
  1. 目前尚无一种疗效显著的方法促进子宫快速复旧,现代医学一般采用缩宫素、米索前列醇等药物促进产后子宫收缩来达到促进子宫复旧的目的。

    There is no effective method to promote rapid uterine involution now . Modern medicine commonly use shrink oxytocin , misoprostol and other drugs for postpartum uterine contractions to achieve the purpose of promoting uterine involution .

  2. 阴道分娩中益母草注射液预防产后出血促进子宫收缩的多中心临床研究

    The Multi-Center Clinical Observation of the Motherwort Injection ( Yimucao Zhusheye ) for Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage and Promoting the Uterine Contraction after Vaginal Delivery

  3. 应用子宫内压力测定方法研究米索前列醇(Mis)对早孕、晚孕和产后大鼠在位子宫收缩活动的影响。

    Effects of misoprostol ( Mis , 30-1000 g / kg ) on uterine contraction of the anesthetized early , late-pregnant and postpartum rats were studied by measuring intra-uterine pressure .

  4. 低强度超声诱导人产后离体子宫平滑肌收缩的实验研究

    An Experimental Study : Low Intensity Ultrasound Induced Human Postpartum Uterine Smooth Muscle Contraction in Vitro