
  • 网络cloud resource
  1. 如果运行所需模式的云资源不足,那么WebSphereCloudBurst将拒绝它的每一个普通过程部署。

    If there is not enough cloud resource to host the requested pattern , WebSphere CloudBurst will decline the deployment per its usual process .

  2. 针对云资源监控系统中,频繁的数据传输造成较大通信开销的问题,借鉴国内外数据传输研究的相关文献和思路,提出一种推拉混合数据传输模型(Push-PullHybridModel,PPHM)。

    Focusing on the problem that frequent data transmission in cloud resource monitoring system will cause dramatic communication cost , a Push-Pull Hybrid Model ( PPHM ) is proposed .

  3. 了解如何使用无代理和基于代理的方法监控IBMTivoliEnterprisePortal中的云资源。

    Learn how to monitor cloud resources in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal with agentless and agent-based approaches .

  4. 开发人员可以在库里找到list、create、destroy等方法,在其他功能里管理云资源。

    In the library developers will find methods like list , create , or destroy for managing cloud resources among other functionality .

  5. 部署所需的云资源包括一组支撑管理程序、一个云可用IP地址的列表。

    Cloud resources required for deployment consist of a set of supported hypervisors and a list of IP addresses available to the cloud .

  6. 用于以编程方式管理和访问云资源的一组API(用于云的工具)。

    A set of APIs for managing and accessing the Cloud resources programmatically ( the tools for the cloud ) .

  7. 测试团队使用WebSphereCloudBurst命令行界面自动化他们的云资源的增长和收缩。

    The test team automated the growth and contraction of their cloud resources using the WebSphere CloudBurst command line interface .

  8. Libcloud也支持SSL等协议,允许对可用的云资源进行安全访问。

    Protocols like SSL are supported to allow a secure access to the available cloud resources .

  9. 开发人员和QA经理会经常希望利用云资源来多平台测试、并发运行单元测试和功能测试、有效地执行负载测试。

    Developers and QA managers will continually want to provision cloud resources for multi-platform testing , run unit and functional tests in parallel , and execute effective load testing .

  10. 在用户或用户组级别也能跟踪云资源(即内存、CPU、IP)的使用情况,允许CloudBurst支持整个企业拒付(Chargeback)。

    Usage of cloud resources ( i.e.memory , CPU , IPs ) is also tracked at a user or user group level allowing CloudBurst to support chargeback across an enterprise .

  11. 暖季在山区有极丰富的地形云资源和优越的降水条件;

    There are abundant topography cloud resource and ascendant precipitation conditions ;

  12. 基于整数马尔可夫理论的多维云资源高效调度方法。

    Multi-dimensional cloud resource efficient scheduling method based on integer Markov theory .

  13. 云资源模式包括刚刚提到的一组扩展。

    The cloud resource pattern includes the list of extensions just mentioned .

  14. 缓存服务可以选择用一个云资源服务适配器进行包装。

    The cache services can be optionally wrapped by a cloud resource adapter .

  15. 上一节描述的场景与管理云资源有关。

    The scenario described in the previous section related to managing cloud resources .

  16. 云资源根据使用情况付费。

    Cloud resources are paid for based on usage .

  17. 广西云资源时空变化分析

    The Analysis for the Space and Time Change of Cloud Resources in Guangxi

  18. 可比传统计算资源更动态地创建云资源,从而导致资源激增。

    Cloud resources are created more dynamically than traditional computing resources , which leads to proliferation .

  19. 云资源现在支持分布式事务,而状态管理则负责处理状态持久化。

    The cloud resource now supports distributed transactions and state management now handles state persistence as well .

  20. 云资源处理能力的复杂性和多层多类混合资源的组合复杂性。

    The capacity of cloud resources complexity and the combination complexity of to multi-class multi-tier hybrid resources .

  21. 对云资源的自动监控和报告使趋势得到识别且使容量规划更简单、更精确。

    Automated monitoring and reporting on cloud resources makes trend spotting and capacity planning easier and more accurate .

  22. 快速访问云资源可以帮助您在真实环境中对应用程序进行负载测试。

    Gain quick access to cloud resources that help you load test your application in a real-world environment .

  23. 不同的部署场景可能需要不同的云资源、需要支持不同的组织标准,等等。

    Different deployment scenarios might need different cloud resources , support for different organizational standards , and more .

  24. 基于已有的更高版本,其余功能可以使用云资源模式提供。

    Based on the higher versions that exist , the remaining functionality can be provided using a cloud resource pattern .

  25. 这一提升是亚马逊为用户提供监测云资源服务的一部分。

    The upgrade is part of an effort by Amazon to give users better visibility into the status of their cloud resources .

  26. 考虑到使用云资源的低成本门槛,您应该了解并尝试执行一个实际的迁移。

    Given the low cost of entry to using cloud resources , you should have a look and try to conduct a practice migration .

  27. 通过使用这个新特性,可以增强团队对部署的控制能力,更好地控制云资源的使用和虚拟机命名。

    You can use this new feature to give teams more control over their deployments in terms of cloud resource usage and virtual machine naming .

  28. 云资源模式和云任务模式的设计是为了实现重用,所以我们并不要求您选择这种策略。

    The cloud resource pattern and cloud task pattern are designed to be reused and we make no assumptions on the strategy you will choose .

  29. 控制面板页可以用来管理和监视云资源;可以添加和管理实例、映像和存储。

    The control panel page is where you manage and monitor the Cloud resources ; you can add and manage instances , images , and storage .

  30. 您可以有一个虚拟应用程序、虚拟系统,甚至是虚拟设备的组合,它们都会被部署到同一个云资源池。

    You can have a mix of virtual applications , virtual system , and even virtual appliances all deployed to the same pool of cloud resources .