
  • 网络Yu Lan;Yolanda;Yui Lan
  1. 于蓝斑复合核区内微量注射P物质抗血清,使血压降低,心率减慢。

    Microinjection of SP antiserum into the Lc-Sc of the rabbits resulted in a marked decrease in blood pressure and heart rate of the rabbits .

  2. 对高速FSK调制,激光器应偏置于蓝移状态下工作。

    For high-speed FSK modulation , the laser should be biased to operate in the blue-shifed regime .

  3. 以GaN为代表的第三代宽禁带化合物半导体材料因其显著优点是目前世界上最先进的半导体材料,广泛应用于蓝、绿光发光器件领域。

    As a representative of the third generation semiconductor material , GaN is the most advanced semiconductor materials all over the world , widely used in blue , green light shining field .

  4. 于蓝:我和田方的故事

    Yu Lan : My Story with Tian Fana

  5. 此外,相对于蓝筹股,我国投资者对于非蓝筹股年度报告披露的反应要强烈得多。

    Besides , we also discover investors ' reaction to Non-Blue Chip stocks more strongly than Blue Chip stocks .

  6. 青取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于冰。

    The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant ; so is the ice colder than the water .

  7. 我们提出利用横向电场诱导的方法实现蓝相液晶透镜,这一方案可以使利用的双折射率差接近于蓝相材料的最大双折射率差。

    We use the horizontal electric field to induce the phase shift which can almost produce the birefringence of the blue phase LC .

  8. 科学家宣称女性更喜欢红粉色系,男性倾心于蓝绿色系,而且他们将这种喜好归功于我们狩猎采集的过去。

    Scientists have shown that females are drawn to pinks and reds and men to blues and greens – and they believe the explanation lies our hunter-gatherer past .

  9. 这静动兼备,水天一色的景致,构成了“千里茶盘湖水色,含烟带月碧于蓝”的醉人画面。

    This is both static and dynamic , same color scene constitutes a " tea tray Trinidad lake color , have with Pitt in blue on " the magnificent screen .