
zhǔ ɡuān jīnɡ shen
  • Subjective spirit;subjective consciousness
  1. 这两次功能的完成先后引起科学认识的两次相变,把科学认识发展整体过程划分为与科学发现活动的三个阶段相对应的主观精神、理性实践和客观知识三个位相。

    The fulfilment of the two functions causes twice phase changes to divide the developing appearance of the scientific knowledge into three phases : the subjective consciousness , the rational practice and the objective knowledge , correspondent to the three stages of scientific discovery activities .

  2. 人的自我意识属于主观精神。

    Man ' sself consciousness belongs to subjective spirit .

  3. 人物形象与作者主观精神的外化&从摩西·赫索格透视贝娄对社会与人生的探索

    Character Image and Externalization of Author 's Subjective Spirits

  4. 书法,是具有更强的综合性艺术,是更倾向于表现主观精神的艺术。

    Its many attributes show us that calligraphy is a comprehensive art , expressing the subjective feeling of the writers .

  5. 世界三(信息世界二)&自为、再生信息本身的活动(主观精神的世界);

    World three ( information world two ) - activity of for-itself and reprocess information itself ( world of the subjective spirit );

  6. 伦理关系是人与人之间的一种客观关系。伦理关系的形成有其客观的物质性基础,也有其主观精神条件。

    Ethical relationship is a kind of objective relationship of human beings with objective material foundation and subjective and spiritual basis as well .

  7. 这种精神境界是完全个人的、特殊的、主观精神的,而非普遍的、客观外在的。

    This spiritual plane is totally of a personal , particular and subjective one , not of a universal , extrinsic and objective one .

  8. 鬼作为诗人主观精神的载体,反映的是人世的内容,表现的是诗人的思想感情。

    Ghost , as a carrier of the writer 's spirit , reflects the content of the world and convey the poet 's thoughts and feelings .

  9. 科学精神是人类在漫长而艰巨的科学研究探索过程中逐渐形成并不断发展起来的一种主观精神状态。

    Spirit of science is mankind in the long and arduous process of scientific exploration is gradually formed , and continue up a subjective state of mind .

  10. 他不仅仅是形式化的线条,而是指向内在,由线条的张力、方向和视觉作用唤起的主观精神。

    He was more than formal lines , but rather point to internal , by the line tension , direction , and the subjective visual effect to arouse the spirit .

  11. 其中,犯罪现场重建是对犯罪客观过程的整体构建,犯罪心理画像则可以看做对犯罪行为人主观精神状态及其个体特征的描述和再现。

    The crime scene reconstruction is the holistic construction in the crime objective process , while the crime psychology image is the reappearance of subjective spiritual condition as well as single characteristic .

  12. 其美学思想就是把艺术视为人生解脱的工具,要使人的主观精神从客观桎梏中解放出来。

    His aesthetic ideas are that he regards art as a tool with which to free human life , causing the man 's subjective spirit to be released out of the objective shackles .

  13. 另外陈先生用以解释文学现象的民间在十七年文学中是客观的现实世界,而在九十年代文学中呈现的则是知识分子的主观精神世界。

    Chen use to explain the literature phenomenon , is the objective and realistic world in the seventeen years'literature , however , it is the intellectual 's subjective and spiritual world in the 90'literature .

  14. 精神生产力,作为人们从事精神文化产品的创作、生产的能力,表现的是人与人之间的关系,精神生产改变的是人的主观精神世界。

    As the creative and productive ability with which people are engaged in the spiritual and cultural product , spiritual productivity is the interpersonal relationship . What spirit production changed is the people 's subjective spiritual world .

  15. 在进行具象绘画创作时,大多数新具象画家注重主观精神的表达,还有一些画家则试图不带任何主观地来反映纯粹的客观世界。

    While producing new figurative painting , most of the new figurative painters pay more attention to expressing the subjective spirits , some painters still try to image the " pure " objective world without any subjective factors .

  16. 随着佛教逐渐传入中国,境除了表示主观精神体验之外(抽象之境),又被赋予了非有非无、包罗万象的新内涵(佛论之境)。

    When Buddhism was introduced into China , " Jing " was used to describe the subjective spirit experience ( abstractive ), and it was enriched with a variety of new connotations (" Jing " in Buddhism ) .

  17. 例如,如果我们考察构成心理学研究对象的主观精神,诚然可以说,普通所谓(道德或心灵的)品格,其在逻辑上的意义相当于此处所谓的质。

    If , for example , we consider the subjective mind , which forms the object of psychology , we may describe what is called ( moral and mental ) character , as in logical language identical with Quality .

  18. 不过,在主观精神中,自由还停留在单纯个人的、完全内在的层面,具有现实内容的具体自由出现在客观精神阶段。

    But in the stage of subjective spirit , freedom still only stays in pure individual , in completely intrinsic lay , not until in the period of objective spirit dose the concrete freedom , with practical content , appear .

  19. 许多同志有忽视艺术的倾向,因此应该注意艺术的提高。书法,是具有更强的综合性艺术,是更倾向于表现主观精神的艺术。

    A good number of comrades tend to neglect artistic technique ; it is therefore necessary to give attention to the raising of artistic standards . Its many attributes show us that calligraphy is a comprehensive art , expressing the subjective feeling of the writers .

  20. 明清两代,随着重笔墨和主观精神的表现,理成为形与意的桥梁,为沟通中国画中的物我之意作出独特贡献。

    In the Ming and Qing dynasty , with the emphasis of form itself and expression of the law communicated subjective internal , law became the bridge between shape and inwardness , and made its unique contributions to the communication between an object and man in Chinese paintings .

  21. 从某种意义上说,作为主观精神创造的传统与由客观事实组成的历史一起构成了一个民族的大历史,这种传统观是对历史本质的新认识。

    In a sense , the tradition which was the subjective creation of mental spirit and the history which was made up of by the objective things constituted the history of a nation , this kind of view of tradition was a new understanding of the nature of history .

  22. 试论胡风的主观战斗精神理论

    Discussion on the Theory & the Subjective Fight Spirit by Hu Feng

  23. 以独尊的主观战斗精神为核心的生命哲学;

    Life philosophy taken mono-honored subjective struggle spirit as core ;

  24. 它不单是主观的精神感受,同时包含了对物象进行高度艺术提炼的表现。

    It is not only spiritual feeling , but also an expression to objective .

  25. 主观战斗精神论;

    The theory of subjective combat spirit ;

  26. 但在胡风的主观战斗精神与卢卡契的审美主观性中,主体介入程度以及情感性因素却是各有千秋。

    But there are differences in the degree of the involvement of the subjectivity and the emotional factor .

  27. 胡风的以主观战斗精神为核心范畴的文艺思想有其哲学和美学基础。

    The literature and art thought of HuFeng that based on the core concept of subjective fighting spirit has its philosophical and aesthetic basement .

  28. 胡风的现实主义主张,是以高扬的主观战斗精神向客观现实博击从而达到同客观真实深层次结合为特征的。

    Hu Feng 's realism is characterized by combating objective reality with high subjective combat spirit which combines with the depth of objective truthfulness .

  29. 他的理论批评彰显了胡风的主观战斗精神,所引发的论争强化了七月派的声势和品格。

    His theories and animadversions showed the " subjective combat spirit " of Hu Feng , and a contestation which enhanced the character and the force of July Style .

  30. 他指出主观战斗精神不仅是作家创作的动力之源,也是作家的必备素质,还是作家人格的重要体现。

    He stressed that " subjective fighting spirit " is not only the source of creative power , but also the qualities which writers required . It is also an important manifestation of Personality spiritual strength .