
  • 网络Korean Central News Agency;the official Korean Central News Agency;KCNA
  1. 朝鲜中央通讯社称,该男子逃往韩国后非法返回朝鲜。

    State news agency KCNA claimed the individual was a runaway who went to South Korea and illegally returned to the North .

  2. 我觉得许多留意《环球时报》专栏的西方人发现了其中流露出来的窃喜,这使他们想起了朝鲜中央通讯社。

    I think many Westerners look to the Global Times op-eds for the same guilty pleasure rush they get from reading North Korea 's KCNA .

  3. 官方媒体朝鲜中央通讯社(简称KCNA)报道称,导弹击中了1500公里外的目标。

    The state-run Korean Central News Agency ( KCNA ) reported that the missiles hit targets 1500 kilometers away .

  4. 在官方的朝鲜中央通讯社(KoreanCentralNewsAgency)刊登的一份声明中,朝鲜外交部发言人表示:既然资金解冻的问题得到解决,那么朝鲜也将开始执行2月13日签署的协议。

    Now that the issue of de-freezing the funds has been settled , the DPRK , too , will start implementing the February 13 agreement , a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement published by the official Korean Central News Agency on Monday .

  5. 金正日对此表示感谢,朝鲜中央通讯社在提到该口信时表示。

    Kim Jong-il expressed thanks for this , KCNA said of the message .

  6. 与此同时,朝鲜中央通讯社当天也发表了简短声明,称金大中总统的特使将访问朝鲜。

    Meanwhile , North Korea Central News Agency also released a short statement about the upcoming visit of a special envoy of President Kim Dae-jung .

  7. 朝鲜中央通讯社称,克林顿与病中的朝鲜领导人及其高级助理在晚宴上进行了“详尽交谈”。

    The news agency described the former president as having an " exhaustive conversation " over dinner with the ailing North Korean leader and his top aides .

  8. 朝鲜中央通讯社平壤报道;金正日告诉俄国官员,他很高兴看到俄国人民的工作成就,感谢他们热烈欢迎金的来访。

    Kim told Russian officials that he was pleased to see the achievements of the Russian people and thanked them for warmly welcoming him , the official Korean Central News Agency reported from Pyongyang .

  9. 法院发言人星期四对朝鲜中央通讯社说,裴埈皓去年11月在罗先市被捕,当时他随身携带反平壤的宣传品。

    A court spokesman told the North 's official Korean Central News Agency on Thursday that Kenneth Bae was arrested in the city of Rason in November while in the possession of anti-Pyongyang literature .

  10. 据朝鲜中央通讯社4日报道,朝鲜邮政部门最近发行一张有关中国上海世博会的小型张邮票,以纪念上海世博会的召开。

    A new stamp has been issued in the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) to mark the opening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo , the official news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday .

  11. 朝鲜官方中央通讯社(koreancentralnewsagency)昨日表示,在美国决定将朝鲜从支持恐怖主义国家的名单中除名以后,朝鲜将重启核反应堆拆除程序。

    North Korea will resume dismantling its nuclear reactor following a US decision to remove it from its list of sponsors of terrorism , the state-run Korean Central News Agency said yesterday .

  12. 朝鲜官方中央通讯社星期三上午报道这一消息后,朝鲜国营电视台的一名主持人高兴地宣布了这一消息。

    The official Korean Central News Agency reported the news early Wednesday and it was later announced triumphantly by an anchor on North Korean state television .

  13. 朝鲜官方媒体中央通讯社(KCNA)表示:韩国傀儡政府仍热衷于背叛的、反统一的对抗活动,并宣布驱逐韩国经理和中断到开城的旅游。开城是朝鲜一个中世纪王朝的首府。

    The South Korean puppets are still hellbent on the treacherous and anti-reunification confrontational racket , Pyongyang 's official KCNA news agency said , announcing the expulsion of South Korean managers and the end of tours to Kaesong , capital , the home of one of Korea 's medieval dynasties .

  14. 朝鲜官方媒体朝鲜中央通讯社报道称,在周六和周日进行的试射,

    The North 's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported the test-firings took place Saturday and Sunday

  15. 朝鲜官方的朝鲜中央通讯社说,如果韩国拒绝公开上一次北京会谈期间讨论的真实内容,它将披露这份录音。

    The North 's official Korean Central News Agency says it will release the recordings if South Korea refuses to reveal what was actually discussed during the meeting last monthBeijing .