
  1. 在此基础上,以食堂为例应用平衡记分卡构建集团绩效指标体系、各二级机构的KPI指标体系、员工考核KPI指标体系;

    In this foundation , taking the cafeteria as example , the balance scorecard is used to construct the group performance target system , the secondary organization 's KPI target system and the staff 's KPI target system .

  2. 所有的这一切都是第二级机构建设就位的监管需要。

    All things that are regulatory need to be put in place as the second level of institution building .

  3. 针对Z向升降运动二级传动机构的协调控制问题,提出了摆线方程的机构运动切换策略和单神经元自适应PID控制方法。

    The second is Single Neural Adaptive PID Control which is adopted to realize coordinative control of two motors running for elevating motion in direction Z.

  4. 该模具采用潜伏浇口型腔板-推杆二级脱模机构。

    A two-step demoulding mechanism was also introduced .

  5. 二级医疗机构医保转诊病人的病因分析及相关研究

    Pathogeny analysis and its factors of referral of Social Medical Insured patients in secondary hospital

  6. 其中传动机构包括二级减速机构、飞轮储能机构和曲轴传动机构;

    The drive mechanism includes a two-grade reducing mechanism , flywheel energy-storing mechanism and crank drive mechanism ;

  7. 基层医疗机构案件表观信息对称状态优于二级医疗机构;

    The situation of the information symmetry of basic medical institutions was better than the tertiary hospitals .

  8. 消毒隔离基础设施建设:一级医疗机构和二级医疗机构消毒隔离基础设施建设以及宣传工作已经取得一定的成绩。

    Both community hospital and second-tier hospital have scored certain achievements in infrastructure construction and propaganda of sterilization isolation work . 2 .

  9. 目的:通过对二级医疗机构医保转诊病人的病因分析,探讨当前二级医疗机构建设和发展的方向以及建立合理转诊机制的必要性。

    Objectives : To explore the necessity of building rational referral mechanism and the way of secondary hospital development through SHI referral patient pathogeny analysis .

  10. 同时由于采用二级增力机构,解决了一般气压传动夹具因压力较低而导致夹紧力不足的缺点。

    And the same time because of the two-step force-amplifier , lower press result in the smaller clamping force of pneumatic drive system is solved .

  11. 基于伪刚体模型法,运用防拥挤策略的粒子群优化算法对快反镜中的二级放大机构构型进行了优化设计;

    Based on the pseudo-rigid-body-model ( PRBM ) method , the two-stage displacement amplifier is optimized by using the particle swarm algorithm with crowd avoidance strategy .

  12. 保定的新地位对中国中央政府计划迁至该市的智库和二级政府机构来说是个坏消息。该计划的目的是减轻北京的交通拥堵和污染。

    Baoding 's new status is bad news for the think-tanks and secondary government institutions the central government plans to relocate there to reduce congestion and pollution in Beijing .

  13. 详细介绍热流道模具浇注系统结构设计和尺寸计算、热流道板加热功率计算、热流道板线膨胀量计算及在设计时应注意的一些问题,并介绍了一种二级脱模机构。

    The structure design and the calculation of the sizes , heating power , linear swell value of hot runner system were discussed in detail . A two-step demoulding mechanism was also introduced .

  14. 研究结果1.消毒工作的基本配置:(1)制度的建立与落实:目前闵行区一、二级医疗机构已经构建了医院感染管理以及消毒隔离制度体系,并初步完善了相关制度内容。

    The status of basic configuration of disinfection work of the investigated objects : ( 1 ) Both community hospital and second-tier hospital have established hospital nosocomial disinfection management and sterilization isolation system .

  15. 世纪之交部委二级文献信息机构面对的挑战和机遇

    Challenges and Opportunities of Ministerial Libraries at the Turn of the Century

  16. 行政处罚案件多分布在二级以下医疗机构。

    Administrative punishment cases more distribution under secondary medical institutions .

  17. 比较了一级半转机构和二级半转机构的起伏度,建立了月球车机构转杆正向运动学模型。

    A study on the displacement system of lunar rover and its undulation based on semi-turning mechanism ;

  18. 第二级征税的机构是州政府:纽约州,加里福尼亚州,北达科他州或另外的四十七个州。

    The second tax is for the state government : New York , California , North Dakota , or any of the other forty-seven states .

  19. 阐明了一、二级传动转化机构的啮合效率对整机啮合效率的不同影响。

    The respective effect on the mesh efficiency of the whole machine caused by the variation of mesh efficiency of each grade transformed mechanism is well illustrated .

  20. 为保证顺利脱模,模具设计采用了双脱模机构,即定模采用杠杆、推杆顶出机构,动模采用推管二级顶出机构。

    As a result , a mould with double stripper mechanism was needed , that is to say , there were levers and ejector pins on the stationary mould half and ejector pipes on the moving mould half .

  21. 飞剪机二级偏心齿轮匀速机构的运动分析

    Motion Analysis of 2-Stage Eccentric Gear Speed Equalizer for Flying Shear

  22. 塑料注射模组合式二级侧抽芯机构设计

    Design of two stage side core-pulling mechanism in injection mould

  23. 财产保险公司二级及以下分支机构的财务风险及其管控

    Accounting Risk and Management for Branches of Property Insurance Corporation

  24. 二级及以下医疗机构开展药品不良反应监测工作的探讨

    Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in Secondary or Inferior to Secondary Medical Institutions

  25. 二级活塞式弹射机构动态仿真与分析

    Simulation and analysis of two piston eject device

  26. 二级分行内设机构设置刍议

    On Installation of Inside Organization of Second-level Branch

  27. 这是一个通过数个二级学院、研究机构、昆士兰政府和当地企业合作而设立的跨学科合作项目。

    It is a collaborative , interdisciplinary program drawing on expertise from several university faculties , institutes , Queensland government and local industry .

  28. 以创建爱婴医院为切入点,全市36家有产科的二级以上医疗保健机构均通过国家级评估,成为爱婴医院,同时创建爱婴医院活动向乡镇发展,为创建爱婴市奠定了坚实的基础;

    In the course of establishing friendly baby city , about 36 level 2 or higher medical health organs in which there was obstetrical department passed the national level evaluation of friendly baby hospital .

  29. 而二级、三级机构视频图像传输则采用视频图像压缩技术,将视频图像转换成数字信号通过光纤数字传输系统进行图像传送。

    But the second class and x-rated organization video frequency picture deliver to then adopt the video frequency picture compression technique , becoming the video frequency picture conversion the numerical signal deliver the system to carry on the picture transmission through a fiber-optic numeral .

  30. 将一、二、三级医疗机构住院费用的起付线分别定为400元、500元和800元,封顶线定为50000元;补偿比例利用损失分布模型采用分级分段递增式来设计。

    Thirdly , deductible of hospitalization expenses could be $ 400 , $ 500 and $ 800 in grade 1 , grade 2 and grade 3 hospitals respectively , and the maximum could be $ 50000 . Fourthly , subsidy proportions are designed according to loss distribution model .