
zhǔ tǐ sī xiǎnɡ
  • Juche Idea
  1. “简言之,主体思想是指革命和建设的主人是人民群众这一思想。”

    " The Juche idea means , in a few words , that the owner of the revolution and construction are the people 's masses . "

  2. 体现主体思想就是说要坚持革命和建设的主人翁立场,并以自主和创造性方式提高思想觉悟。

    To materialize the Juche Idea means to maintain the position of owner of the revolution and construction and improve it from an independent and creative way .

  3. 针对博士CAD系统中帮助系统的开发进行了理论上的研究,提出了设计在线帮助的一般性的原则,重点探讨了设计过程中的主体思想。

    Describes how to develop the on-line help system for doctor CAD system and brings forward some general principles of designing such a system . It also gives the main idea of the design process .

  4. 这些概念是拉康主体思想中的重要理论支撑点。

    These notions laid the foundation for Lacan 's Subject Theory .

  5. 论孔学的主体思想与秩序和谐理想

    On Confucian thought of subject and ideal of order and harmony

  6. 论阿尔都塞历史无主体思想的局限性

    On the Limitations of Althusser 's Thought of History without a Subject

  7. 老子领导哲学主体思想探析

    Analysis on Laozi 's Subjective Ideology in a Philosophical Leadership

  8. 因此,从某种意义上说,忧患意识是报告文学主体思想情结的核心和本源,这应当被视为报告文学审美生成的关键所在。

    It is the key point of reportage taste .

  9. 马克思社会发展主体思想的当代价值

    Contemporary Value of Marx 's Thought about the Main Body of Social Development

  10. 第二节为探讨《中庸》的主体思想。

    Section 2 is the main ideology of The Doctrine of The Mean .

  11. 我想那才是他们最强烈的动机,其刚烈超过对方的主体思想。

    I think that that is the strongest motivator , stronger than Juche ideology .

  12. 由此,作者基于电子行业的特点,总结出速度营销的概念和主体思想。

    Basing the electronic industry characters , the writer summary the speed-marketing concept and thoughts .

  13. 本章是对本文写作背景、主体思想、观点及结构的总体概括。

    It is a summary of background , thesis statement , and structure of this thesis .

  14. 朝鲜主导意识形态名为主体思想,倡导自力更生做好所有事情。

    North Korea 's ruling ideology , known as Juche , calls for self-reliance in all matters .

  15. 清末民初民商事习惯调查成果对当时立法、司法以及社会风尚、主体思想意识均产生过不同程度的影响。

    Survey results had different effects on the legislation , jurisdiction , social fashion , and . subject ideology .

  16. 阐释女性主义立场论与马克思主义之间的联系、并对立场论的主体思想与立场论的认知方式进行梳理。

    Mainly expatiates the relationship between feminist standpoint and Marxism , and unscrambles the cognitive style of subject thought and feminist standpoint .

  17. 传道者力劝听众行善。克塞诺芬尼哲学主体思想其实质是一种劝人为善的早期伦理学说。

    The preacher exhorted the audience to good deeds . In fact , the principal part of Xenophanes ' philosophy was a early ethics .

  18. 德治的实质是依靠提高社会主体思想道德素质,促进理想的、高度文明的社会状态的实现。

    The aim of the rule of virtue depends upon improving all citizens ideological and ethical standards and making the high civilization society carry out .

  19. 解放主体思想要求人们同传统观念、旧的计划体制实行决裂,它具有反传统的意义。

    The thought of emancipating subject asks people the break with traditional ideas and old planning system , it has its significance which is opposed to tradition .

  20. 马克思早期哲学著作中的宗教批判思想及其价值克塞诺芬尼哲学主体思想其实质是一种劝人为善的早期伦理学说。

    Marx 's Religious Criticism Thought and Its Value in His Early Philosophical Works In fact , the principal part of Xenophanes ' philosophy was a early ethics .

  21. 导游回答说,马克思列宁主义理论认为经济基础决定一切,而主体思想则认为人是一切的主人,人决定一切。

    The guide answers , the theory of Marxism-Leninism thinks that the economic base is determined all , the subject thought thinks that people are all hosts , people decide all .

  22. 总结了全文主体思想,分析归纳了研究结果,阐述了将焊接过程模拟与焊接接头性能有限元分析结合在一起研究的优势,对实际工程应用有一定的参考价值。

    The advantage of integrated study of welding process simulation and welded joint finite element analysis was demonstrated . The results have certain reference value for the application of practical engineering .

  23. 大学时期的马克思受德国古典哲学的影响,形成了自己的主体思想,主要体现在博士论文中。

    When he was in university , he was affected by the German classical philosophy and form his own thought of human subject . It was embodied in his doctoral dissertation paper .

  24. 结合马克思主体思想对人的基本属性的阐述,可以归纳出人的主体性发挥的基本原则。

    Combined the Marxist main body property thought with the statement of man 's basic property , we can induce the basic principles of the exertion of man 's main body property .

  25. 1999年加拿大通过了新的《金融监管框架》,其主体思想就是建立以风险为核心的金融监管。

    The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions ( OSFI ) of Canada established a new Supervisory Framework in 1999 , which focused on supervision of risks inherence inside the financial institutions .

  26. 这一目标的实现既需要政治体制、经济体制、文化体制方面的革新,也需要社会主体思想的革新,即现代意义公民意识的普遍树立。

    Realizing the aim not only needs revolutions in political system , economic system and cultural system , but also needs revolution of citizens ' thought , which means widely forming modem citizenship awareness .

  27. 该文吸收发达国家原有控制规划体系的主体思想,并对其进行了改造,使得新的规划控制体系能够更适合我国城市的特点。

    The kernels of urban vehicular emission control systems from various developed countries are adopted , and essential modifications are conducted to make the new control program system more appropriate and more efficient for vehicular emission control policymaking in major cities of China .

  28. 两人同处政权交替,动荡黑暗的纷乱时代,共同受儒家思想的影响几次出仕,但由于主体思想的不同使得两人在入仕和归隐时的心态有所不同。

    Two people in the interregnum , the turbulent and dark chaos common era , under the influence of Confucianism several outcome , but due to the different main body thought makes people in two into the official and hermit mentality when different .

  29. 活动思想政治教育应以良好的社会环境为依托,将活动体验作为培养和发展主体思想道德素质向社会化发展的重要推动力,使交往成为形成学生全面发展的人格的有效途径。

    Activity of Ideological and Political Education should be based on the excellent social environment , regard activity experience as a major push which improves the quality of morality to socialization , and make communication as the effective way of forming all-round development personality .

  30. 数字技术的发展必然会导致设计师对未来的思考,促进了设计师主体思想的变革,趋向于更深入地思考人与自然、人与环境、人与社会的生态关系。

    The development of digital technology will inevitably lead to designer thoughts on the future , promoting the designer of the main idea of change , tend to think more deeply of man and nature , man and the environment , the ecological relationship between people and society .