
  • 网络Cloud Industry;Cloud Commerce
  1. 现在回想起来,埃里森认为云产业是一门时尚产业的看法不无道理。

    In retrospect , Ellison was right that the cloud industry is a fashion industry .

  2. 预计在2011年云计算产业会有更多合作计划被宣布,不过其中大多数合作计划均会以政府支持为背景。

    ' 'Expect more announcements in2011 , mostly driven by government projects . ' '

  3. 埃里森甚至是这两家公司的早期投资者之一,获得过优先入股这两家云计算产业先锋的机会。

    Ellison even invested in both companies early on , getting in on the ground floor of two companies that would help define the cloud-computing industry .

  4. 根据一项新的政府计划,到2019年,我国云计算产业规模将在2015年的基础上增长超过2.5倍。

    China is aiming to increase the scale of its cloud computing industry by more than 2.5 times by 2019 , from 2015 levels , according to a new government plan .

  5. 近年来,虽然信息产业利润增长缓慢,后劲不足,然而随着云计算产业的兴起,互联网热潮再次出现兴起的迹象。

    In recent years , the profit growth more and more slowly in information industry , however with the rise of cloud computing industry , the dotcom boom was going to happen again .

  6. 另外一方面我们要在法律和政策上制止任何危害用户信息安全问题的发生,保证云计算产业有良好的发展。

    With regard to laws and policies , efforts should be made to prohibit acts that may harm the safety of user information , thus to foster an environment conducive to the development of cloud computing and the entire industry .

  7. 在最近的一份对云基础设施产业的评估中,科技研究公司高德纳(Gartner)的分析师统计了15家公司的数据。

    In a recent evaluation of the cloud infrastructure business , analysts at the technology research firm Gartner counted 15 companies .

  8. 第六部分指出了新传播环境下云台山旅游产业转型升级所面临的挑战,并提出了应对策略。

    The sixth part points out challenges faced by Yuntai Mountain in the progress of tourism industry transformation and upgrading under the new communication environment , and puts forward the coping strategies .

  9. 根据工业和信息化部印发的《云计算发展三年行动计划(2017-2019年)》,到2019年,我国云计算产业规模将从2015年的1500亿元增至4300亿元。

    The scale of the cloud computing industry will be expanded to 430 billion yuan by 2019 , up from 150 billion yuan in 2015 , according to an action plan for 2017-2019 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .