
  1. 青海交通旅行社

    Qinghai Communication Travel Service

  2. Kayak提供包括酒店、航班、交通和旅行社在内的一站式服务,让你成功摆脱行前调研环节。

    Kayak takes away the research associated with traveling by providing a one-stop-shop for all your hotel , flight , transportation and organization needs .

  3. 饭店、交通、旅行社和旅游商品被称为旅游业的四大支柱行业。

    Hotel , traffic , travel agency , tourist merchandise are known as tourism industry four major pillar trades .

  4. 因此,应把它培育成饭店、交通、旅行社之外的第四个旅游业支柱行业。

    So we should breed it to be the fourth backbone in the tourism industry after hotel , communications and travel agencies .

  5. 国内自驾车旅游市场庞大、蓬勃发展,对交通线路、旅行社管理和配套服务设施提出了很多新的要求。

    The domestic market of self-driving travelling is huge and has a rapid development . It has put forward a lot of new requirements for traffic routes , management of travel agencies and supporting service facilities .

  6. 这一时期的四川地区,旅游交通日渐发展,旅行社、旅馆饭店不断兴起,现代旅游初见萌芽。

    In Sichuan region of this period , tourism communications developed day by day , and travel agencies and hotels became more and more . That formed the sprout of modern tourism .

  7. 加强旅游支持产业和产业链建设可以从构建便捷舒适的交通设施;加强旅行社的竞争力;加强旅游饭店业的竞争力三个方面加以完善。

    To strengthen the tourism industry and the industrial chain construction , we can construct a comfortable and convenient transport facilities , strengthen the competitiveness of travel agents and strengthen the Tourist Hotel industry competitive power .