
Currently , most of MT data are still collected on 2D profiles . This inversion algorithm of impedance tensor can promote the practical application of 3D MT inversion .
Results Compared with 2D mode , much higher background and noise were observed on the reconstruction images of 3D mode , and the bottoms of the brain structure were not well displayed .
In PIV measurement , 2-D data collection techniques were used to gain vector field of flow around vegetation with different vegetation rigidity under similar flow conditions .
A study of 2 D seismic acquisition methods in overthrust nappe zone in western Yanqi basin
A STUDY ON THE ERROR INDUCED BY TRICHLOROACETIC ACID IN DETERMINATION OF PLASMA ZINC From the uniformity measurements , we obtained a volume variance of 3.6 % for 2D .
The Two-dimensional Barcode Image Acquisition System Based on TCP / IP Technology
Seismic acquisition in the area of Yongli
The results were compared with the results of 2D echocardiography . Angiocardiography and / or post-operative diagnosis was served as " gold standards " . Information collection and using ; information and benefit .
The 2-dimensional bar code collecting system can make sure veracity in the process of collect data and renew data . At the same time , it can resolve problem of renew data at manage medium equipments and support information solid hour renew .
Fully three dimensional cone beam CT is the evolution of the original CT on the three dimensional space , which acquires volume projection data by using two dimensional detectors and reconstructs isotropic low dose volume images by using cone beam reconstruction algorithms .
Problems in Data Acquisition of 2D Seismic Prospecting for a CBM Project