
Venoms are excreted by the poison gland or acid gland of mature female wasps and stored in reservoir .
In part this is because scandals over toxic paint and poisoned milk have brought closer scrutiny from inspectors and hence less corner-cutting .
It would be helpful to sepsis that clarifying the effect and mechanism of β - defensin 2 on the lungs .
Routine measurement of PCT is helpful to the early diagnosis and reasonable therapy of sepsis .
NDV could be detected by RT-PCR in the tracheas of the artificially infected chicken next day , then in the cloaca , spleen and kidney .
A group and B group were treated once with CpG ODN or control ODN ( 30 μ g / mouse ) intraperitoneally 2 weeks before infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
The mouse began to die after inoculate the virus 60h , death rate is 80 % . Appearing typical conjunctivitis .
The sow which carried hog cholera field virus borned 9 piglets 171 days later . The 3 of 9 piglets were stillbirth , and the remainder were mummification .
The injures aggravated gradually from 4 to 7 days after inoculation and the pathological changes at 6 and 7 days are typical .
The prevention of canine distemper is still mainly dependent on the attenuated vaccines all over the world . However , there are some drawbacks on the attenuated vaccines .
Botulinus toxin from a clostridium botulin fermentation broth was separated and purified by membrane filtration technology . To remove the bacteria from the fermentation broth , we chose a 0.65 μ m pore size microfiltration membrane , reaching a removal ratio of 100 % .
[ Conclusions ] This method is simple , sensitive and time - saving and may replace the cell culture ELISA for testing of liver attenuated HAV vaccine .
This mode of action is similar to experimental vaccines that use weakened , whole parasites to elicit an immune response , said Borrmann .
The equilibrium stage of early maturing virus-free cultivars was earlier than that of the cultivars infected ;
Under the same treatment , alfalfa allelopathic effect on other crops was stronger than its autotoxicity .
The results failed to confirm that cluster-based programs help to improve the 28-day mortality of sepsis patients with intestinal dysfunction .
They drive away the history books , records , the500 line in the Dianchi Lake horse God , and from " Shushan drug Road " between the mountains and Central Asia , West Asia and South Asia with trade trade .
Conclusion Inhibition of NF - κ B activity may attenuate acute liver injury in burn sepsis .
This study provides new experimental evidence and research ideas for the use of VIP in clinical treatment of sepsis .
However , LPS also shows strong toxic reaction ( Shwartzman reaction , pyrogenic reaction , etc ) that hinders its clinical application . Many researchers have been committed to the toxicity attenuation of LPS .
The isolated virus can reproduce in embryo of muscovy duck , and showed a weakening tendency of its virulent .
When a group of people are exposed to a virus or food toxin , modern medicine examines only those who get sick .
The initial stage of study mostly emphasize traditional sterile vaccines and attenuated live vaccines . Although traditional attenuated live vaccines have entered clinical trail for many years , but so much clinical data shows that the tetravalent vaccines can 't simultaneously afford protective immune responses against four serotypes .