
  • 网络mainstream ideology;the dominant ideology
  1. 当前我国主流意识形态认同问题研究

    Study on the Identity of the Mainstream Ideology in Current China

  2. 主流意识形态下的乡村秩序的构建与消解

    The Construction and Digestion of Countryside Order under the Mainstream Ideology

  3. 加入WTO后,以马克思主义为指导的我国主流意识形态也会遇到不同程度的冲击。

    After joining in WTO , our country 's major ideology with Marxism as guideline will suffer impact to some degree . Part three ?

  4. 本文探讨的主要是中国的DV运动在传播学上的重大意义,个人影像如何打破话语权力,从主流意识形态的垄断中解脱出来,以对边缘群体的关注,传达来自民间的声音。

    What this text probes into is mainly great meaning in dissemination of DV movement of China , how the personal image breaks words power , free out from the monopoly of major ideology , with the concern about the outlying group , transmit and come from the folk sound .

  5. 论20世纪以来西方主流意识形态的演变及其功能

    Transformation and Function of Mainstream Western Ideology since the 20th Century

  6. 论白人主流意识形态在早期经典西部片中的刻写

    On the Inscription of Mainstream White Ideology in Early Classic Westerns

  7. 论社会主义主流意识形态价值强化的路径选择

    On the Choice of the Aggrandizement of Ideology of Socialism Main Stream

  8. 自由主义是当代西方资本主义国家的主流意识形态。

    Liberalism is main ideology in contemporary Western Capitalism nations .

  9. 资本主义主流意识形态在20世纪发生了两次深刻的变革。

    The capitalism mainstream ideology passes through two great transformations .

  10. 历史上广大壮族地区长期受到中国传统主流意识形态的浸润。

    The Zhuangs-inhabited areas were infiltrated by the Chinese traditional mainstream ideology historically .

  11. 对于社会主义中国而言,文化领导权理论对主流意识形态建设具有启示意义。

    As to China , it has signal values to dominant ideological construction .

  12. 中美新闻机构分别代表各自的政府和社会主流意识形态,因此所处立场不同。

    Chinese and American newspapers respectively represent their governments and social mainstream ideologies .

  13. 好莱坞类型电影致力于宣传美国主流意识形态和文化霸权。

    Hollywood genre movies tends to promote the American dominant ideology and cultural hegemony .

  14. 在这种情形下,以市民为接受主体和表现对象的市民小说,屡屡遭受主流意识形态不屑一顾的命运。

    In this case , the main ideology pays no attention to citizen novel .

  15. 二是社会公众对政治体系中统治者所推崇的主流意识形态的承认。

    The other is the public acceptance of the main ideology in the political system .

  16. 主流意识形态文学是国家正统意识形态在文学上的表征。

    The mainstream ideological literature is one literary representation of the State 's orthodox ideology .

  17. 这是法院在法律判决的合法性与妥当性间的无奈妥协,反映了刑事司法主流意识形态的尴尬。

    ( It 's ) a weaken compromise between the conflicts of legitimacy and property .

  18. 论部分大学生主流意识形态淡化的主要原因

    Talk about the Main Reason for Mainstream Ideology 's Desalination of the Partial University Students

  19. 论全球化背景下我国高校主流意识形态建设

    On Mainstream Ideology Construction of Higher Education Institution of Our Country under the Globalization Background

  20. 英国工党主流意识形态形成和变化的原因

    Dominant Ideology of British Labour Party

  21. 深刻的经济社会变革客观上要求国家主流意识形态的进一步丰富和发展。

    Profound economic and social changes objectively require further enrichment and development of national mainstream ideology .

  22. 培育公民意识&谈转型期主流意识形态对社会精神生活的引领

    Cultivation of Citizen Consciousness & On Mainstream Ideology Leading of the Social Spiritual Life during Social Transformation

  23. 有人主张淡化主流意识形态,矛头直指马克思主义在社会主义意识形态中的指导地位。

    Somebody advocate to lessen the main current ideology and make contradiction between Marxism and socialism ideology .

  24. 传统儒家文化作为中国古代社会主流意识形态,是一种男权主义色彩极其浓厚的文化模式。

    The traditional Confucian culture as the dominant ideology in ancient China is a patriarchy-dominated cultural model .

  25. 另一方面,主流意识形态也是指导社会行动的纲领。

    On the other hand , the mainstream ideology is guiding principle of public behavior as well .

  26. 事实上,新闻作为一种再现事实的话语,本质上遵循特定的叙事框架,以此融入主流意识形态。

    In essence , news is the representation discourse of reality , framed by the dominant ideology .

  27. 一方面,时代的主流意识形态总是要求文学作品围绕着时代的权威话语中心运转;

    On one hand , the main-stream ideology of the times forces literature to attach to logo-centralism ;

  28. 新闻语篇的语言形式和语篇结构的选择是由是特定的主流意识形态和社会结构的产物。

    The choices of linguistic forms in news discourses are products of certain ideology and social structure .

  29. 这一文化后果体现为民间文化的退隐以及主流意识形态的独语。

    The cultural consequences reflected in the retreat of folk culture and the independent language of the ideology .

  30. 第一章,主要对知识分子和社会主义主流意识形态进行了基本概述,并且分析了二者之间的关系。

    In chapter 1I mainly define intellectual and ideological relevant theories and analyze the relationship between the two .