
  1. 中粮集团(Cofco)副总裁于旭波(PatrickYu)警告称,中国可能会鼓励工业玉米用户从海外进口,以减轻食品安全方面的担忧,并帮助缓解国内通胀压力。

    Patrick Yu , vice-president of Cofco , China 's largest crops processor , warns that China 's industrial corn users might be encouraged to source overseas to allay food security fears and help ease domestic inflation .

  2. 于旭波是中国第一大粮油食品企业中粮集团总裁,他表示中粮集团已开始转向南美洲来寻求替代进口来源国。

    Yu Xubo , the president of China 's biggest state-owned agricultural products supplier , COFCO , says his company is turning to South America for alternative sources of imports .