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  1. 于坚是当代中国最具影响力的诗人之一。

    Yu Jian is one of the most influential contemporary Chinese poets .

  2. 还原与超越:于坚诗歌的自然主题

    Reduction and Surpass : the Nature Topic of Yu Jian 's Poems

  3. 对语言的解剖与对存在的呈示&于坚20世纪90年代诗歌解读

    Dissecting Language and Showing " Being " Reading YU-Jian 's peoms in 1990s

  4. 于坚是当代文坛独具特色的作家。

    Yu Jian is a unique contemporary literary writer .

  5. 于坚诗歌的语言策略

    Language Features of Yu Jian 's Poems

  6. 于坚诗歌昭示着中国诗歌一种全新诗学思维方式的出现。

    The poems of Yu Jian clearly show a mode of thinking of Chinese new poems .

  7. 诗意地栖居与逻各斯向往&试论于坚诗歌的审美追求与精神内涵

    Poetic Dwelling and Logos Yearning : on the Aesthetic Pursuit and Poetic Spirit in Yu Jian 's Poems

  8. 对真实的担当与重建汉语诗歌精神&于坚诗歌理论两题

    Responsibility for Truth and Reconstruction of the Spirit of Chinese Poetry : Two Focuses of Yu Jian 's Poetics

  9. 自然情怀与家园之梦&于坚诗文生态意识阐释

    Love of Nature and Dream of Homeland : An Interpretation of Yu Jian 's Works from an Ecological Perspective

  10. 从于坚和北岛、王家新诗歌看诗歌和生活的关系

    Through poems of Yu Jian , Bei Dao and Wang Jia-xin to see the relation between poem and life

  11. 于坚作为新生代诗歌的代表人物,其口语化写作已形成独特的个人风格。

    As representative of new generation poets , Yujian has formed his unique style with those expressions of oral speech .

  12. 再次,是对日常生活等生命现场的书写,于坚认为这是人类真实的家园,是此在。

    Thirdly , he describes the daily life ect life spot , and think that this is the true homeland of mankind .

  13. 本文从词与物的角度,探讨于坚诗的特点及其诗观念的形成。

    This article explores the characteristics of his poetry and the formation of his poetic concept from the perspective of word and object .

  14. 于坚口语化的诗性言说直接进入生命存在,以书写生活常态显现出诗歌语言的真实和本色。

    His " colloquial " poems access to the living existence directly , by writing daily life to reveal language truth and nature .

  15. 去蔽与还原:世俗生活的诗意漫游&于坚诗歌的平民意识与精神空间

    Clarification and Reduction : Romantic Traveling in Secular Life & Awareness of Ordinary People and the Spiritual Space Reflected in YU Jian 's Poems

  16. 隐喻的缺席和文化的消解注定了于坚诗歌自然主题的原生态特征。

    The absence of parable and the elimination of culture destine to the first ecosystem characteristic of Yu Jian 's poems ' nature topic .

  17. 他们是群游性鱼而且生活于坚硬岩石而不平坦的海洋底部与陡峭的离岸岛屿的区域。

    They are schooling fish and live in areas of hard , rocky and uneven sea floor and steep off islands ( Ref.27354 ) .

  18. 在随笔集《棕皮手记》涉及诗学的篇章中,于坚把这种担当具体为重建汉语诗歌精神的追求。

    In his collection of essays Palm-bark Notes , he regards this responsibility as the pursuit of the reconstruction of the spirit of Chinese poetry .

  19. 于坚作为其中的一员,也在努力寻求一种与时代相适应的新的诗歌路向。

    As one member of them , YU Jian is working hard to seek a new direction of poetry that is compatible with our times .

  20. 分析于坚诗歌理论的思想背景,指出其思想与20世纪人类优秀思想达成的沟通和交流。

    This paper analyzes the ideological background of Yu Jian 's poetics and points out that his poetics has communicated and interacted with the advanced thoughts in the this century .

  21. 为了在诗歌中淋漓尽致地展现这种生活常态,于坚还选择了口语化的诗性言说,以使诗歌与人的生命同构。

    In order to bring poetry to normal life , Yu Jian also selects the colloquial statement of the poem , so that poetry and life become the same configuration .

  22. 本文将以于坚在不同时期的语言观拒绝隐喻和现代汉语之诗为主要研究对象,从历史语境、理论资源、话语内涵等方面来对之进行详细的梳理与分析。

    The thesis took his different linguistic views during different period as the subjects and carefully analysied them from the prospective of environment , theory and conception of the words and phrases .

  23. 同时,于坚对语感的重视,主要表现在诗歌的冷抒情风格,诗歌语言的反讽特征,以及诗歌节奏的独特审美效果。

    In addition , Yu Jian puts a special emphasis on " language sense " . These poems mainly present cold expression , ironic effect , and the unique rhythm of poems .

  24. 其次是对云南风俗的诗意抒写,于坚正是渴望以其中的诗意、在家感来消融世间的喧哗与骚动。

    Secondly is his poetry writing of Yun Nan custom . He is eager to express the poetic flavor and home-in feeling in order to melt the blatancy and disturbance in life .

  25. 鸟类取食果实虽然对园林树种的观赏性产生了一定的影响,但是鸟类通过取食树木果实获得了营养,同时也促进了肉质果实中那些种皮坚硬,或者包被于坚硬果核中的种子的自然传播。

    The frugivorous birds can obtain necessary nutrients from the fruits , and promote the dispersal of the seeds of the fleshy fruits enclosed by hard seed coat or by hard endocarp within their habitats .

  26. 于坚作为中国当代诗坛的代表作家,他的创作理念和具体作品都对诗歌界产生了重要的影响,具有较高的研究价值。

    Yu Jian , the representative of the Chinese contemporary poet , his philosophy of creation and specific works have an important impact on the field of poems and have a high value to study further .

  27. 传统意境内涵在现代诗歌创作中的变异更新诗意地栖居与逻各斯向往&试论于坚诗歌的审美追求与精神内涵

    Aberrance and Renovation of the Connotation of Traditional Artistic Conception Taste in Inditing Poesy in Modern Times ; Poetic Dwelling and Logos Yearning : on the Aesthetic Pursuit and Poetic Spirit in Yu Jian 's Poems

  28. 本文认为于坚对诗歌语言的开掘与创造深入到了诗歌的内部,诗歌语言与诗歌内容被置于平等的位置,打破了诗必然是意义与语言二分的传统。

    To the creation of poetic language , Yu Jian gets into the inside of it , places the poetic language and content on the equal position , and changes the traditional separation between language and content .

  29. 论文的第三部分归纳出于坚诗歌的几项日常化追求,这是解构后的重建,是作为第三代诗人中领军者的于坚对前辈诗人的一种反拨。

    The third part sums up some daily pursuance , who on so a kind of reconstruction after deconstruction positively construct their own battlefield of poems and songs with the indomitable bravery on the base of the former ruins .

  30. 在当代诗歌不断探求传统与现代观念、现代审美情感衔接,伸张诗歌语言的表达能力方面,于坚的诗歌创作与理论追求无疑给诗歌带来了一个新的维度。

    In these aspects that the modern poetry constantly exploring the relationship between traditional and modern ideas , the relationship between tradition and modern aesthetic emotion , as well as promoting the poetic language expression , his writing and theory has brought a new phase in poetry .