
  1. 针对石油化工企业污水处理、富氧助燃和PTA氧化等工艺对富氧空气的需求,分析了回收深冷制氮设备所产生富氧空气的可行性。

    To meet the requirements from sewage treatment , oxygen-rich combustion and PTA oxidation in petrochemical enterprises , the feasibility of recovering oxygen-rich air from cryogenic nitrogen-producing device is analyzed .

  2. 本文提出了采用膜法富氧助燃技术提高NGV动力性能的观点。

    The viewpoint of improving power performance of NGV by membrane oxygen enrichment for combustion-supporting is put forward in this paper .

  3. 膜法富氧助燃技术提高加热炉热效率

    Increasing heat efficiency of heater with membrane oxidation combustion-supporting technology

  4. 富氧助燃提高天然气发动机动力性能实验

    Experimental Study on Enhancing Dynamic Performance of NGV Engine by Using Oxygen-rich Air

  5. 富氧助燃技术在石灰窑中的应用

    Application of Technology of Rich Oxygen Applied in Limekiln

  6. 富氧助燃空气预热下铜精炼阳极炉排烟热损失研究

    Study on Smoke Heat Loss of Copper Refining Anode Furnace Preheated by Oxygen Enriched Air

  7. 膜法富氧助燃技术能用于各种燃料和大多数工业锅炉。

    Membrane technology for oxygen-enriched combustion-assistance can be used in multifarious fuels and various industrial boilers .

  8. 贵溪冶炼厂倾动炉精炼在还原过程中燃烧一定量的重油和采用富氧助燃,为节燃降耗寻找到了又一途径。

    There is lots of heavy oil to be consumed and rich oxygen to be used to aid combustion in tilting furnace refined process by restores with oil in Guixi smelter , this is a new way to energy conservation .

  9. 绍了富氧助燃节能和环保效应,对目前制备氧气的几种方法进行了对比分析,并对其经济效益及在工业炉领域的应用前景进行了探讨。

    The paper introduced the energy-saving and environmental protection of the oxygen-rich combustion , it also pointed out some present methods of the oxygen making and analyzed the economical benefits and application foreground of the oxygen-rich combustion in the furnace area .

  10. 膜分离制富氧空气助燃技术在钙镁磷肥生产中运用的可行性

    Feasibility of applying membrane separation technology to produce oxygen-enriched air for combustion aid in FCMP production

  11. 钙镁磷肥生产富氧空气助燃节能可行性分析

    Feasible Analysis of Oxygen-enriched Air Produced During Calcium Magnesium Phosphate Fertilizer Production as Combustion Adjuvant for Energy Conservation

  12. 膜法富氧局部增氧助燃节能技术

    Membrane Process Oxygen-Enriched Local Oxygenation Combustion adding Energy-Saving Technology

  13. 膜法富氧局部增氧助燃技术在冶金工业中得到越来越多的应用。

    The membrane process oxygen-enriched and local oxygenated combustion-supporting technique was found out more and more application in metallurgical industry .

  14. 大量富氧效果最为明显,比较而言,混合喷吹,辅以富氧及加入助燃剂能够显著提高煤粉的燃烧性能。

    Injecting blended pulverized coal combined with oxygen-enriched blast and enhancing wind temperature can notably improve the combustion properties of blast furnace pulverized anthracite injection .