
  • 网络vertical trade;VerticalTrade;verticalspecialization;WTO
  1. 得出了中韩贸易的主要形式为产业内贸易,且在产业内贸易内部,垂直型贸易比例较大,水平型贸易份额逐步上升的基本结论。

    Based on this , we draw a conclusion that horizontal trade leads a more important position in the trade in despite of vertical Intra-Industry occupying a large proportion .

  2. 产业内贸易可以分为水平产业内贸易和垂直产业内贸易。

    Intra-industry trade can be divided into the vertical and horizontal intra-industry trade .

  3. 垂直专业化贸易:理论模型与基于中国数据的实证对我国垂直专业化贸易影响因素的实证研究

    The Vertical Specialization-Based Trade : Basic Model and Empirical Checking with the Chinese Data

  4. 关税与垂直专业化贸易扩展呈明显的正相关联系;

    The tariff has taken on a strong positive connection with the expansion of vertical-specialization-based trade .

  5. 计算结果发现不论是跨国家还是跨行业产业内贸易,我国主要是垂直产业内贸易,平均占到总产业内贸易的70%以上;

    The result of calculation finds that our country is mainly the vertical intra-industry trade accounting for more than 70 % averagely ;

  6. 而且,在工业产品的产业内贸易中,与同质产品的横向产业内贸易相比,质量与价格有所差异的垂直产业内贸易起了主导作用。

    Second , the vertical intra-industry trade differentiating regarding qualities and prices of goods plays an important role rather than the horizontal one .

  7. 本文通过研究四种不同市场结构下中间产品价格的决定,对垂直专业化贸易利益分配机制进行了探讨。

    In order to evaluate the trade benefits distribution under vertical specialization , this paper focuses on the price decision of semi-finished product under four different market structures .

  8. 然后探讨了贸易结构的这种演变与我国经济发展水平之间的关系。得出以下结论:我国贸易结构以垂直产业内贸易为主,并且具有增加趋势;

    It concludes that China 's trade structure mainly takes on the vertical intra-industry trade and the trend is strengthening , while the proportion of inter-industry is a little less than the vertical intra-industry trade and it is weakening .

  9. 在产业内贸易中,代表相同质量产品的水平产业内贸易的份额要高于同一产业不同环节有差异产品的垂直产业内贸易。

    As to trade within the same industry , share of trade within horizontal industries which represents the products of the same quality is greater than that within vertical industries which produces different products due to different links though within the same industry .

  10. 从产业层次上来看,化工产品主要是水平产业内贸易,而纺织品则主要是从中国到欧盟的单向贸易;机械和电子设备则主要是垂直产业内贸易。

    In the industry-specific scope , chemical products is mainly two-way trade with significant degree of horizontal IIT while textiles is the only sector that totally occupied by one-way trade from China to EU . Both machinery and electrical equipments are dominated by vertical IIT .

  11. 传统的比较优势理论被认为只能解释通常发生在发达国家与发展中国家之间的产业间垂直分工和贸易,而主要在发达国家之间进行的产业内水平分工和贸易则需要用新贸易理论来说明。

    The traditional theory of Comparative Advantage is considered as only explaining the inter-industry vertical trade that commonly exists between developed countries and developing countries . The intra-industry horizontal trade that mainly takes place within developed countries is thought to be explained by the New Trade Theory .

  12. 论文首先研究了世界垂直专业化贸易的发展和中国加工贸易的现状,其中重点探讨了20多年来我国加工贸易结构的演变和趋势。

    Therefore , the paper first investigates the present situation of world vertical specialization trade , as well as the Chinese processing trade development , and puts the focus on the discussion of the evolution and its tendency of the processing trade structure in China in the past two decades .

  13. 通过对相关概念的比较界定,论文认为,国外对垂直专业化贸易的定义与我国加工贸易的内涵基本一致,可以借鉴有关理论来分析我国加工贸易的相关问题。

    By comparing and distinguishing the related conceptions , the paper considers that the term " vertical specialized trade " is defined consistently with the definition of processing trade in China , so we can utilize the theory related to vertical specialization to analyze issues of processing trade in China .

  14. 我国垂直型产业内贸易的特征分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics of China 's Vertical Inter-Industrial Trade

  15. 初级产品相比制成品产业内贸易指数稍高,两者也都以垂直型产业内贸易为主要形式。

    The intra-industry trade index of primary products is higher than that of manufactured goods .

  16. 中国&新西兰垂直型产业内贸易的主要影响因素是经济规模、经济规模差异和外国直接投资。

    The main factors that influence vertical intra-industry trade are scale of economy , gap between scales of economies and foreign direct investment .

  17. 而市场规模差距与产业内贸易呈正相关则进一步验证了双边产业内贸易类型仍然停留在以垂直性产业内贸易为主的阶段。

    The result of gap of market size exerting a negative effect on intra-industry trade emphasized the conclusion that the bilateral intra-industry trade is of vertical nature .

  18. 同时,随着我国经济发展水平的提高,中国的对外贸易模式正逐步向产业内贸易发展,但具有明显的垂直型产业内贸易的特点。

    With the rapid economic growth in china , the trade pattern in china is progressively changes to intra-industry trade , and vertical intra-industry trade is the main trade pattern .

  19. 结果表明,外商直接投资对我国垂直型产业内贸易有积极的促进作用,而对我国水平型产业内贸易的影响不显著。

    The result indicates that foreign direct investment improves the level of China 's intra-industry trade and vertical intra-industry trade , but the influence of inward foreign direct investment on horizontal intra-industry trade is not notable .

  20. 最后政策建议方面:为了促进我国制成品部门产业内贸易的发展,政府应该逐步调整现行的吸引外资政策,实行国民待遇,促进垂直型产业内贸易向水平型产业内贸易发展;

    To stimulating the intra-industry trade in manufactured division , On the FDI policy , the government should adjust the current policy and adopt national treatment and guide the vertical intra-industry to the way of horizontal one .