
Yú Yòurèn
  • Yu Youren; leader in the first civil war in the 1920s;scholar, poet, calligrapher, journalist, educator, high KMT government official
  1. 于右任的书法雄豪婉丽,冲淡清奇,其中蕴含着他的学识风范。

    Yu youren 's calligraphy has a heroic beauty , revealing his wide knowledge .

  2. 于右任的标准草书及其研究方法的得失

    You-ren Yu 's Standard Cursive Hand and the Gain and Loss of it 's Research Method

  3. 作为书法艺术,于右任先生选择标准草书未获成功,然而他为推动草书运动采取的方法却是成功的。

    Yu has not succeed on choosing " standard cursive hand ", however , his method for forcing cursive hand 's calisthenics was successful .

  4. 于右任所以喜欢魏碑,是因为魏碑有“尚武”精神,有粗犷豪放之气。

    The reason that Yu developed a love for Northern Wei stone tablets is that the style encourages a valiant spirit through their bold and vigorous style .

  5. 论文第二部分论述了抗战期间于右任在西北文化、教育、建设以及民族团结等方面的活动。

    In the second part , the article discussed both the Mr. Yu 's position of President of Control in the anti-Japanese War period and the culture , education , national unity in the North West in China .