
  1. 木瓜蛋白酶作用于林蛙油蛋白质水解功能特性的研究

    Study on Hydrolyzed Functional Properties of Oviductus Ranae Protein with Papain

  2. 它们依赖躲藏之计来防卫,常常藏身于林下灌丛之中。

    They rely for their defence on concealment , melting away into the undergrowth .

  3. 生境与生态:局限生长于林下的枯枝落叶层上。花、期:8月。

    Habitat and Ecology : On litters under forests . Flowering and fruiting : Aug.

  4. 群落的斑块镶嵌结构源于林隙形成的生境异质性,导致了物种多样性;

    Patches mosaic structure of community is due to gap formation and lead species diversity .

  5. 要成就人生,不必如巨树,木秀于林;

    It is not growing like a tree In bulk doth make man better be ;

  6. 大木秀于林&韩美林艺术研讨会散记

    Great Trees are More Elegant than the Woods & Random Notes on Han Meilin Art Symposium

  7. 生境与生态:多生长于林下、林缘及山坡草地,有时亦见于次生林中。

    Habitat and ecology : on open hillsides , margin of forests and sometimes in secondary forests .

  8. 其次,将该定义运用于林纸一体化企业的环境成本核算,作为资源&环境核算内容的一部分。

    Next , with this definition , for Forest-Paper Integration enterprise , environment cost accounting is a part of REA .

  9. 与紧张的大学生就业状况不同,具有艰苦特色行业的煤炭系统地质工程专业大学生就业则枝秀于林,求大于供。

    University students majoring in geology engineering of coal system are faced with quite a different employment environment from most other students .

  10. 更糟糕的是,下调利率对债务积累和支出失衡的刺激作用,就相当于林下灌木的生长。

    Worse , the encouragement by lower interest rates of debt accumulation and spending imbalances was the equivalent of undergrowth accumulating in the forest .

  11. 人类起源于林缘草地,人类与草地的关系经历了正(肯定)反(否定)合(肯定)的辩证发展。

    Human beings originated from forest edged grassland . The relationship between human and the grassland passed through the dialectical development of the positive negative Integration .

  12. 轮伐期加长有助于生物碳储量的增加,而林产品碳库与此相反,缩短轮伐期有助于林产品碳的积累。

    Extension of rotation contribute to the increase of biomass carbon storage , whereas short rotation is helpful to the carbon accumulation in woody forest products .

  13. 幽禁于林中的火焰幻化成满树花朵。挣脱束缚后,不知羞的火焰在凄冷的灰烬里死去。

    The fire restrained in the tree fashions flowers . Released from bonds , the shameless flame dies in barren ashes . Selden had passed beyond all such conventional observances .

  14. 在这一历史中,岭南的风格独秀于林,而黎雄才和关山月则成为岭南画派的终结者。

    In this history , the Lingnan style single show in the forest , while the Li Xiongcai , and Guan Shanyue became the Lingnan school of painting 's demise .

  15. 欧亚地区高地鸟类区系的贫乏性(仅有75种繁殖于林线之上)受严酷的自然条件和食物资源短缺所决定。

    The paucity of the avifauna of the Eurasian highlands ( only 75 species breed regularly above the timber line ) is determined by severe natural conditions and scarcity of food sources .

  16. 枯落物生长季相对于林内雨的截留率为14.31%~43.15%,平均值为31.15%,相对于林外雨量的截留率为11.15%~32.30%,平均值为24.05%。

    The litter interception rate for the rainfall in forest during growing seasons was 14.31 % ~ 43.15 % , the average value was 31.15 % ; the litter interception rate for rainfall outside forest was 11.15 % ~ 32.30 % , the average value was 24.05 % .