
  • 网络Tourism Ecology;touristic ecology;tour-ecology
  1. 基于非线性动力学模型的旅游生态容量分析

    Analysis of Tourism Ecology Capacity Based on the Nonlinear Dynamic Model

  2. 旅游生态影响与生态管理研究

    A Study on the Ecological Influence and Ecological Management of Tourism

  3. 宁夏旅游生态环境的保护与建设

    The protection and development of ecological environment by tourism in Ningxia

  4. 福建省森林公园旅游生态环境问题与对策

    Tourism of Forest Park in Fujian Province : Problems and Countermeasures

  5. 嘉峪关市旅游生态足迹实证分析;

    A case study of Jiayuguan : Analysis on tourism ecologic footprint ;

  6. 建立了延庆县旅游生态环境质量评价体系。

    Tourism eco-environmental quality evaluation system of Yanqing was established .

  7. 加强旅游生态环境保护促进旅游业的可持续发展

    Strengthen Tour Eco-Environmental Protection Promote Sustainable Development of Tourist Trade

  8. 秦皇岛旅游生态环境功能分区及评价指标体系

    Dividing Functional Zone and Assessing Index System on Tourism Ecological Environment in QinHuangdao

  9. 关于丽江地区旅游生态经济建设的初步探析

    An Approach to Tourist Eco-economic Construction in Lijiang Prefecture

  10. 我国旅游生态环境影响评价研究现状

    Research Status of Chinese Eco-tourism Environmental Impact Assessment Study

  11. 旅游生态管理容量初探

    Probe into the managerial ecological carrying capacity of Tourism

  12. 儒家传统文化与旅游生态伦理

    Confucian School Culture and Eco - ethics in Tourism

  13. 珠海市旅游生态环境建设研究

    Study on the Construction of the Tourist Ecological Environment of the City of Zhuhai

  14. 建设旅游生态文化的思考

    Thinking and Construction of the Cultural Ecosystem Tourism

  15. 通过对旅游生态足迹的实证分析,表明旅游活动的开展,是影响景区旅游生态环境的主要因素。

    And the tourism activity is the primary factor of influencing the tour environments .

  16. 浅议体育旅游生态化建设

    On the ecological construction of sports tourism

  17. 旅游生态足迹方法是评价旅游对生态环境影响的新方法。

    Tourism ecological footprint is a new method to assess tourism effect on ecological environment .

  18. 旅游生态化与生态旅游建设

    Environment-friendly Tourism and Environment-friendly Tourism Construction

  19. 旅游生态足迹既是一种分析方法,也是一种认知理念。

    Tourist ecological footprint is not only an analysis method , but also a cognitive concept .

  20. 旅游生态足迹改进方法及应用研究&以张家界市为例

    A Modified Tourism Ecological Footprint Model and Its Application & A Case Study of Zhangjiajie City

  21. 位于交通线上的城市,旅游生态位适宜度就高于远离交通线的城市。

    Located in the city , tourist traffic line niche suitability is higher than the city .

  22. 生态旅游生态设计&海南银河田园规划设计方案构思

    Ecological Tourism and Designing-A Conception of the Planning and Designing for the Countryside in Yinhe of Hainan

  23. 旅游生态容量问题研究

    Study of tourist ecological capacity

  24. 运用生态足迹理论与方法,对福州国家森林公园森林景观资源的旅游生态经济效率进行测算。

    Refered to ecological footprint theory , the study calculated the touristic eco-efficiency at Fuzhou national forest park .

  25. 第三部分,我国其他省旅游生态环境保护的法律制度概述。

    The third part is about the outline of the legal system of tourism ecological environment in other provinces .

  26. 以此为基础,进一步探讨旅游生态足迹对于旅游业可持续发展的指导意义。

    Furthermore , the paper discusses the instructive significance of tourist ecological footprint to the sustainable development of tourism industry .

  27. 安徽两山一湖地区的旅游生态破坏和视觉污染问题

    On the Problems of Touring Ecology Destruction and Visual Pollution in the " Two-Mountain and One-Lake Area " of Anhui Province

  28. 以开封市为研究区域,采用以上指标体系,对2005年开封市旅游生态安全状况进行了评价。

    Took Kaifeng city as an example , adopted the method of ecological footprint analyses and constructed evaluation method and indexes system .

  29. 乡村旅游生态环境是一个自然文化经济复合系统,它由乡村旅游的宏观生态环境和微观生态环境两个部分构成,包括乡村自然生态环境和文化生态环境两个子系统。

    The rural tourism environment includes two layers : macroscopic environment and microcosmic environment . It is also classified into two subsystems .

  30. 分析了宁夏旅游生态环境的特征和存在的问题,探讨了进行旅游生态环境保护和建设的必要性,并提出了相应的措施。

    The paper analyzed the situation and problems of ecological environment by tourism in Ningxia , and some relatively measures were put forward .