
  • 网络distribution substation;distribution station
  1. 研制配电所计算机实时监测系统,用计算机来改造现有的配电所,使配电所的管理实现监控计算机智能化,提高设备整体的等级,获得最佳的经济、技术效益。

    By developing computerized real time monitoring system for distribution substation and reconstructing the existing distribution substation with computer to realize computerized management of distribution substation , upgrade the entire equipment , obtain most economical and technical efficiency .

  2. 配电所ST-1000智能监测系统的研制

    Development of ST-1000 Computerized Monitoring System in Distribution Substation

  3. 基于Delphi的变配电所监控软件设计

    Supervisory Control Software Design of Substation Based on Delphi

  4. 为了提高配电所监控软件的模块化、开放性,本配电所监控系统软件采用了基于Internet的解决方案。

    The distribution station supervisory and control software system adopts the solution scheme based on the Internet technology , therefore the software system becomes more modularized and open .

  5. 电力系统CAD技术的应用同机械、建筑等行业相比则相对落后,而变配电所继电保护CAD又是电力行业中较落后的部分。

    CAD technology for electric power system is more behindhand compared with mechanism , architecture and so on . CAD technology for protective relay of substation and power distribution station is most behindhand .

  6. 城市10kV配电所真空断路器的过电压保护问题

    Over-voltage Protection of Vacuum Circuit-breaker in Urban 10 kV Distribution Station

  7. 电气CAD技术是计算机技术在电气工程设计领域综合应用的新技术,利用计算机技术来完成供配电所的电气设计工作不仅十分必要,而且是完全可能的。

    Electrical CAD technology is a new technic of computer science compositive applications in electrical engineering design domain . It is not only very necessary but also fully possible to use the new computer technology to finish power supply and distribution substations design .

  8. 对10kV变配电所接地设计问题的探讨铁路10kV配电变压器故障原因初探

    Investigation on Grounding Design of 10 kV Transformer Substation and Distribution Discussion on Causes of Fault of 10 kV Distribution Transformer

  9. 根据目前煤矿变电所的实际需要,研制出一套针对10KV配电所的馈线保护监控装置。

    Based on the practical demand of mine substation , a new relay protection and monitoring feeder device for10KV substation is developed .

  10. 配电所监控系统软件通过采用ActiveX组件技术和DCOM数据访问技术将其功能扩展到Internet应用上,大大提高了系统的开放性、易维护性,为相关领域的研究作一些新的探索。

    The electric distribution station configuring supervisory and control software system extends to Internet through ActiveX component and DCOM data access technology , hence the software system is more open and easier to maintenance . The paper do some new exploring in the correlative domain .

  11. 对10kV配电所普通信号指示灯更换为电子节能型信号灯后不能闪光的问题进行了分析,并提出解决的措施。

    This paper probes into the problem that the signal lamp in 10 kV substation can 't flash after it is replaced from the common one to the electric energy saving one , and puts forward some solving measures .

  12. 铁路电力变、配电所设计规范

    Code for design of railway electric power transformer and distribution station

  13. 确定变配电所最佳位置的新方法

    A new method of ensuring the most suitable position of a substation

  14. 变配电所电力试验自动检测管理系统的研制

    Development of Automatic Inspection System of Substation and Distribution Station

  15. 电力配电所直流控制电源监控装置设计

    Design of the Monitor of the DC Power Supply for Power Substation

  16. 关于解决供电配电所问题的协调控制战略研究

    Study on the Coordination Control Strategy for the Solutions to Distribution Substation Problems

  17. 配电所开关跳闸原因浅析

    Analysis of the Reason about Distributing Station Switch Tripping

  18. 一种新型配电所自动化系统的研究

    Study on an New-Style Automation System of Distribution Station

  19. 基于负荷转移的中压配电所综合规划

    Integrated planning of mid-voltage distribution substation with load transfer

  20. 微机监控装置在用户变配电所的应用

    Application of microprocessor-based monitoring device to customer 's substations

  21. 一起用户配电所典型停电事故分析

    CUSTOMER DEMAND user facilities An Analysis of a Power Cut Accident of Power Station

  22. 变配电所微机保护整组动作时间的测试分析

    Test and analysis for action time of computer-based relaying protection at power distribution substation

  23. 201~配电所综合自动化改造

    Integrated Automation Transformation of 201 ~ # Substation

  24. 变配电所综合自动化技术及保护装置的分析比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Comprehensive Automation Technology and Protective Devices for the Distribution Substation

  25. 变配电所的防雷保护方法和措施

    Measures of Lightning Protection of the Power Substation

  26. 变配电所失压保护回路的改进

    Improvement of the Return Current Protection When Losing Voltage of the Transformer and Distribution Station

  27. 介绍了为哈尔滨配电所开发的自动倒闸操作票生成系统。

    The automatic generation system of operation scheduling developed for Harbin distribution substation is introduced .

  28. 配电所监测系统

    A Monitoring System of Power Distribution Station

  29. 自动化配煤系统在洗煤厂储装运车间中的应用微机综合保护自动化监控系统在煤矿机修厂变配电所中的应用

    Microcomputer Synthesis Protection Automation Supervisory System Changes in the Coal Mine Repair Workshop in Substation Application

  30. 高压负荷开关与熔断器组合电器在终端变配电所设计中的实现及优势

    Realization and Advantage of High-voltage Load Switch and Current-limiting Fuse Combination in Design of Terminal Power Supply & Distribution Substation