
  • 网络kim jong;Kim Jong Il;Kim Jong-Il;Kim Jong iI
  1. 金正日(KimJongIl)一边榨取美国的资金和技术,一边继续提取浓缩铀。

    Kim Jong Il milked the US of cash and expertise while continuing to enrich uranium .

  2. 他27岁左右,是朝鲜领导人金正日(KimJongIl)三个儿子中最小的。

    He is around twenty-seven , the youngest of the three known sons of Kim Jong Il .

  3. 朝鲜媒体称,朝鲜总统金正日特赦两名记者LauraLing和EunaLee。

    Kim Jong Il gave Laura Ling and Euna Lee what North Korean media called a special .

  4. 难道金正日(kimjong-il)真的不明白,改变币值并不会治愈通胀、而只会使之恶化吗?

    Did Kim Jong-il really fail to grasp that redenomination would not cure inflation , but worsen it ?

  5. 国际新焦点由金正日(KimJongIl)时期的朝鲜前宣传负责人创办,此人2004年从朝鲜叛逃。

    News Focus International was founded by a former chief propagandist for Kim Jong Il who escaped the North in 2004 .

  6. 国际危机集团(InternationalCrisisGroup)东北亚地区项目副主管丹尼尔品克斯顿(DanielPinkston)表示:这是给那些紧要人士的一种信号:那些举足轻重的人以及金正日的挑战者。

    It 's a sign to people that matter : major players and challengers to Kim Jong-il , says Daniel Pinkston , north-east Asia deputy project director at International Crisis Group .

  7. 曾亲自执导过数百部影片的电影爱好者金正日(kimjong-il)得到了一个他一直渴望的圆满结局。

    Kim Jong-il , the film buff who directed hundreds of movies himself , got the happy ending he always craved .

  8. 金正日非常钟爱鱼翅羹,据说还从北京定购麦当劳(McDonalds)汉堡。

    Mr Kim has a penchant for shark fin soup and reportedly ordered McDonalds hamburgers from Beijing .

  9. 克林顿在与北韩领导人金正日举行会晤后,促成了美国记者李丽娜(EunaLee)和凌志美(LauraLing)双双获释。

    Clinton obtained the release of American television journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling following his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il .

  10. 它导致了邪恶轴心概念的产生,将萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的伊拉克,神权统治的伊朗以及金正日(KimJong-il)的朝鲜联系起来。

    It led to the idea of an axis of evil connecting Saddam Hussein 's Iraq to theocratic Iran and Kim Jong-il 's North Korea .

  11. 当年金正日在父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年去世之前,有14年时间为接班做准备。

    Kim Jong-il had 14 years to prepare to take over from his father , Kim Il-sung , who died in 1994 .

  12. 美国一名情报官员昨日表示,朝鲜领导人金正日(kimjong-il)在过去两周内可能中风。

    Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader , may have suffered a stroke within the past two weeks , a US intelligence official said yesterday .

  13. 尤其是,亲爱的领袖金正日(KimJong-il)真会打算执行其代表在北京接受的协议吗?

    Above all , does Kim Jong-il , the Dear Leader , really intend to implement the outline agreement that his representatives have accepted in Beijing ?

  14. 金正日在他的父亲、朝鲜开国领导人金日成(Kimil-sung)1994年去世之前,有多得多的时间用来准备接班。

    Kim Jong-il had much more time to prepare before his father Kim Il-sung , North Korea 's founder , died in 1994 .

  15. 在上次党代会上,金正日接受了党内职务,成为其父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)的指定接班人。

    At the last congress , Kim Jong-il received the party titles that anointed him as heir apparent to his father , Kim Il-sung .

  16. 朝鲜上月宣布,根据该国领导人金正日(kimjong-il)的指示,朝鲜将成立一家国家开发银行。

    Last month North Korea announced that it was forming a State Development Bank to encourage foreign investment , on the instructions of its leader , Kim Jong-il .

  17. 韩国股市和韩元周一大幅下跌。朝鲜领导人金正日(KimJong-il)的去世令人担忧这个核武国家出现政治动荡。

    South Korean equities and the won fell sharply on Monday as the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il raised fears of political instability in the nuclear-armed state .

  18. 中国上周暂停了到朝鲜的主要货运服务。此前,中国载有食品援助和可贸易商品的1800节车皮进入了金正日(KimJong-il)的隐士王国,却再也没有回来。

    China suspended key rail freight services into North Korea last week after 1,800 wagons carrying food aid and tradeable goods crossed into Kim Jong-il 's hermit state but were never returned .

  19. 但这位官员警告称,美国认为,朝鲜领导人金正日(kimjong-il)可能试图在实施另一次核爆炸之前,先制造一种长时间的危机感。

    But the official cautioned that the us believed Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader , was likely to attempt to generate a sense of crisis over time before conducting another explosion .

  20. 韩国分析人士猜测,金正日之所以选择第三个儿子作为继承人,是因为他壮硕的体格和堂堂的相貌有些像朝鲜国父金日成(Kimil-sung)。

    South Korean analysts speculate Kim Jong-il favoured his third son as successor as he shares some of the imposing physique and physiognomy of Kim Il-sung founder of the nation .

  21. 在场的部队则向这名年仅20多岁、只是在4个月前其父金正日(KimJong-il)死后才上台的领导人呼喊万岁!

    The troops chanted back long life ! to the leader who is only in his late 20s and came to power four months ago after the death of his father , Kim Jong-il .

  22. 秦刚表示,所有举措都应有利于推动六方会谈进程。六方会谈在2月达成协议,金正日(KimJong-il)政权同意在4月中旬以前,关闭朝鲜的主要核反应堆。

    He said all steps should assist general progress in the six-party talks that produced the February accord , under which Kim Jong-il 's regime agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor by mid-April .

  23. 2009年,金正日(KimJong-il)推行了里程碑式的货币改革,造成了危险的后果,导致许多市场关闭并引发前所未有的民众抗议。

    Kim Jong-eun will be keenly aware that a landmark currency revaluation in 2009 by his father , Kim Jong-il , who died last Saturday , backfired dangerously , sparking market closures and unprecedented dissent .

  24. 在朝鲜的推荐名单上,排名最靠前的是金正日(KimJongIl)的母亲金正淑(KimJongSuk)的雕像,金正淑出生在这个城市,官方媒体对她多有颂扬之词。

    Topping the list of North Korean recommendations will be a statue of Kim Jong Il 's mother , Kim Jong Suk , who was born in the city and features prominently in state propaganda .

  25. 金正日的父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年逝世,而在金日成逝世的10多年前,金正日就已经被列为法定继承人。金正日据信在去年患了中风。

    Kim Jong-il , who it is thought suffered a stroke last year , was styled as heir apparent for more than a decade before his father , Kim Il-sung , died in 1994 .

  26. 朝鲜领导人金正日(KimJong-il)今年两次访问中国东北,参观了亮丽的现代都市。此后,北京方面坚持认为,这一次朝鲜真的是在认真考虑实施中国式的改革。

    After Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader , made two visits this year to shiny , modern cities in north-eastern China , Beijing insists that this time North Korea really is serious about adopting China-style reforms .

  27. 朝鲜金正日(KimJong-il)的去世,使得朝鲜半岛可能发生变故,进而导致难民涌入中国、中朝发生冲突、甚至是朝鲜的垮台。

    And the death of Kim Jong-il in North Korea has created the possibility of change on the peninsula , which could result in refugees flocking into China , conflict with , or even the demise of , North Korea .

  28. 在周日精心安排的选举中,金正日获得100%的支持,毫无意外地重返朝鲜最高人民会议。金正日正在改组政府,以对抗韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)的保守派政府。

    Kim Jong-il , who was unsurprisingly returned to North Korea 's top assembly with 100 per cent support in Sunday 's orchestrated poll , is shuffling officials to counter the conservative administration of Lee Myung-bak , South Korea 's president .

  29. 多年来,朝鲜领导人金正日(KimJong-il)一直严格限制国民接触外部信息,旨在让这个与世隔绝国家的2300万人民相信,他们生活在一个社会主义天堂里。

    But Mr Oh was watching them in North Korea , where Kim Jong-il has for years restricted access to outside information as part of his efforts to convince the reclusive state 's 23m people that they live in a socialist paradise .

  30. 韦德宁表示,奥巴马的班子相信,作出上述判断时机不成熟。他表示,美方把朝鲜的好战言论,放在朝鲜准备为金正日(KimJong-il)安排接班人的大背景中看待。朝鲜领导人金正日去年曾经中风。

    Mr Wilder said the Obama team believed it was premature to make that judgment , saying it saw the bellicosity in the context of preparations for the eventual succession of Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader who suffered a stroke last year .