
  1. 我们假定云服务商是诚实但是好奇的,将它视为潜在攻击者。

    We assume that CSP is honest-but-curious and is considered as a potential attacker .

  2. 接着转换视角,从云运营商的角度,分析如何才能使本企业的云平台在成本方面能吸引到用户。

    Then transfer view to cloud computing operator , analyzed how could the cost attract potential users .

  3. 对于其他的应用程序,应积极地移植到云服务商那里,发挥他们在效率和成本上的优势。

    The rest of the application portfolio should be aggressively migrated to cloud providers who can apply their efficiency and cost advantages to them .

  4. 但由于数据量巨大,且隐私数据会交给云服务商这个第三方,所以造成用户和与服务商的不信任。

    But because of the great amount of data , and privacy data cloud service provider to the third party , so cause the user and provider of distrust .

  5. 如若不然,企业也能简单地从所谓的“计算云”运营商(如amazonwebservices公司)那租用额外磁盘容量。

    Alternatively , firms can simply rent extra capacity from operators of what are called " computing clouds " , such as Amazon Web services .

  6. Salesforce.comInc.:这家云软件生产商过去七年一直在收购市场营销、社交媒体和人力资源方面的公司。

    Salesforce.com Inc. : Cloud software maker Salesforce.com spent the last seven years buying companies in marketing engagement , social media , and human resources .

  7. 此外,云计算运营商可以专注于防范和应对网络入侵,以保护信息及其使用者。

    Beyond that , cloud operators can focus on network intrusion prevention and response to protect information and its users .

  8. 利用云计算服务商提供的服务来开发自己的程序并通过互联网传到用户手中。

    By the use of services which Cloud computing service providers give , develop their own procedures and let users get them through the Internet .

  9. 甲骨文今年12月份以15亿美元收购了云营销软件生产商ResponsysInc.。

    Oracle in December acquired Responsys Inc. , a maker of cloud marketing software , for $ 1.5 billion .

  10. 我们做的云,电信运营商马上就可以用,容易促成它的成熟。

    We do clouds , telecom operators can be used immediately , likely contributed to its maturity .

  11. 随着云存储技术的高速发展,越来越多的个人或者企业把大量的私有数据委托给云服务商存储。

    With the rapid development of cloud storage technology , more and more individuals or enterprises entrust to store the private data in the cloud server .