
wén huà shǐ
  • cultural history
  1. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  2. 《深层感知:触摸的文化史》(TheDeepestSense:ACulturalHistoryofTouch)的作者康斯坦斯·克拉森(ConstanceClassen)说,感官知觉既是一种生理行为,也是一种文化。

    Sensory perception , Constance Classen , the author of The Deepest Sense : A Cultural History of Touch , says , is a cultural as well as physical act .

  3. 这一在流行文化史上举足轻重的动画形象是迪士尼的好友兼合伙人乌布·伊沃克斯创造的,但是伊沃克斯却被剥夺了著作权。

    His close friend and collaborator1 Ub Iwerks did , though he was " denied credit " for creating this major piece of pop culture history .

  4. 在《自我的幽灵》(SpectresoftheSelf)一书中,文化史学者沙恩·麦克里斯廷(ShaneMcCorristine)指出这种演变有两个原因。

    In " Spectres of the Self , " the cultural historian Shane McCorristine points to two reasons for this transmutation .

  5. 论中国改革的文化史意义

    On the Significance of the CulturaL history on the Chinese Reform

  6. 《老子》被误解了两千多年,是中国文化史上的一大遗憾,发扬老子道德思想的光辉是时代所需。

    It was a great regret in the Chinese cultural history .

  7. 略论陈炎的审美文化史理论建构

    Briefly on Theoretical Construction of Aesthetical Cultural History by CHEN Yan

  8. 全球视野下的世界文化史编纂

    How Compiling The World 's Cultural History under a Global View

  9. 近年来中国近代社会文化史研究述评

    Summary of Recent Studies in Social and Cultural History of Contemporary China

  10. 武侠文学的文化史意义及外来参照

    The Cultural History Meaning of Dramatic Romances Literature and its Foreign Consulting

  11. 中国近代文化史研究的回顾和思考(1979-1999)

    Some reflections on the research of China s modern cultural history ;

  12. 梅尔清的清初扬州研究,则展示了清代城市的文化史维度。

    Tobie Meyer-Fong studied Yangzhou to display the cultural dimension of Qing city .

  13. 中朝汉籍交流的文化史章

    An interchange of Chinese classic works between Korea and China in cultural history

  14. 世界文化史上的五种科学思维模式

    Five Scientific Thinking Modes in History of World Culture

  15. 从文化史的角度看近代微积分效用的神秘性

    The Mystique of the Modern Calculus Utility in View of the Culture History

  16. 20世纪中国文化史研究之回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on Chinese Culture History in 20th Century

  17. 文化史研究的理论与实践(1900&1949)

    The Theories and Practices on the Research of Cultural History ( 1900-1949 )

  18. 人类文化史上伟大的智者黑塞

    Hermann Hesse : A Great Wise Man in the History of Human Culture

  19. 建筑史是一部文化史和社会史。

    The history of architecture is a cultural history and a social history .

  20. 《中国文化史概要》课程建设纲要

    Course Construction Outline for Chinese Cultural History Outline

  21. 二者在中国文化史上各领千秋。

    But each thought has its own merits in the history of Chinese culture .

  22. 陈寅恪与吴宓是我国现代文化史上的重要人物。

    CHEN Yin-que and WU Mi are significant figures in modern Chinese cultural history .

  23. 关于近代北京文化史研究的几个问题

    The Points of Innovation of Beijing Cultural Research

  24. 由于相互毗邻的关系,两国的政治文化史有着许多交汇之处。

    Living so close , they have had a checkered political and cultural history .

  25. 旱魃是中国文化史上的一位旱神,女性,又名女魃。

    The Goddess of Drought was named Ba in the cultural history of China .

  26. 社会生活:社会文化史研究中的一个重要概念

    Social Life : an Important Concept in the Researches of Social and Cultural History

  27. 西方文化史研究的概念体系及学科性质初探

    On the Concept System and the Disciplinary Nature of Cultural History of the West

  28. 在中国近现代文学史和文化史上,文艺杂志具有十分重要的意义。

    Magazine has played an important role through the history of neoteric and modern literature .

  29. 制度,包括习俗惯制,是文化史研究的重要对象。

    System , customary system included , is a focus of cultural and historic studies .

  30. 四大发明,在人类科学文化史上留下了灿烂的一页。

    Four great inventions in human history , science and culture left a brilliant page .