
Trying to shift gears from his major , Yu spent much of his fourth year in college preparing for the entrance exam for a human-resources graduate degree at Renmin University .
' I don 't see any possibility of that for now , 'Yu says .
Failing the exam , he is now looking for a job in sales , which he thinks better suits his personality .
At the job fairs , Yu finally lands an interview for a sales position with a monthly base pay of1,000 yuan .
Liu Kai and Yu Min , from Harbin Institute of Technology 's Weihai campus in Shandong Province , are starting to think that a major in biotechnology wasn 't the way to go .
' My uncle once urged me to choose mechanical engineering or auto engineering as my major , 'Yu said . 'I chose biotechnology out of my interest in biology class in high school .
At the job fairs they do attend , most jobs are either too low-level , sometimes just requiring a high-school diploma , or too advanced , geared for applicants with years of working experience .