- 网络Product designer;Production designer;Industrial Designer

Three years ago , Mr. Klein began inviting artisans like Tom Bonamici , a product designer with an expertise in woodworking and timber framing , to hold annual weeklong workshops at Beaver Brook for paying students to learn building skills .
Designed by product designer Lina Meier and graphic designer Sara Keranen-Gramner , who are the creative duo behind Studio Yra .
Sandy is the plant manager , while Mike is the lead production engineer .
Architect-turned-product designer Thomas Griem released a new collection of rugs earlier this month , which have taken Japanese woodcuts as their starting point .
Bloomberg 's contribution that first week was a report , sourced by two people " familiar with the company 's plans , " that Apple had 100 product designers working on a wristwatch-like device that could perform some of the tasks now handled by the iPhone and iPad .
Imagine that you are a product designer .
Scenario building provides designer with a valuable and additional technology to analyze and research human factors .
Designer achieves directing life and emotion of the people by means of applying the humanized design language successfully .
The aim of the class to help business managers and product designers develop their branding knowledge and skills .
Product designers , even more than back-end computer programmers , are in highest demand , Mr Breyer says .
We have strong technical power , modern management , top-ranking production equipments of sanitary and professional team including designers and engineers .
In the U.S. , they get experienced product designers and engineers , marketing experts and access to the high-end consumer market .
Foreign-funded manufacturers and large indigenous mainland manufacturing companies aiming for overseas expansion are the logical target customers for Hong Kong product designers .
This paper discusses the relationship between the product designer , sustainability and the creation of good quality work within the manufacturing sector .
Its centre and edges have evolved into thriving areas for studio spaces , with the fashion industry , architects and product designers all thriving .
And as it continues to expand rapidly in the market , product designers are finding greater need for very small , cost effective Bluetooth antennas that can perform reliably .
It was while contemplating this issue that German product designer Julian Lechner came up with a radical new and sustainable way of recycling coffee grounds - turning them into tableware .
This innovation is evidence of the enormous potential created when just a small team of eye-specialists , public health doctors and product designers come together to solve a single problem .
Mr. Bernett , 50 , is a product designer with a particular interest in the last item , thanks to a back injury in his mid-20s that still gives him trouble .
By the introduction of the Eco-indicator , a newly arisen Eco-industrial technology , which give the product designers a new way of thinking , and provide a simple and available device for them .
To make the designers can predict the cost of product in design phase precisely for providing the basis of price in market or designing again , a quick and precise system of modeling is needed .
Form vision and feeling psychology is the bridge which connects products designer to consumers . The paper accepts the theory of Gestalt Psychology and sums up several methods used to design electric products used in house .
Since warpage is one of the most important factors which affect the quality of plastic products , warpage gets more and more attentions from the designers , quality control and customers to guarantee plastic product quality .
This summer 's launch of Edison should provide Intel with an honest measure of whether the product designers already developing the wearable and embedded technologies that will populate the future will align their vision with Intel 's own .
Data scientists – the number crunchers who test consumers ' receptiveness to a green button over a red button , or a 20 over a 10 pixel image , and feed this information to product designers – are also in high demand .
One of Sir Jonathan 's heroes is Dieter Rams , the designer of Braun products such as shavers and radios .
Some of the greatest gadgets start with a flash of inspiration by a designer .
Confronted with the severe cultural invasion , the present Chinese production modeling designer should shoulder their own historical mission and safeguard the national culture with their specialty .
But the architects of boomtime credit innovations are returning to their desks , finding new ways to tinker with balance sheets and carve through rules that are still being developed .
Product is the link between designers and consumers of information transfer and feedback . Image is the feeling expression for a consumer about products , while designers based on the expression of consumers to get the image design .