
rǔ yì
  • galactorrhea;lactorrhea
乳溢[rǔ yì]
  1. 21例产后乳溢症临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 21 patients of galactorrhea disease after delivery

  2. 结果:不合并器质性疾病的产后乳溢症,大多数可于产后4到5年左右自愈。

    Results : Most patients with postpartum galactorrhea disease not complicated by organic disease were recovered naturally within 4 ~ 5 years or so .

  3. 结论:产后乳溢症可为功能性,可选择不作任何治疗,但应排除器质性疾病,并定期观察。

    Conclusion : Postpartum galactorrhea disease may be functional and need not to be treated , but organic disease should be debarred and observed regularly .

  4. 经第2个疗程灌注治疗,其中24例溢液停止,5例要反复挤捏患乳才有极少溢液,但疼痛明显消除。

    After the second course , the galactorrhea stopped in 24 cease , there were a little galactorrhea by repeatedly squeezing the infected breast in 5 cases , but the pain obviously disappeared .