
  1. 宁波是长江三角洲南翼重要的经济中心城市,也是华东地区重要的先进制造基地。

    Right now , Ningbo has become the important economic centre city of Yangtze River delta , and it is the most advanced manufacturing base of East China .

  2. 除了创新、市场、文化、传统资源等要素之外,集聚整体合力是先进制造基地中集聚发展非常重要的支撑因素。

    In addition to the innovation , market , culture , and traditional factors , cluster specific synergy is of more importance for the development of the advanced manufacturing base .

  3. 我国先进制造业基地建设的不同层面

    The Different Levels of Construction of Advanced Manufacturing Base in China

  4. 基于产业集群理论的先进制造业基地建设思路研究

    Research on the Manufacturing Industries Base Building Based on Industry Cluster Theory

  5. 先进制造业基地建设关键是人才的培养和造就。

    Talents training is important for building an advanced manufacturing industry base .

  6. 知识创新:论先进制造业基地建设

    Knowledge Innovation : On the Construction of Advanced Manufacturing Base

  7. 浙江省先进制造业基地建设的技术来源分析

    Analysis of Construction Technology Source of Zhejiang Advanced Manufacturing Base

  8. 基于先进制造业基地建设的人才培养对策探讨

    Discussion on the Countermeasure of Talents Training Based on Advanced Manufacturing Industry Base

  9. 建设宁波先进制造业基地研究

    Construction of Advanced Manufacturing Industry Base in Ningbo

  10. 制造业是浙江工业化进程中的主导,也是浙江打造先进制造业基地的根本推动力量。

    Manufacturing industry dominates the Zhejiang industrial progression .

  11. 现代服务业与制造业竞争力关系研究&以浙江先进制造业基地建设为例

    The Relationship Between Service and Manufacturing Competitiveness : A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  12. 建设先进制造业基地,关键是在产业带、集群以及企业等三个不同的层面贯彻整合与创新的思想。

    Integration and innovation are regards as key to the construction of advanced manufacturing base .

  13. 应施以构建先进制造业基地,形成大产业区与大市场之间的良性互动;

    The building of advanced manufacture base enables large industrial areas interact with large markets .

  14. 新形势下长沙先进制造业基地建设与布局

    A study on construction and layout of advanced manufacturing base under the situation in Changsha

  15. 浙江省建设先进制造业基地的产业集群选择与对策研究

    Research on Industry clusters Choice and Countermeasures in the Construction of Advanced Manufacturing Industries Base

  16. 先进制造业基地的核心是制造的先进性,且要有相当的产业规模。

    Under the background of globalization , shaping path of advanced manufacturing base has changed .

  17. 然后以湖南工程机械先进制造业基地的发展为实例,进一步详细阐述湖南先进制造为业基地的发展战略。

    The paper then elaborates about the development strategic of Hunan engineering machinery advanced manufacturing base .

  18. 浙江在大力打造先进制造业基地的进程中,产品流通渠道滞后问题越来越成为产业竞争力提升的现实障碍。

    This paper first contrastively analyzes the advantage and the predicament of the existing circulating channel of Zhejiang manufacturing .

  19. 福建加快建设海峡西岸先进制造业基地路径选择

    Path Selection by Fujian to Accelerate Construction of the Advanced Manufacturing Base on the West Coast of the Straits

  20. 建设先进制造业基地对于我国转变经济增长方式,加快产业升级具有重要的意义。

    Building up advanced manufacturing base has great significance in transforming the pattern of economic growth and speeding up industrial upgrading .

  21. 把传统产业集群发展成为先进制造业基地是提升区域产业核心竞争力和发展产业集群的必然。

    To change traditional industrial clusters into advanced manufacturing bases is necessary to promote the core competitiveness of regional industries and develop industries .

  22. 打造先进制造业基地、提升企业持续竞争力,要求高职教育创新人才培养模式。

    The creation of advanced manufacturing base and exaltation of durative competition ability of enterprises require higher vocational education to innovate talents cultivation model .

  23. 先进制造业基地作为推动中原城市群工业化和现代化的主导力量,对其发展具有重要的现实意义。

    As the main driver of industrialization and modernization of the Central Plain Urban Agglomeration , advanced manufacturing industry base has important practical meanings .

  24. 现代生产性服务业作为制造业的中间投入对浙江先进制造业基地的建设具有重要作用。

    Considering the relationship of producer service and manufacturing industry , the paper discusses the reasons why manufacturing industry in Zhejiang requires advanced producer services .

  25. 龙兴工业园位于渝北区龙兴镇、石船镇,是两江新区万亿级先进制造业基地。

    Located in Longxing town and Shichuan town of Yubei , Longxing Industrial Park is an advanced trillion-yuan-level manufacturing base of in Liangjiang New Area .

  26. 以浙江省为例,从先进制造业基地建设对高职人才需求的分析出发,分析了先进制造业基地建设对高职人才的需求状况。

    Based on the construction and development of advanced manufacturing industrial base of Zhejiang province , this article analyses the demands of higher vocational and technical talents .

  27. 宁波市委市政府从全市可持续发展的高度,提出了打造十大优势产业,建设先进制造业基地的总体目标。

    The municipal government of Ningbo has proposed a plan to build ten major industries and to construct an advanced manufacturing base as a result of continuous local development .

  28. 在国际产业转移和东部沿海向内陆梯度产业转移的大好形势下,湖南制造业在确定其定位发展的前提下,积极承接国际国内产业转移,通过构建先进制造业基地来实现追赶发展战略目标。

    Hunan province should take in international and domestic industry transferring actively on the precondition of fixing on its development orientation and realize the strategic aim of speeding up development .

  29. 在总结浙江制造业环境现状的基础上,提出了绿色制造工程的概念、特征、运行模式和推行绿色制造工程在建设先进制造业基地中的意义;

    On the basis of summarizing the connotation of green manufacturing , this paper dwells on the concept and characteristic features of green manufacturing and its significance in the construction of advance manufacturing bases .

  30. 结合信息时代企业的市场战略特征和技术战略特征,先进装备制造基地的建设应该对市场战略和技术战略进行战略整合,实行一体化创新。

    By analyzing the strategies of market and technology in information age , the paper puts forward that advanced equipment manufacture base should strategically conform market strategy to technological strategy and actualize unified innovation .