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  1. 一氧化碳(CO)是动物体内的一种内源性气体信号分子,调节动物中许多生理过程。

    Carbon monoxide ( CO ) is an endogenous gaseous molecule and regulates a variety of biological processes in animals .

  2. FS可作为激活素(Activin,ACT)的结合蛋白,通过Follistarin/Activin系统来调节动物的生殖活动。

    As an activin-binding protein , FS involves in the animals reproductive regulating processes through the Follistatin / Activin system .

  3. Dicer酶除了在RNAi中发挥重要作用外,还在调节动物生殖发育中起作用。

    In addition to its function in RNAi , Dicer also regulates reproductive development in animals .

  4. 从而提出新设想:通过调节动物体内的链霉素含量,能控制SD菌苗对动物体的免疫强度。

    According to that , a new supposition is proposed : Immunological intensity of animal organism for SD vaccine can be controlled by regulating the content of streptomycin in animal body .

  5. 实验结果提示,leptin可能通过直接作用于下丘脑的LHRH神经元调节动物的生殖和内分泌活动。

    The results suggested that leptin probably regulate endocrine and reproduction of animal through directly imposing on the LHRH neurons expressing OB-Rb in the hypothalamus .

  6. IL-18既可调节动物机体的免疫应答反应,促进多种Thl细胞因子产生,还可调节各组织器官生理功能。

    It can regulate immune response and promoted the regulation of various Thl cytokine and played an important role in physiological functions .

  7. 乳铁蛋白(Lactoferrin,LF)是调节动物体液内自由铁水平的转铁蛋白族中最重要的成员。

    Transferrins form a family of proteins that are involved in regulating the levels of free iron in body fluids of animals . One principal member of this family is lactoferrin ( LF ) .

  8. 以类胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ(IGFⅠ)为中心的类胰岛素系统,在调节动物营养代谢及生产方面起着重要的作用,同时IGFⅠ系统的表达也与其营养状况密切相关。

    IGF - ⅰ, as the center of the insulin system , plays an essential role in regulating animal nutritional metabolism and production , and the expression of IGF - ⅰ system is also tightly related to nutritional status .

  9. 抗菌肽在调节动物免疫力方面的研究进展

    Advance of Antimicrobial Peptides in the Regulation of Animal Immunity

  10. 酪蛋白磷酸肽调节动物免疫功能的研究进展

    Advances on modulation of casein phosphopeptides to animal immunity

  11. [目的]建立测定动物胃肠内压实验模型,为研究药物调节动物胃肠运动提供简便而有效的方法。

    [ Objective ] To establish a determination method for isolated gastrointestinal intra-cavity perfusion pressure and to explore its application in pharmacological experiment .

  12. 除了作为前列腺素合成的前体物调节动物生殖过程外,花生四烯酸在调节细胞功能的过程中也起重要作用。

    In addition to its role as a precursor of prostaglandins , AA itself may play an important role in the regulation of cell function .

  13. 具有清除自由基、加速蛋白质合成、消炎镇痛、调节动物机体代谢等作用。

    Rare earth element could eliminate free radical , accelerate composition of protein , diminish inflammation and ease off pain and regulate metabolism of animal organism .

  14. 益生性微生物饲料添加剂是一种新型的饲料添加剂,它可以通过调节动物体内的微生态平衡以及提供高蛋白和丰富的营养达到防病治病和促进生长的目的。

    Microbial forage additive is a new type of additive which can reduce the incidence of disease through modulating the micro-ecology balance in the alimentary tract and promote the growth of the animal by its rich nutrition .

  15. 作为功能性饲料,益生菌饲料调节动物肠道菌落平衡,不产生抗药性,适口性好,动物消化率高且功能稳定。

    As functional feed , probiotics feed can adjust the bacterial colony balance in animal gut flora balance , so never produce resistance to drugs . It also has great palatability , high animal digestion rate and stable performance .

  16. DNA甲基化在基因调节和动物发育中起着重要作用。

    DNA methylation plays an important role in gene regulation and animal development .

  17. 整个试验过程中,生长激素协同甲状腺激素、三碘甲腺原氨酸和胰岛素共同调节进动物生长发育,促进蛋白质沉积,调高羔羊的消化代谢能力。

    Throughout the experiment , growth hormone cooperate with thyroid hormone , 3,5,3 ' - triiodothyronine and insulin regulated animal growth , promoted protein deposition , increased capacity of digestion and metabolism of lambs .

  18. 方法在已建立的两种情绪应激体液免疫调节作用的动物模型基础上,着重分析情绪应激条件下,外周交感神经系统和下丘脑垂体肾上腺轴(HPA轴)活性与体液免疫功能间相关性。

    Method Utilizing two kinds of animal models of emotional stress established in our laboratory , Our study analyzed the correlation between the sympathetic nervous system activity , hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis activity and the humoral immune function under the stressful condition .

  19. 螺旋藻干粉制剂辅助降血脂和调节免疫功能动物实验研究

    Animals Study on Spirulina as an Adjuvant Blood Lipid Lowering and Immune Function Enhancing Agent

  20. 其中起主要调控作用的是下丘脑-垂体-生殖轴,它调节着所有动物的整个生殖活动。

    The hypothalamic-pituitary-reproductive axis plays a main regulative role and regulates the entire reproduction activity of animal .

  21. 链脲佐菌素糖尿病金黄地鼠模型建立的研究(一种同时评价药物降血糖和调节血脂作用的动物模型)

    Streptozotocin-diabetic hamster ( an animal model to evaluate hypoglycemics and hypolipidemics )

  22. 目的建立调节肠道菌群动物模型和预防肠道菌群失调动物模型。

    Objective To establish animal models of intestinal flora regulation and intestinal flora imbalance prevention .

  23. 丁.提示,。-大豆黄酮可通过调节内源性激素水平来间接调节反刍动物的生长和瘤胃的消化代谢。

    Those results indicated that Daidzein can regulate the growth and ruminal digestion and metabolism of ruminant indirectly through regulating the levels of endogenous hormones .

  24. 促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)为下丘脑促垂体激素,其脉冲式地释放调节垂体促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体素(LH)的合成与释放,进而调节动物的生殖活动。

    The pulsatile pattern of the hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( GnRH ) plays a critical role in reproductive function by regulating the biosynthesis and secretion of the pituitary gonadotropins .

  25. 降钙素是动物体内钙磷调节的主要激素之一。降钙素的主要生理作用是抑制破骨细胞来调节人和动物体内钙的代谢。

    Calcitonin is the main hormone in adjusting the metabolism of calcium to human or animals .