个质量特性扩展,并且由静态质量特性向动态质量特性转变。

    With the change of customers ' requirements , the products extends from single quality characteristic to multiple quality characteristic , and transfer from static quality characteristic to dynamic quality characteristic .

  18. 环境适应性是装备(产品)的重要质量特性之一。

    Environmental worthiness of equipment ( product ) is one of the important quality characteristics .

  19. 复杂机电产品制造过程关键质量特性控制技术研究

    Research on Control Technology of Key Quality Characteristic in the Manufacturing Process of Complex Electromechnical Products

  20. 产品质量是由产品特性决定的,本文讲述了作者对ISO/TS16949产品特性的理解,特别是特殊特性的识别和确定。

    The article narrated the authors understand to ISO / TS16949 product characteristic , especially the identification and confirmation of Special characteristic .

  21. 针对产品方案设计中质量特性向结构域映射的复杂性问题,引入功能域作为中介引导质量特性向产品结构域映射。

    For the complex issue of the mapping between quality characteristics and structure domain in product scheme design , function domain is introduced as intermediary to guide this mapping .

  22. 为解决具有模糊信息时的稳健设计问题,对产品设计质量的模糊特性进行分析,提出了产品质量的模糊目标概念。

    In order to solve the problem of robust design with fuzzy information , the fuzzy characteristics of product quality were analyzed first , and then the concept of fuzzy design target was put forward .

  23. 提出了化妆品产品研发的程序,结合产品的质量特性,论述了化妆品配方设计的原则,化妆品配方设计的科学合理将决定产品的质量。

    The article introduced the research and development procedure for cosmetics and also touched upon the principles of designing formulations . The scientific and rationality of the cosmetic designing formulations will decide the quality of the products .

  24. 产品研究与开发中的质量管理注重于对产品的设计质量,为了设计具有优异质量的产品,必须建立产品的质量特性与影响因素之间的模型。

    The quality management of product study focuses on the quality design of product . For designing product with good quality , we must model the relation between the quality characteristic and the factor .