
  • 网络Traffic passage;traffic aisle
  1. 楼梯是十分重要的垂直交通通道。

    The stairs is an important means of vertical transport channel .

  2. 杭州湾交通通道文字信息系统的开发

    Development of Written Information System for Thoroughfare across the Hangzhou Gulf

  3. 基于乘客感知的城市轨道交通通道服务水平划分

    LOS Classification for Urban Rail Transit Passages Based on Passenger Perceptions

  4. 中国地理学研究中的伦理思考&以图们江地区国际交通通道开发研究为例

    Thinking on Ethics-Geographic Research of International Traffic Corridor of Tumen River Area

  5. 事件状态下城市快速路交通通道优化控制模型

    Optimal Control Model for Urban Freeway Corridor under Incident Conditions

  6. 主城对卫星城市基于交通通道的经济扩散模型

    Economic Spread Model of Central City to Satellite City Based on Traffic Passages

  7. 城市大型桥梁从单一的交通通道,逐渐演变为城市的风景。

    The large-sized bridges in the cities from the simple traffic passage are progressively developed into the urban landscape .

  8. 杭州湾交通通道建设与沿岸诸地区工业结构调整

    Construction of the Traffic Passage in the Hangzhou Gulf and Industrial Reconstruction in Jiaxing , Ningbo , and Hangzhou

  9. 交通通道对住宅空间扩展和居民住宅区位选择的作用&以北京市为例

    Influence of Traffic Passages on Housing Spatial Expansion and Local Residents ' Selection of Housing Location & A Case Study of Beijing

  10. 城市物流节点空间关联的机制是供应链机制、物流信息平台机制、交通通道机制、政府干预机制。

    Mechanism of spatial relevancy of urban logistics nodes is mechanism of supply chain , logistics information platform , the channel of traffic as well as government intervention .

  11. 模型表明主城对卫星城市的经济扩散通量与其间交通通道的通过能力及两城市间的产业梯度呈正比。

    The model indicates that the economic spread flux of central city to satellite city is in proportion to the capacity of traffic passages and industrial gradient between them .

  12. 楼梯作为建筑物主要的竖向交通通道,在地震和火灾发生时是建筑物中重要的疏散和逃生通道,甚至是唯一出路,所以楼梯被认为是建筑结构中极其重要的组成部分。

    As a main vertical transport channel of buildings , staircase is an important evacuation and escape passage , or even the only way out in the occasion of earthquake or fire .

  13. 参照热传导的傅立叶定律,建立了主城对卫星城市基于交通通道的经济扩散模型。

    It introduced the conception of economic spread flux , and established the economic spread model of central city to satellite city based on traffic passages by referring to the Fourer Role .

  14. 只有加强交通通道、信息通道和物流通道的建设,彻底改变其交通不便、信息不灵、物流不通、人流不旺的局面。

    Only by improving traffic channel , information channel and the construction of the logistics channel , completely change its transport facilities , uninformed , logistics barriers and flow situation is not busy .

  15. 文章以杭州湾交通通道专题数据库经济评价系统的研制开发为例,探讨大型交通建设项目经济评价的方法,并通过专用项目开发为大型项目建设管理积累经验。

    This paper takes for example the development of the economic appraisal system of the database of Hangzhou Bay transportation channel and discusses the method for the economic appraisal of large transportation construction projects .

  16. 线位处于西安城市南北向的中轴线,是西安城市南北向最重要的交通通道,承担着区域交通和城市内部交通的双重功能。

    The line locate in city central axis and is the most important traffic pass way of Xi ' an from north to south , undertaking double function on the regional traffic and the traffic inside of the city .

  17. 三是在发展的通道上,本文认为西部贫困山区新农村建设进行通道经济建设不仅仅是交通通道建设,更重要的是物流通道和信息通道建设。

    Third , the development of the channel , the paper that the new rural development in poor mountainous areas west to access the building of economic development not only traffic , more importantly , the building of logistics and information channel .

  18. 模型表明中心城市对周边城镇的经济扩散通量与其间两城市间的产业梯度及交通通道的通过能力成正比,说明交通发展对中心城市在区域经济一体化中发挥带动作用具有重要意义。

    The model indicates that the economic spread flux of central city to its adjacent counties is in proportion to the capacity of traffic passages and industrial gradient between them , the development of transportation is significant to exerting the central city 's function in regional economic integration .

  19. 苏州火车站地下交通联系通道火灾烟控方案的性能

    Fire Ventilation Control Scheme for Traffic Link Tunnel in Suzhou Railway Station

  20. 构筑“泛长江三角洲”地区一体化交通运输通道的设想

    Conception about regional integrative transportation passage in " pan-yangtze River Delta area "

  21. 昨天掘进盾构到达位于长江下面的8.95公里长的第二条交通隧道通道末端。

    The digging shield for the second passage of the vehicle tunnel reached the end of the8.95-kilometer line under the Yangtze yesterday .

  22. 第2章对交通运输通道的定义进行了概述,给出了市区对外路网中通道的定义和结构形态。

    In chapter 2 , it is defined all of transportation passageway and gave the construction appearance and the definition of passageway in downtown external road net .

  23. 笔者在系统效用最大化前提下,建立了交通运输通道系统多项式分对数多路线选择模型,提出了模型中参数的标定方法和模型的数值解法,并结合实例对模型进行了标定。

    This paper sets up a logarithm multi routes choice model of transport passage system predicating on the maximum of system utility and puts up the demarcating method of its parameter and its numerical solution . Then it gives an example .

  24. 为促进高原地区经济、社会发展,减小我国东西部经济发展不平衡度,建立东西部便利的交通运输通道,在高原地区修建电气化铁路势在必行。

    In order to improve the economic development of plateau region , reduce the imbalance degree of economic development between eastern and western China , set up the convenient transport channel between eastern and western China , it is very necessary to build electrified railway .

  25. 交通运输网络通道排斥性和依存性的识别研究与实证分析

    Analysis on Exclusions and Dependences among Routes in Transportation Network

  26. 第三章研究了城市群公路交通网络的通道特性。

    The third chapter studies passage traits of urban agglomeration highway transport network .

  27. 潮汐式交通中可变通道的通行方向切换算法的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Traffic Direction Changing Algorithm for Urban Tide Traffic Situation

  28. 本文提出的公交专用车道效益评价方法主要从单点交叉口的交通效益、通道的综合效益进行。

    By using this method , the traffic benefit of the bus lane is mainly evaluated by taking into account of that at the intersection and the comprehensive benefit of the section of road .

  29. 该方法主要是在区域交通走廊的主要通道上设置调查点,以获得有城际出行需求的出行OD情况。

    This method can obtain the effective OD data because the people who are be asked in transportation channel have the demand to travel .

  30. 根据本系统的要求,选择DMB-T/H作为动态交通信息的广播通道,并根据实际数据,定制了动态交通信息传递的协议格式。

    According to the requirement of system , we choose CMMB as the broadcasting channel for dynamic traffic info .