
Try to Use the Second Wind with Steam in Boiler UG35 / 39-M
Moreover , oxygen detector is suggested to the system structure , which can control the second wind pump to control the ratio of wind and fuel .
Study of the secondary air shad for reducing no_x of cookers
Preparation Program of Complete set of Main Drive and Secondary Fan for KM Rotary Kiln in AISC
Experimental Study of the Influence of the Secondary Air Modification of a " W " Type Flame Boiler on Combustion
Both to add secondary air and to keep excess air ratio 1.1 can decrease NOx generation .
Increasing ratio of primary air to secondary air , concentration of H2S decreased , and concentration of SO2 increased .
The testing results showed that this burners , through adjusting the baffle openings of inner and outer secondary air , could achieve low Nox combustion .
Fluid simulation software Fluent is used to simulate the air flow fields in the furnace of different pre-arch structures . Secondary air is considered in the simulation .
Simulation of Slagging Prevention Property of the Furnace with Deviated Secondary Air System
Emission of NOx is reduced by 14 % and that of N2O by 24 % if secondary air in staged combustion is increased to 15 % .
Numerical Simulation of Secondary Air Penetration Depth in a 300 MW Single-furnace Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler
Also investigated was the influence on Vr % and C % of such a variety of factors as the bed temperature Tb , oxygen concentration , fluidizing velocity Uo and secondary air feed ratio R2 % .
An industrial experiment were conducted to test the influence of excess air coefficient and secondary air ratio on the carbon content of fly ash of CFB boiler burning Fujian anthracite .
Study on measure system on-line of boiler exhaust gas draft for 200 MW unit
In this paper , with the help of Computer-Aid-Test ( CAT ) reported by the author , we study the three-dimensional cross flow field generated by the primary wind and the second wind which injet at an angle in the unheated furnace .
Under the same secondary air distribution mode SW will increase with a reduction in boiler load . The maximum thermal deviation factor of the reheater will increase with an increase in SW value .
The influence of primary air velocity , excess air coefficient , boiler load , auxiliary air distribution and tertiary air on NO , emission was investigated under both Horizontal Bias Combustion ( HBC ) and Vertical Bias Combustion ( VBC ) .
Installed at Pingwei Power Station . A secondary air swinging nozzle has been installed at the boiler top to reduce the NOx content in boiler flue gases . An analytical study on the effectiveness of such a method was also undertaken .
We also studied the relationship between the N_2O concentration distribution and every layer 's secondary air ratio ( R_ 2i % ) and the temperature distribution in FCZ .
Experiments show that the amount and the distributing of NOx emanation depend intimately on the furnace temperature , the quantity of coal powder , coal category , the temperature of the secondary air , the ratio of primary air and secondary air , excess air factor etc.
When the angle of inner secondary air is 60 °, it could form a recirculation region that radial size and axial length of recirculation region is relatively large , and particle distribution relatively uniform . It helps to improve combustion efficiency and stability and suppress NOx formation .
The influence of biased secondary air in concentrically and tangentially firing system upon the air dynamic field in furnace , slagging , and NOx emission etc. has been studied and approached , the problems needing to pay attention during design of biased secondary air being analysed .
Test results show that coarser sieved particles with a narrow size range , increased excess air ratio and the secondary air rate , enhanced secondary air 's stirring and penetrating capability and increased combustion temperature all help to raise the burn out rate of Fujian anthracite in CFB boilers .
By controlling the area under secondary air to be a reduction zone , the organic amine in the waste liquor turns into NHi , which further reacts with NOx decomposed from HNO 3 to form N 2 , leading to the reduction of NO x emission .
The results showed that the concentration of SO 2 and H 2S flowing the hearth was affected by the operating parameters including the factor of excess air , the granularity of the pulverized coal and the ratio of the primarily air and the second air in the staged combustion .
In situ experimental studies were made on the NOx emission and unburnt carbon loss in a 300 MW lean coal fired boiler , which adopted a new kind of HBC burner with the side secondary air ( HBC-SSA ) and the horizontally offset secondary air nozzles .
By comparing the results of in site experiments with calculation , the rationality of the method to adjust the secondary air distribution mode is proved , and the problem of the operating standard value of boiler parameters also can be solved .
Raise the bed temperature would increase NO emission , but at the same time reduce N2O concentration . In high temperature condition , air-staging combustion is conducive for NO reduction , but there exists an optimized secondary air ratio .
Addition of Biased Secondary Air for Corner arranged Direct flow Burner