
A System Analysis Method of Regulating and Controlling Inter-regional Grain Trade
Present Situation , Trends and Control to Inter-regional Trade of Grain in China
The much-vaunted benefits of intra-regional trade have proved unable to sustain economic growth .
So if governments set trade barriers will increase exchange cost and further to accelerate the convergence of the industrial structure between cities .
This empirical analysis of the results also show that the difference in the level of trade openness constitutes a significant impact on growth convergence .
She predicts the renminbi will account for 50 per cent of all Asian intra-regional trade by 2015 , from a small fraction of that today .
The household registration system ties the peasants to the land , the monopoly state bank system favors borrowing by state enterprises , and local protectionism reduces inter-provincial trade .
A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading biocs of nations , which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system .
Facts have proved that trading activities only within one country or one region become less and less .
This implies that policy makers should pay more attention to the market infrastructure development and phase out direct market intervention on inter-regional trade .
However , the regional export gap is widening : export grows fastest in the eastern region , but much slower in the median and western regions .
Inter-provincial trade structure should be consistent with the comparative advantage of energy , which serves as a standard to determine the reasonableness of the regional trade structures .
The result shows that there are two reasons to promote the introduction and spread of the products . The first one is the trading between the regions .
Taking into account when making horizontal comparison research on the Inter-regional trade in services competitiveness , we should remove the impact brought by different development stages as different regions have different economic development stages .
Using tri-monthly Chinese provincial grain prices from 1988 to 1995 , authers estimate a parity-bounds model of inter-regional trade for four sub-periods to characterize how multiple aspects of market performance change during the process of economic transition .
With the economy globalization around the world , regional trade has been continuing to expand both in terms of quantity and range . This leads to the diverse demand of transportation services and the function of transportation agent industry is more and more important .
On the contrary , the increasing demand for high-tech workers due to the difference of the regional foreign trade and FDI , promotes a wage increase of high-tech personnel , thus widening the wage gap between high and low skilled workers among and within regions .
Our study shows the existence and importance of home-market effects in determining production and trade structure across regions in China .
The famous Silk Road enabled trade to flourish between China , central Asia and Arabia .
The bridge of the trade between China & Southeast Asia area built by Southeast Asia overseas , etc.
According to the research by west studies , the intra-industry trade indexes of industrialized countries are higher than that of newly - industrialized countries , which by the turn are higher than that of developing countries and .
Non-standard regional competition led to inter-regional trade barriers , hindered the flow of production factors , destroyed the unified economic space .
However , the economic and trade cooperation level of East Asia and even Southeast Asia has disadvantages when compared to Europe and North America for not bringing about benefits of completely free trade among the regions .