
  • 网络communication culture
  1. 基于解释结构模型的城市交通文化力分析

    Analysis on the communication culture power based on interpretive structure model

  2. 基于可拓模糊层次分析法的城市交通文化系统评价

    Value of Urban Communication Culture System Based on Extension Fuzzy AHP Method

  3. 港口城市交通文化的研究具有现实意义。

    It has some realistic significance to research the culture .

  4. 论交通文化中的几个重要特征

    On the Significant Factors in the Culture of Transportation

  5. 交通文化动力系统的复杂问题与研究方法

    A framework of study system on complex issues of Communication Culture Dynamical System

  6. 基于交通文化的交通安全策略

    Traffic Safety Strategy Based on Communication Culture

  7. 由此,制度创新与科技进步构成了现代交通文化的两大支柱。

    So system renovation and scientific progress form the two grand pillars for modern communications culture .

  8. 交通文化与交通管理

    Communication Culture and Traffic Management

  9. 在此提出基于交通文化的交通管理策略具有重要意义。

    Here , we put on our traffic management according to communication culture that special important meaning .

  10. 重庆地理环境奇特,交通文化丰富,旅游资源禀赋高,具有非常好的交通旅游发展前景。

    The condition of traffic tourist development in Chongqing is very qualified with geographic perspective , traffic culture and tourist resource .

  11. 交通文化建设是行业精神文明建设的重要组成部分,是行业精神文明建设的拓展和升华。

    Traffic culture construction is the ideological infrastructure of an important part of spiritual civilization is the industry 's expansion and sublimation .

  12. 现代交通文化的真正出现,有赖于现代交通工具的普及以及现代化交通环境的形成。

    The real appearance of modern communications culture depends on the popularity of modern traffic tools as well as the formation of modern traffic environment .

  13. 本文在阐述交通文化的定义、特征的基础上,说明了交通文化对城市形象建设的整合作用。

    Based on the expounding definition and the characteristics of communication culture , this paper shows the integrating function of communication culture and its city identity .

  14. 港口城市交通文化特征要求港口城市在城市形象建设中体现水的特色、综合交通形象、数字港口形象以及绿色城市形象

    These communication culture characteristics require the port city to reflect its water charcter , composite communication features , digital port profile and green city identity in establishing the port city identity . FIGURE

  15. 最后从RBD对武汉市地域空间、商业、交通、文化游憩、环境诸方面探讨了RBD区域对武汉城市发展的影响。

    At last , it discusses the effects of the RBD area on the spatial layout , business , transportation , cultural recreation , and environment of Wuhan .

  16. 道路交通安全文化建设水平评价指标体系研究

    Studies on Evaluation Indexes of Road Traffic Safety Culture Construction Levels

  17. 让交通廉政文化在企业落地生根

    Let the Communication Honest and Clean Government Culture Root in the Enterprise

  18. 道路交通安全文化的内涵、功能与建设途径

    On connotations , function and construction approaches of road traffic safety culture

  19. 城市交通环境文化系统的多目标灰色局势评价

    Multiple objective gray situation decision method for urban communication environmental culture system evaluation

  20. 从道路交通安全文化的角度研究问题是一种全新视角。

    It is a complete new view of traffic safety research from safety culture .

  21. 色彩心理与城市交通安全文化分析

    Color Psychology and City Communication Safety Culture

  22. 道路交通安全文化建设是提升当代道路交通安全管理水平的新途径。

    Road traffic safety culture construction is a new way to improve contemporary traffic management levels .

  23. 他们说,南方太多退休人员,没有足够的就业机会,公共交通或者文化吸引力。

    Too many retirees about , they say . Not enough job opportunities , public transportation , or cultural attractions that them .

  24. 是全国经济、交通、文化中心之一,也是重要的工业中心,为世界最大的黄麻集中地。

    Is the national economy , transportation , cultural centers , is also an important industrial center for the world 's largest concentration of jute .

  25. 它控制了全中国的政治、经济、交通、文化的枢纽或命脉,它的政权是全国性的政权。

    The Kuomintang controls the key positions or lifelines in the politics , economy , communications and culture of China , its political power is nation-wide .

  26. 基于视频图像序列的人体检测与计数技术可应用于社会、经济、交通、文化旅游等很多方面。

    Pedestrian detection and counting technology based on video is applied in several fields such as society , economy , transportation , culture tourism and so on .

  27. 新疆地处边远地区,交通、文化都比较落后,工业基础差,经济底子薄,区域经济长期以来发展缓慢。

    Xinjiang is located in remote areas , transportation , culture are falling behind , industrial foundation is bad , the economic foundation , regional economic long thin developed slowly .

  28. 建筑、人口密度、交通、文化等不是作为城市的组成部分存在,而是作为一些供“使用者”个体选择的因素存在。

    Architecture , population density , traffic , culture do not exist as the components of the cities , but as the elements for the choice of individual " users " .

  29. 首先概述清水江流域林业经济所依托的自然及社会环境,其中包括气候、土壤、地形、交通以及文化等方面。

    First , it outlines the natural and human environment , on which the forestry economy of Qingshui River Basin was based , including climate , soil , geography , transporation and culture .

  30. 人口死亡状况在3种生态区之间可能存在显著差异,这主要是受医疗条件、交通、文化和传统风俗等社会因素的影响。

    But significant differences in the state of death might exist in the three areas , these differences may be mainly caused by social factors such as medical condition , traffic , culture and traditional customs .