
  1. 肺癌病性越偏于寒者,其一般状态越差。

    2 , More cold quantity company more badly situation in Lung cancer .

  2. 适用于寒旱区十要素无人自动气象站的研制

    Development of Automatic Meteorological Station Suitable for Cold and Arid Areas and 10 Element Collecting

  3. 广场作为城市公共空间的重要形式之一,其合理科学的设计有助于寒地城市环境质量的提高。

    As one of the city important public spaces , City Square that has reasonable and scientific design will improve the environmental quality in winter cities .

  4. 辉长岩的SHRIMP锆石UPb定年(494±10(2σ)Ma)表明其形成于晚寒武世早奥陶世。

    The SHRIMP Zircon dating of gabbro ( 494 ± 10 ( 2 σ) Ma ) suggest it is of Late-Cambrian to Early-Ordovician age .

  5. 该构造中的低角度坡坪式逆断层BD4DF、BD4D1F形成于中寒武世-泥盆纪,自古近纪开始又发生活动。

    The low angular step shape thrusts BD4DF 、 BD4D1F were formed during middle Cambrian period to Devonian period and have been activated again since Palaeogene period .

  6. 环斑花岗岩是发育于前寒武纪的一种特殊岩石。

    Rapakivi is a special rock in Precambrian .

  7. 主要赋存于前寒武纪浅变质岩系中,受剪切断裂带控制。

    They are controlled by shear fracture belt of epimetamorphic rock series of Precambrian Period .

  8. 冻伤是当皮肤长时间暴露于极寒环境中而造成的损伤,多发于手、足、耳、鼻等易暴露部位。

    Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long . It mainly happens on the hands , feet , nose and ears .

  9. 第一期北西向褶皱构造为轴向北西的断层转折褶皱,形成于中寒武世&泥盆纪,它们当时都是一些水下隆起,在全区均有分布。

    The first generational northwest folds were fault band folds , formed during Middle Cambrian to Devonian , which were under water uplift , distributed over the whole studied area .

  10. 桂北隆起区锑矿主要为产于前寒武纪浅变质细碎屑岩中的碎裂岩&石英脉型锑矿床,其成因与地下热水渗滤作用有关。

    The antimony deposits in northern Guangxi is clastic rock-quartz vein type deposit mainly occur in Precambrian weakly metamorphosed fine clastic rocks , genetically related with filtration of underground hot water .

  11. 其中,岩体型斜长岩仅赋存于前寒武纪变质地体中,形成时代主要为元古宙(2.1~0.9Ga),代表地球演化史上很重要的构造-热事件。

    Massif-type anorthosite is the most common type of anorthosite and with distinct characteristics . Most massif-type anorthosite bodies are Proterozoic ranging from 2.1 Gato 0.9 Ga in formation ages , representing an important tectono-thermal event in the earth evolution .

  12. 海相沉积型磷块岩矿床主要形成于早寒武世,受南面和西面海水侵入影响最大、侵入距离最近的已知含磷地区可作为磷块岩矿床重点研究靶区;

    The marine sedimentary P deposit mainly formed in Early Cambrian Period , the known P bearing areas , where were effected most by the sea water intrusion from South and West , where the intrusive distance were the shortest can be studied as the important phosphorite deposits areas ;

  13. 广泛种植于温带和寒温带地区,或在凉爽季节种植。

    Beets are grown most extensively in temperate to cool regions or during the cooler seasons .

  14. 这些聚煤盆地中的石炭二叠含煤岩系均平行不整合于下古生界寒武奥陶系以碳酸盐岩为主的沉积地层之上。

    In them , the Permo-Carboniferous coal-bearing series are parallel unconformity to the lower Paleozoic Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary strata , which are dominated by carbonate .

  15. 说明各杂一代羔羊的生长速度均快于小尾寒羊羔羊,平均体重大于小尾寒羊,投入与产出比高于小尾寒羊羔羊1倍以上,经济效益明显提高。

    The growth rate of hybridized offspring was more rapid than pure lambs of small-tailed Han sheep and average weight of every F_1 was bigger than HH and the rate of input and output was above one times and the economic benefit is significantly increased .

  16. 麻粒岩相超高温变质作用(G-UHTM)主要发育于新太古代至寒武纪岩石中;

    Granulite facies ultrahigh temperature metamorphism ( G-UHTM ) is documented in the rock record predominantly from Neoarchean to Cambrian ;

  17. 其成矿物质源于下伏的寒武&奥陶系基底岩层,而中泥盆统特别是大西沟组地层对该矿床只具时控和层控作用。

    Its minerogenic elements are from underlying foundation bed while the strata of middle Devonian series , espically that of Daxigou Group , only have time-bound and strata-bound function to this deposit .

  18. 多脊椎现象是存在于河北小尾寒羊中的有益突变,多数突变都会引起绵羊脊柱的加长和体尺增加,从而显著提高产肉量。

    Multi-vertebra trait is a positive mutation existing in the Hebei Small Tail Han Sheep , most of which can result in lengthening of the spine , which increases the body size and mutton production significantly .

  19. 根据发现于大庸地区早寒武世等深岩、风暴岩的类型、岩性和剖面层序特征,以及它们的时空分布,分析了它们形成的沉积环境及其与构造活动的关系。

    According to type , lithology , stratigraphic sequence on the profile and to the distribution of time and space of contourite and tempestite discovered in Early Cambrian System in Dayong district , we analyze their environment of sedimentation and tectonic activity .

  20. 结论:1.电针与温针均能有效缓解KOA患者临床症状,改善患者生活质量,电针侧重于止痛作用,而温针侧重于散寒作用。

    Both electro-acupuncture and warm-acupuncture can effectively release patients ' clinical symptoms and improve life equality , electro-acupuncture particular emphasis on stopping pain and warm-acupuncture emphasis on dispersing cold . 2 .